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Regional Air Quality Discussions : ECWMF, MF, U Koeln, LISA, LA, CNR/ISAC, DMI, NHRF ; DLR, MPI-Hambourg joined ; DNMI/EMEP,

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Presentation on theme: "Regional Air Quality Discussions : ECWMF, MF, U Koeln, LISA, LA, CNR/ISAC, DMI, NHRF ; DLR, MPI-Hambourg joined ; DNMI/EMEP,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional Air Quality Discussions : ECWMF, MF, U Koeln, LISA, LA, CNR/ISAC, DMI, NHRF ; DLR, MPI-Hambourg joined ; DNMI/EMEP, KMI/IRM and FMI in «aerosols ». Overall agreement on the sub-project structure (1 : boundaries ; 2 : observations ; 3 : NRT operations and forecasts ; 4 : a posteriori simulation within reanalyses) ; main questions raised yesterday have been discussed.

2 General points Emissions : are crucial but are on the edge on GEMS. We need some external quality check / evaluation of the inventories (anthropogenic) and biogenic emissions. Contact RIVM and/or IER/Stuttgart. A set of models will be running at ECMWF or locally (depending upon specific situations, national ressources,…). A common geographical window covering most of Europe will be used. Standard input (from ECWMF and Global chemical and aerosol models ; limited number of tracers) and output (3D fields for post-treatment or archiving ; outputs at specific locations,..) A central web-site is needed as a working tool (discuss with ECMWF), but partners can also use their forecasts for national users, etc…

3 General points - 2 Individual partners will make a link with national AQ monitoring agencies on behalf of GEMS partners ; a MOU must be written and agreed. We plan to have letters of endorsement by some of these agencies to strengthen the proposal. The unvalidated NRT data should be concentrated at ECMWF, formatted and distributed only within the project. Each partner will look at all the models and concentrate on his country first or set of data (MOZAIC profiles,…) ; feedback to the partners and to the agencies. The availablity of independent data (campaigns,…) will drive the minimum period of time covered with RAQ simulations within the 1998-2006 re-analysis period. Hopefully, some models will run the whole period and assimilate additional data.

4 General points - 3 We started to think briefly on the possible organisation of operations : global ; (regional data assimilation) ; regional forecats (afternoon?). The proposed range is J+3 to J+5 ; the quality of meteorological deterministic forecast (timing,…) is crucial. An output of the project is to build daily scoring/evaluation of forecats. Links also with ensemble modelling and model errors estimation. This is an important point with regards to possible remarks on redundancy. Actions : draft outline (VHP 16/01)

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