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How do we use dotProject to achieve efficient project management goals in a R&D team Tommy Yan HP Open Source and Linux

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Presentation on theme: "How do we use dotProject to achieve efficient project management goals in a R&D team Tommy Yan HP Open Source and Linux"— Presentation transcript:

1 How do we use dotProject to achieve efficient project management goals in a R&D team Tommy Yan ( HP Open Source and Linux

2 2 Project Manager Team Member Share Holder Project Management Challenges (with MS project/spreadsheet) Tons of: Emails Meetings Concall Face-Face Spreadsheets

3 3 What is DotProject An online B/S project management software Software under GPL Hosted under and sourceforge. Apache, MySQL,Php based, almost 0 admin cost. Sourceforge Registered : 2001-02-28 Several hundreds of Downloads/day

4 4 Benefits to PMs Know the progress well, based on task assignees’ input. Reduce unnecessary communications

5 5 Benefits to PMs/shareholders Status Progress: 35.5% Start: 21/03/2007 Finish Planned:13/09/2007 Finish Current: 13/09/2007 - Delivered draft Webserver blueprints to LP team - Completed several CDS/MySQL test cases and part of CDS documents. Achievements Deliver Redhat draft blueprint to LP teamPublish MySQL blueprints  LP team submit Redhat draft pdfs Publish Web blueprints  Deliver SuSE draft blueprint to LP teamPublish CDS blueprints  Deliver Redhat draft blueprint to LP teamPublish J2ee blueprints Upcoming ChkpontDeliverables/status - Software1 delayed to 11/Jun/2007. LP publish date changed from 8/23 - 9/20. - Software2 release deffered. Need to know mgmt decision. - Software3 not released yet. Will get the hot fix on Jun.6th. Need to get released agents no later than Jun. 25th.  - no Software4 plugins for rhel5 yet. Jayanth says it’ll be out about one week. Need to get released bits no later than Jul. 6th.  Changes/Exceptions/Issues Status Task Details % Complet e: 4931% In Progress: 3220% Not Started: 7849% Past Due:43% Provide solid data. (Red parts of the project dashboard are based on the dotProject.)

6 6 Benefits to PMs/shareholders(cont.) Know the Engineer Resource Utilization Know the gap between estimation and reality MayJunJulyAug Person198.33%94.26%99.39%62.78% Person270.04%66.6%79.88%54.02% Person358.76%100%90.04%51.32% Person451.65%100%63.21%60.54% Person5100% 39.41%25.79% Person6100% 71.56%32.42% Person761.41%100%63.67%19.54%

7 7 Benefits to Team members Team members have up-to-date “Todo” list, help your memory No conflict lock Reduce unnecessary communications

8 8 Other benefits Importing a MS-Project xml Tickets Permissions

9 9 Risks Some reports not accurate/not act as expected. Tasks dependency does not work pretty well.

10 10 How was it picked out Get a list of tools. −Google search (Top candidates among several FOSS PM tools.(just google ‘project management tool open source’)) − List the comparison criteria −Ease of use and maintenance −Expense −Functionality of spreadsheet and schedule −Multi users support −Role control Rate and decide

11 Try it out!: The dotProject Demo can be accessed at Questions?

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