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Types of computers Done by Habibalrahman Hassan-7B3.

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1 Types of computers Done by Habibalrahman Hassan-7B3

2 Notebook Computer A notebook computer is a computer that combines the case, monitor, keyboard, and mouse in one unit. It is also called a laptop or a portable. Notebooks are light- usually only four to six pounds – and so you can easily take them out of your office or home. Most notebooks are just as powerful as desktop system.


4 Netbook Computer A netbook is a scaled-down version of a notebook computer. The netbook is physically smaller and typically weighs around two pounds, making it very portable. It stores less data than a notebook. Most people who use a netbook as second computer want only to surf the internet and collect e-mail when they travel and perhaps take notes at a meeting.


6 Handheld PC A handheld PC is a very small computer – usually weighing less than a pound – that gets its name because you can hold it comfortably in your hand or carry it in a jacket pocket. In the 1990s, you could buy a handheld device called a personal digital assistant (PDA); the most popular one was the Palm Pilot. Today, the functions of the PDA have been incorporated in smart phones like the blackberry. Using these devices, you can store your schedule, track mileage, surf the internet, and check e-mail, among other things.


8 Desktop Computer The desktop system is still available nut not as common as the tower computer. The desktop system also comes with a separate computer case, keyboard and mouse and an optional monitor. In the desktop system, the computer case lies flat on the desk with the monitor sitting on top.


10 Tower computer Also called a minitower, this type of computer system is, by far, the most common type of computer. This type of computer typically comes with a computer case, keyboard, and mouse, and many vendors bundle a monitor with the system or permit you to buy the monitor separately. The computer case of a tower system as a vertical box.


12 Tablet PC A tablet PC is a wireless, portable personal computer with a touch screen interface. The tablet for factor is typically smaller than a notebook computer but larger than a Smartphone. The most common type of tablet is the slate style, like Apple's I pad or Microsoft's surface. They have electronics integrated into the touch screen unit and lack a hardware keyboard. However, external keyboards are available for slate-style tablets.


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