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Weather – Climate - Water WMO Information System (WIS) Managing & Moving Weather, Water and Climate Information in the 21st Century José Arimatéa de Sousa Brito Information and Telecommunication Services Division Observing and Information Systems Department World Meteorological Organization
Overview Background information Project plan Objectives and vision Scope of the project Organizational structure Project implementation User requirements (RRR) Technical specifications Governance procedures WIS guidelines (WIS Manual) ET-CTS critical issues Engagement of ET-CTS World Meteorological Organization
World Meteorological Organization
IMPORTANT QUESTIONS What is the WMO Information System (WIS)? Why is it being developed? What services will it provide? What will the NMHS gain from WIS? What is the overall WIS plan? How far has its implementation progressed? What are the major challenges still to be met? World Meteorological Organization
Direction from WMO Congress (2003) Develop: Over-arching approach for solving data management problems for all WMO and related international programmes A single, coordinated global infrastructure, the WMO Information System (WIS) for the collection and sharing of information World Meteorological Organization
World Meteorological Organization
REASONS FOR WIS Various WMO Programmes developing information systems independently Incompatibilities, inefficiencies, duplication of effort and higher overall costs Continued systems development in an uncoordinated manner would: Exacerbate these problems Increase difficulty in sharing information between programmes Further isolate WMO Programmes from each other and from wider environmental community World Meteorological Organization
Current situation: GTS World Meteorological Organization
For WWW GTS provides: Information collection and distribution Real-time push for WWW data & products (and some other programmes data) Information management Standard data formats Implicit metadata & catalogs The interoperability of information systems refers to the ability to share information in distributed computing environments, in particular: - To find and get information, when they are needed, independent of physical location. To understand the discovered information, no matter what platform supports them, whether local or remote. The interoperability of information systems within the WMO Programmes and outside the WMO Community calls for the development and the implementation of standards, based on international standards such as ISO standards. The ISO 191xx series of geographic information standards contain a structured set of standards for information concerning objects or phenomena that are directly or indirectly associated with a location relative to the Earth. These standards specify methods, tools and services for management of geographic information, including the definition, acquisition, analysis, access, presentation, and transfer of such data in digital/electronic form between different users, systems and locations. The ISO 191xx series of geographic information standards provide a solid foundation for the development of the WIS. A CBS team with the participation of experts of other Commissions developed a draft version of WMO Core Profile of the ISO Metadata standard. The team is working on the further use of the ISO 191xx series of standards for the access and use of the data, including the development of operational information catalogues. World Meteorological Organization
GTS and Other WMO Programmes systems World Meteorological Organization
Current situation: GTS and Other WMO Programmes systems Information exchange Multiplicity of procedures Real-time and non-real-time Very limited pull Information management Multiplicity of data formats Uncoordinated/lack of metadata & catalogs No discovery The interoperability of information systems refers to the ability to share information in distributed computing environments, in particular: - To find and get information, when they are needed, independent of physical location. To understand the discovered information, no matter what platform supports them, whether local or remote. The interoperability of information systems within the WMO Programmes and outside the WMO Community calls for the development and the implementation of standards, based on international standards such as ISO standards. The ISO 191xx series of geographic information standards contain a structured set of standards for information concerning objects or phenomena that are directly or indirectly associated with a location relative to the Earth. These standards specify methods, tools and services for management of geographic information, including the definition, acquisition, analysis, access, presentation, and transfer of such data in digital/electronic form between different users, systems and locations. The ISO 191xx series of geographic information standards provide a solid foundation for the development of the WIS. A CBS team with the participation of experts of other Commissions developed a draft version of WMO Core Profile of the ISO Metadata standard. The team is working on the further use of the ISO 191xx series of standards for the access and use of the data, including the development of operational information catalogues. World Meteorological Organization
Current situation: GTS
World Meteorological Centres WWW GTS Regional/Specialized Meteorological Centres National Meteorological Centres Meteorological and R&D Satellite Operator Centres interconnects World Meteorological Organization
World Meteorological Organization
WIS Vision Integrated approach for all WMO Programmes Routine collection and dissemination of time-critical and operation-critical data and products: Real-time “push” through dedicated telecommunication Data Discovery, Access and Retrieval service: “Pull” through the Internet (HTTP, FTP,…) Timely delivery of data and products: Delayed mode “push” through dedicated telecommunication means and public data networks, especially the Internet Unified procedures More efficient data exchange Coordinated and standardized metadata Interoperability between programmes Improved data management ISO 191xxx series for geographic information World Meteorological Organization
WIS brings new features and opportunities
Common information exchange standards, functions and services for all WMO programmes Inter-disciplinary discovery, retrieval and exchange of information in real-time and non-real time Inter-operability through on-line catalogues using metadata based on ISO (geographic information standard) Industry standards and off-the-shelf hardware and software systems to ensure cost-effectiveness and compatibility World Meteorological Organization
World Meteorological Organization
Structure of WIS Functional centres interconnected by data communication networks: National Centres (NC) Links national data providers and users to regional and global data exchange nodes, and administrates access to WIS Data Collection and Production Centres (DCPC) Provides for regional and international exchange of WMO programmes’ data and products Supports data and information push and pull Global Information System Centres (GISC) Provides for global exchange of data and products Collects and provides metadata for all data and products Supports data and information discovery and pull WIS concerns only information exchange and data management functions World Meteorological Organization
Satellite Two-Way Systems Satellite Dissemination
WIS World Radiation Centre Regional Instrument Centres International Organizations (IAEA, CTBTO, UNEP, FAO.. ) GAW World Data Centres GCOS Data Centres Global Run-off Data Centre Global Precip. Climatology Centre On-demand “pull” IRI, Hadley Centre, and other climate research centres; Universities; Regional Climate Centres (CIIFEN, etc.) DCPC NC/ DCPC NC NC/ GISC Managed, Regional and Internet Communication Networks Satellite Two-Way Systems Satellite Dissemination (IGDDS, RETIM, etc) Commercial Service Providers WMO World Data Centres International Projects (e.g. GMES HALO) With its use of an improved GTS, WIS removes the barriers between the traditional GTS (and its users, such as the NMCs of the NMHSs), and other WMO Programmes (and their users, such as programme centres) and will facilitate the inter-disciplinary exchange of and access to data and products. Common procedures for both real and non-real time data and standardization of data formats and metadata will enhance information discovery and exchange . NMCs act as national network coordinator for connection and access rights to WIS for the “other” NC and DCPCs within their country (although the physical connection may be direct to a service provider). WIS will provide the solution for the information exchange needs of NMHSs, relevant non-NMHS agencies/User, commercial providers, research facilities, and international programme centres. It will offer (“push” and “pull”) automated collection and dissemination of information (e.g., observations and forecast products); timely delivery of data and products (appropriate to requirements); and ad-hoc information discovery/access/retrieval services. WIS will enhance the visibility and importance of the NMHS in the country. The NMHS will gain timely and cost-effective access to information, in particular new data and products, which will enhance its own operations. The NMC will also be able NMC to provide to other national agencies/users dealing in disaster mitigation, agriculture, energy and water management, and so forth, critical data that were, so far, not available to them. The NMC would “push” to them routine information, e.g., warnings, advisories, selected measurements, etc., and help discover, select and channel relevant information to the users, either ad hoc, in the “pulling” mode, or in reply to a non-real-time request. The WIS will be based on an improved GTS and integrate satellite two-way systems, alternative dissemination services provided by environmental satellites and the coordinated and free use of the Internet. The WIS architecture, functions and services will provide the solution for the information exchange needs of NMHSs, and other national centres (NCs), such as relevant non-NMHS agencies/users, national disaster management platforms, research facilities, and international programme centres. WIS will offer: Routine collection and automated dissemination of operation-critical data (e.g., meteorological, climatological, environmental and hydrological observations, forecasts, and warnings), (“GTS function”); Timely delivery of high-volume data and processed products (“push”); Ad-hoc discovery/access/retrieval services for operation-critical data and value-added information (“pull”) Discovery, access, and retrieval services for all data stored by every WMO programme regardless of location; Common procedures for real and non-real time data exchange and standardized data formats and metadata. internet Real-time “push” World Meteorological Organization
World Meteorological Organization
WIS DATA-COMMUNICATIONS IMPLEMENTATION (for weather, water, climate and related data and products) DAR Essentially through the Internet (HTTP, FTP, VPN…) Data pull Data push Essentially through telecom. with guaranteed quality of service, e.g. leased circuits, dedicated data com network services, sat.-based systems, .. WIS Essentially through satellite based data distribution systems, e.g. DVB-S IGDDS GTS WIS/GTS: for time and operation-critical data & products WIS/IGDDS: for space-based data & products WIS/DAR: data discovery, access and retrieval Data push: routine distribution of data & products Data pull: access to and retrieval of data & products World Meteorological Organization
World Meteorological Organization
Questionnaire Responses, Meeting Reports, interviews, etc Requirements Assessment Phase Assessment of Requirements (WIS Project Office – interim measure) User Reqmts Doc, WIGOS Obs db + TBD db Review of Requirements (New ET on User Requirements - to be formed) RRR Phase Consolidated and Endorsed User Requirements Determine Optimal Way to Meet User Requirements WG-PIW | ET-OI | ET-CTS Consolidation of Views (New ET on User Requirements) Process for Establishing, Maintaining and Implementing User Requirements Ad Hoc Requests for WIS Services WIS DCPC and GISC Nominations Implementation of Services Addressing User Requirements Member States (CIO) Designation of GISCs and DCPCs EC, TCs, RAs, Member States Decisions on Implementation of formal and Ad Hoc Requests Decisions on WIS Components World Meteorological Organization
World Meteorological Organization
WIS, a key issue: interoperability Interoperability enables the discovery, the retrieval and the usage of the data It needs the development and the implementation of relevant Metadata standards Development of a WMO Metadata Profile of the ISO 191xx series for geographic information Step 1: development of the WMO Metadata Core Profile of ISO for data discovery Step 2: Use of the ISO 191xx series for the access and use of the data The interoperability of information systems refers to the ability to share information in distributed computing environments, in particular: - To find and get information, when they are needed, independent of physical location. To understand the discovered information, no matter what platform supports them, whether local or remote. The interoperability of information systems within the WMO Programmes and outside the WMO Community calls for the development and the implementation of standards, based on international standards such as ISO standards. The ISO 191xx series of geographic information standards contain a structured set of standards for information concerning objects or phenomena that are directly or indirectly associated with a location relative to the Earth. These standards specify methods, tools and services for management of geographic information, including the definition, acquisition, analysis, access, presentation, and transfer of such data in digital/electronic form between different users, systems and locations. The ISO 191xx series of geographic information standards provide a solid foundation for the development of the WIS. A CBS team with the participation of experts of other Commissions developed a draft version of WMO Core Profile of the ISO Metadata standard. The team is working on the further use of the ISO 191xx series of standards for the access and use of the data, including the development of operational information catalogues. World Meteorological Organization
European Virtual GISC Project
World Meteorological Organization
World Meteorological Organization
Major Components and Services of WIS: Interoperability and WIS Networking Data and Product Users National Centres (NCs) Global Information System Centres (GISCs) Data Collection or Production Centres (DCPCs) SOA - Focus is on the interfaces World Meteorological Organization
World Meteorological Organization
World Meteorological Organization
Integration Definition for Function Modelling (IDEF0) Function Input Output Control source data which is transformed by the Function the result of the transformation carried out by the Function identifies the resources/facilities that are used by the Function (e.g. humans, computers...) defines how the Function carries out the transformation Mechanism Functions transform the Inputs into Outputs in accordance with the Controls and making use of the Mechanisms World Meteorological Organization
World Meteorological Organization
World Meteorological Organization
Interface Technical Specification Identifier Interface Technical Specification Name Required for: NC DCPC GISC WIS-TechSpec-1 Uploading of Metadata for Data and Products WIS-TechSpec-2 Uploading of Data and Products WIS-TechSpec-3 Centralization of Globally Distributed Data WIS-TechSpec-4 Maintenance of User Identification and Role Information WIS-TechSpec-5 Consolidated View of Distributed Identification and Role Information WIS-TechSpec-6 Authentication of a User WIS-TechSpec-7 Authorization of a User Role WIS-TechSpec-8 DAR Catalogue Search and Retrieval WIS-TechSpec-9 Consolidated View of Distributed DAR Metadata Catalogues WIS-TechSpec-10 Downloading Files via Dedicated Networks WIS-TechSpec-11 Downloading Files via Non-dedicated Networks WIS-TechSpec-12 Downloading Files via Other Methods WIS-TechSpec-13 Maintenance of Dissemination Metadata WIS-TechSpec-14 Consolidated View of Distributed Dissemination Metadata Catalogues WIS-TechSpec-15 Reporting of Quality of Service Interface Tech Specs World Meteorological Organization
WIS Tech Spec 8 – DAR Catalogue search & retrieval
Applicable Standards ISO Information Search and Retrieval Protocol [ISO-23950] including GEO Profile and SRU (Search and Retrieve via URL) Profile WMO Core Profile of the ISO Metadata Standard [IPET-MI(07)] Communication Types client-server; request-response Service Level Required non-dedicated shared network Network Transports and Supporting Services public or private Internet using TCP/IP which may include encryption; typically HTTP with GET or POST methods, and may include SOAP Performance Metrics Response Time Search Request Rate Concurrency maximum: 2 seconds per request minimum: 40 keyword and bounding box searches per second minimum: 20 active sessions WIS Data Flow Diagram -Process, Input, Output WIS Technical Specification Appendix A, Diagram 2, Process A3: Maintain and Expose Catalogue of Services and Information Input: Information Search Request Output: Information Search Result Applicable Use Cases WIS Technical Specification Appendix B, Use Case: B.6, Discover Data or Products World Meteorological Organization
WIS Tech Spec 8 – DAR Catalogue search & retrieval
WIS Requirements (in addition to requirements applicable to all interfaces) provide metadata catalogue across all GISCs of data, products, and services; assure catalogue interoperability using ISO search and geospatial services; catalogue WIS contributions in GEOSS Clearinghouse; use ISO and the WMO core metadata profile; standardize practices for electronic archival of metadata; provide metadata with quality indications to enable search, retrieval, and archiving; make WMO Resolution 40 data available through GEOSS interoperable arrangements; use ISO standards for references to specific places on the Earth; harmonize data formats, transmission, archiving and distribution across disciplines; draw on existing Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) components as institutional and technical precedents; [each DCPC] supports access to data and products via Internet request/reply; [each DCPC] implements backup and recovery of essential services; [each GISC] provides coordination and mutual backup with other GISCs; use public Internet for Data Discovery, Access and Retrieva; support rapid access and integration of real-time and non real-time (archive) data sets; identify and use a variety of data types across WMO programmes; support WIS as a GEOSS component with a core role WIS Technical Specification Appendix C Requirements: C.2.01, C.1.08, C.5.08, C.5.09, C.5.11, C.5.19, C.1.24, C.3.06, C.5.21, C.1.12, C.5.06, C.5.10, C.5.03, C.5.04, C.5.20, C.1.11, C.5.05, C.5.17, C.5.07, C.3.05, C.3.07, C.2.05, C.1.15, C.1.19, C.1.20, C.1.21, C.1.18b, C.1.09, C.1.10, C.1.18a, C.5.01, C.5.02 Notes The procedures for designation of a GISC or DCPC require that both type of WIS centre maintain data, product and service catalogues in the WMO-agreed standard format and facilitate access to these catalogues. Therefore, network services should be treated as a type of WIS product that can be discovered through the DAR catalogue. World Meteorological Organization
World Meteorological Organization
WIS-TechSpec-4, Maintenance of User Identification and Role Information Applicable Standards standards for content and communications are TBD by host of identification and role information database Communication Types terminal-host; store-and-forward or file transfer (e.g., FTP, HTTP) client-server; request-response (e.g., HTTP with CGI Web form) Service Level Required non-dedicated shared network may be used, provided there is privacy protection for identified individuals as required by national laws Network Transports and Supporting Services public or private Internet using TCP/IP with encryption; typically HTTP with GET or POST methods, and may include SOAP Performance Metrics identification and role information the timeliness of changes to user identification and role information is application-specific and subject to NC or DCPC procedures WIS Data Flow Diagrams WIS Technical Specification Appendix A, Diagram 2, Process A2: Assign User Role Inputs: User Requests Outputs: User Requests with Assigned Role WIS Technical Specification Appendix A, Diagram 2, Process A4: Authorise Access to Information by Users Inputs: Requests for Information Outputs: Information Access Authorizations Use Cases WIS Technical Specification Appendix B Use Cases: B.5, Maintain Identification and Role Information for WIS Users WIS Requirements (in addition to requirements applicable to all interfaces) use ISO standards for references to specific places on the Earth; harmonize data formats, transmission, archiving and distribution across disciplines; [each NC] authorizes its national users to access WIS; [each DCPC] supports access to data and products via Internet request/reply; [each DCPC] implements backup and recovery of essential services; use dedicated telecommunications and public Internet for timely delivery; identify and use a variety of data types across WMO programmes WIS Technical Specification Appendix C Requirements: C.5.20, C.1.11, C.5.05, C.5.17, C.4.05, C.3.05, C.3.07, C.1.14, C.1.19, C.1.20, C.1.21, C.1.10, C.1.18a Notes For updating the identification and role information concerning candidate or current users of WIS, WIS Centres should support two kinds of maintenance facilities: a file upload facility for "batch" updating (add, replace, or delete identification and role records treated as separate files); and an online form for changing individual identification and role entries (add, change, or delete of elements in a record as well as whole records). World Meteorological Organization
World Meteorological Organization
Use Case B.5, Maintain Identification and Role Information for WIS Users Use Case Goal Internal and external users of WIS are able to be identified as needed for their authentication, and their role information is maintained as needed for their authorizations to perform specific functions Actors Users of WIS (internal and external) Administrators of authentication and authorization at WIS Centres Pre-Conditions (1) Administrators have agreed authentication policies delineating the credentials required to establish identity of a WIS user (2) Administrators have agreed authorization policies delineating which roles are authorized to perform each WIS action (3) Administrators have mechanisms to create and maintain identification information needed for authentication of users of WIS (4) Administrators have mechanisms to create and maintain role information needed for authorization of authenticated users of WIS Post-Conditions WIS Centres collectively have the ability to authenticate each user of WIS and authorize him to perform all of the functions appropriate to his role, and only those functions appropriate to his role Normal Flow Identification and role information about candidate or current users of WIS are to be recorded through facilities controlled by WIS Centres. Typically, two kinds of facilities should be supported. One is a file upload facility for "batch" updating (add, replace, or delete the identification and role records as separate files). The other is an online form for changing identification and role records (add, change, or delete elements in a record as well as whole records). Administrators of authentication and authorization at WIS Centres share the updated identification and role information as a resource available as needed across WIS Centres. Notes and Issues At this point in WIS system design, mechanisms have not been decided for handling identification and role information as needed across WIS centres. Last Updated 30 Oct 2007 Last Updated By Eliot Christian World Meteorological Organization
World Meteorological Organization
WIS SERVICES WIS provide three types of services to meet the different requirements: (1) Routine collection and dissemination service for time-critical and operation-critical data and products: Based on real-time “push” mechanism (incl. Multicast); implemented essentially through dedicated telecommunication means with guaranteed quality of service, e.g. leased circuits, dedicated data communication network services and satellite-based data-distribution systems; (2) Data Discovery, Access and Retrieval service: Based on request/reply “pull” mechanism with relevant data management functions; implemented essentially through the Internet (HTTP, FTP,…); (3) Timely delivery service for data and products: Based on delayed mode “push” mechanism; implemented through a combination of dedicated telecommunication means and of public data networks, especially the Internet. World Meteorological Organization
World Meteorological Organization
Key Future Milestones Consolidate plans on development, governance and implementation of WIS: Develop WIS regulatory documentation and guidance material for implementation, including specifications for the GISC interfaces and a unified user interface: Develop scheme and practices for security, authentication and authorization procedures for WIS services : Implementation of first operational GISC: 2008 Implementation of other operational GISCs: Implementation of DCPCs, i.e. WIS interfaces at WMO programmes’ centres: World Meteorological Organization
World Meteorological Organization
WIS Project Gantt Chart World Meteorological Organization
World Meteorological Organization
CRITICAL ISSUES FOR WIS Data exchange/synchronization between GISCs Metadata Exchange/synchronization GISC performance standards, monitoring, storage Two (2) minutes for warning distribution Ten (10) minutes for other info Holding 24 hours of information Manual on WIS, equivalent of Manual on the GTS. Defining steps to be taken to evolve the GTS towards WIS World Meteorological Organization
World Meteorological Organization
EVOLUTION OF THE GTS TOWARDS WIS GENERAL PRINCIPLES WIS has to perform better than the current GTS in any stage Use of technology available now Take into account current changes in Regional Networks WIS to be cost-effective in the long run World Meteorological Organization
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