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Check-in Procedures Library Aide Training Module 1 Tobin Library.

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1 Check-in Procedures Library Aide Training Module 1 Tobin Library

2 Importance of Check-in Checking in items removes them from the patron’s records & locks the RFID security tag Mistakes made during check-in can result in patron complaints, items incorrectly left on patron records, and materials on the shelf that are not secure

3 Millennium The software used by SAPL to maintain all patron and item records is Innovative Millennium, known as Millennium to employees Each employee will be given an individual and secure login for Millennium. You should never use another employee’s login.

4 Tools for Check-in 3M manufactures the RFID and other equipment used at SAPL, including ◦RFID pads ◦Barcode scanners ◦Receipt printers ◦Self-check machines

5 RFID Tags 3M RFID tags are placed on every item purchased by SAPL in sticker format

6 Check-in Procedures 1. Log in to Millennium 2. Click on the CHECK IN tab on the left 3. Place one item flat on the RFID pad 4. Leave the item on the pad until the title appears in black. 5. Print any slips that appear on the screen. 6. Remove the item and place 1.In a crate if a slip was generated 2.Or on a bookcart 7. Repeat steps 3-5 with the remaining items

7 Possible Issues & Solutions Item record not found  Place item on Holding Editor shelf for evaluation Title remains orange, does not turn black  This indicates the RFID security tag is not locked  Place item on Holding Editor shelf for evaluation RFID tags that do not work  Scan the barcode using the barcode scanner to check in the item  Place item on the Holding Editor shelf for RFID repair

8 Observation & Evaluation Now you will be scheduled to shadow an experienced library employee as they check-in materials Finally, you will check in one cart of materials for evaluation by your trainer.

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