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{ ELECTRICITY!!!!!! Its Properties, Types of Electrical Circuits and Safety Precautions for Everyday Life Its Properties, Types of Electrical Circuits.

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Presentation on theme: "{ ELECTRICITY!!!!!! Its Properties, Types of Electrical Circuits and Safety Precautions for Everyday Life Its Properties, Types of Electrical Circuits."— Presentation transcript:

1 { ELECTRICITY!!!!!! Its Properties, Types of Electrical Circuits and Safety Precautions for Everyday Life Its Properties, Types of Electrical Circuits and Safety Precautions for Everyday Life Designed for Grade 4 By Krystal B., Zinu G., and Matthew D.

2  Process Standards:  Connection, Problem Solving, Reasoning and Proof  Content Standards  Data Analysis and Evaluation NCTM Math Skills

3  Creativity and Innovation  Communication and Collaboration  Research and information fluency  Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making ISTE Standards

4  Communicating  Comparing and Contrasting  Creating Models  Identifying Variables  Inferring  Interpreting Data  Observing NYC Science Scope and Sequence

5 Lesson 1: Lesson 1:  Knowledge, Comprehension, Analysis Lesson 2: Knowledge, Application Lesson 3: Evaluation, Comprehension, Synthesis Bloom’s Taxonomy

6  Lesson 1 introduces electricity to the 4 th grade student. The properties of electricity are introduced as well.  Behavioral Objectives:  To define and understand terms related to the study of electricity  To compare/contrast key concepts utilizing a graphic organizer and conducting bar graph based on results  To apply new knowledge to upcoming projects Lesson 1: How Does Electricity Work?

7  The students will read an article from the webpage “What is Electricity” on the smart board. The focus will be on vocabulary  Balloon Experiment  The purpose of the balloon experiment is for students to achieve a better understanding of the flow of electrons; negative and positive charges; attracting and repelling  Assessment will be a quiz Lesson 1 Continued

8  Conductors and Insulators  Students will learn the difference between conductors and insulators.  We will watch a YouTube video that discusses and differentiates conductors and insulators with various examples of the two Lesson 1-Day 2

9  Lesson 2 recalls the properties of electricity and types of insulators and conductors as taught in the first lesson. Lesson 2 furthers this discussion by introducing different types of electrical circuits.  Behavioral Objectives:  To Identify closed circuits, open circuits, and series circuits and label its parts  To observe and describe the transfer of energy in electrcial circuits  To demonstrate their knowledge of electrical circuits by constructing and diagramming electrical circuits Lesson 2: “It’s Electric” Types of Electrical Circuits

10  Tools Used:  Nursery Rhyme Hand Game “Quack Ditty- O-So” to demonstrate the importance of a “closed circle” in order for the handclaps within the game to flow  Children’s Book: “The Magic School Bus and the Electric Field Trip” : To further explain electric circuits and energy transfer  Website: We will complete an additional lesson as a class and complete an accompanying worksheet that discusses the various parts of an electric circuit Lesson 2 Continued

11 4321 Identifying Types of Electrical Circuits Student is able to identify and define all types of electrical circuits given Student is able to identify and define most of the types of electrical circuits given Student is unable to identify and define the types of electrical circuits given Parts of a Circuit (Worksheet #1) Student is able to correctly label all of the parts of a circuit Student is able to correctly label most of the parts of a circuit Student is able to correctly label some of the parts of a circuit Student is unable to correctly label the parts of a circuit Constructing Types of Electrical Circuits (Worksheet #2) Student is able to construct and label diagrams of all of the types of electrical circuits given Student is able to construct and label diagrams of most of the types of electrical circuits given Student is able to construct and label diagrams of some of the types of electrical circuits given Student is not able to construct and label diagrams of the types of electrical circuits given Assessment Rubric Student NameDate:

12  Lesson 3 introduces various ways a student can protect him or herself while conducting experiments using electricity or using electricity in everyday life  Behavioral Objectives:  To collaborate as a group  To discuss ways electricity help or harm people  To use information learned about electrical properties to design safety equipment Lesson 3: Electrical Safety

13  Activities  In groups, students will discuss ways electricity is beneficial or detrimental to humans  We will design a piece of safety equipment based on what we learned from the research Lesson 3 Continued

14  d/fil/pages/listelectric kz.html d/fil/pages/listelectric kz.html d/fil/pages/listelectric kz.html KZM Filamentality Page

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