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Olney Friends School Research Skills Using the Library Catalog, Understanding Search Engines, Domain Codes, and Research databases.

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Presentation on theme: "Olney Friends School Research Skills Using the Library Catalog, Understanding Search Engines, Domain Codes, and Research databases."— Presentation transcript:

1 Olney Friends School Research Skills Using the Library Catalog, Understanding Search Engines, Domain Codes, and Research databases

2 Visit the Library Catalog and click on “INFOhio CAT”Library Catalog You can reach the library catalog from Olney’s website; Then, click on “Library Catalog”

3 There are five basic search options: QUICK SEARCH - allows simple searches for items in your school library. ADVANCED SEARCH - allows you to search for items with more search options. OTHER RESOURCES – allows you to search other school libraries in your area. It also includes links to nearby public libraries, area media centers and electronic resources. BROWSE CALL NUMBERS – A Browse search is like walking through the "stacks" in the library. It lets you see items that are next to each other on the shelf. BROWSE HEADINGS – groups subject headings to give you additional searching terms. READING LEVEL SEARCH – allows you to search by Reading Program (Accelerated Reader, Reading Counts), Reading Level, or Points in the Reading Program

4 Call numbers with the numbers first are for nonfiction books. Example590 [590 is the call number for animals] SMI [Smith is the author] Fiction is shelved alphabetically by author’s last name. ExampleFIC[FIC stands for “Fiction”] TWA [Twain is the author] Biographies are shelved alphabetically by the person the book is about. Example: B [B stands for “Biography”] Clinton [about Clinton’s life] Other categories of call numbers Example SC Story Collection (short stories) B Biography REF Reference (cannot be checked out of the library) QC Quaker Collection LD Librarian’s Desk Atlas (shelved underneath the newspaper table) Extra stickers on spines of books Example Q Quaker Fiction (shelved with regular fiction) E Easy Fiction (shelved on bottom shelf of Story Collection) How to Use Call Numbers Olney Friends School Library Copy the “Call Number” from the catalog; copy the numbers and the letters. Then, find the item with that Call Number on the shelf.

5 Search CAT Find the books you want to read Call Numbers Write down the Call number and locate the items on the shelf Check Out Use your library card and check the item out to yourself. You have 3 weeks to use the item. Then, you should return it to the library Basic steps for using the library

6 Domain Codes DomainSample = educational institution = US government site = organization or association = commercial site = museum = personal or other site

7 Research Databases Research databases are a structured collection of records or data that is stored in a computer system. It is important to know how to use these so that you find reputable information for writing your papers. INFOhio is your place to go for full-text articles and many other helpful tools. Get there by visiting Select Core Collection Select EBSCOHost Select All EBSCO Databases

8 Basic EBSCOhost Searching for Olney Friends School Library

9 Welcome to the Basic EBSCOhost Searching for School Libraries tutorial, a concise guide to the most popular EBSCOhost features, including tips on how to make the most of the available features.

10 We’ll begin by showing a basic search on global warming. The Result List defaults to show All search results, but can be filtered by specific document type or source, such as periodicals, newspapers, reference books, bibliographies, primary source documents, or images, when you click on the corresponding hyperlink.

11 With the Limit your Results options, you can limit your results, using the options shown. You can also access your available Search Options by clicking on the Search Options link below the Update Results button.

12 You can print, email, or save a single result from the detailed display when you click on a title link. To print, email or save multiple results, add them to the folder, then print, email, or save them from inside the folder. Folder contents can be saved by clicking on the Sign in to My EBSCOhost link, then setting up a personalized folder account at no charge.

13 Click on the Subject Terms authority file button along the top toolbar to search by specific subjects. Choose Publications to search within one or multiple publications represented in the database. Click on the Images option for access to many types of images, sorted by category.

14 For example, select Flags, enter United States, then click on Search to be presented with a result that includes a thumbnail image of the American flag.

15 To view an enlarged image of the flag, including demographics and statistical information, click on the thumbnail image in the result list.

16 Click on the Help link for access to a complete electronic manual, including an easy-to-use search window, allowing smooth navigation to the answers you need.

17 You can reach the library’s page from Olney’s website; Then, click on “Academics” & then click on “Library” You can reach the public library’s website, Barnesville Hutton Memorial Library, from here.

18 Is a member of the SEO Library Consortium By getting a card from the Barnesville Hutton Memorial Library, you will be able to borrow materials from 156 libraries located across Ohio. Inter-Library Loan If you get a library card from the public library, you will also be eligible to borrow materials (books, articles, and AV material) from across the United States from colleges and universities. How do I get a Public Library Card? Go to the Barnesville Library You will need to know Olney’s address You will need to know your home address You will need photo identification. If you don’t have a photo identification, Olney can assist you with getting a photo id.

19 Thoughts or Questions? Our Library Catalog Domain Codes & Search Engines INFOhio’s databases and EBSCOhost Barnesville Hutton Memorial Public Library OFS Library Catalog Materials and Sources we discussed

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