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Information Space WS, Frascati, 3 Apr 2007 Kaiser & Hollingsworth, HALO, 1 HALO Technical Recommendations for GMES Johannes W. Kaiser & Anthony Hollingsworth.

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Presentation on theme: "Information Space WS, Frascati, 3 Apr 2007 Kaiser & Hollingsworth, HALO, 1 HALO Technical Recommendations for GMES Johannes W. Kaiser & Anthony Hollingsworth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information Space WS, Frascati, 3 Apr 2007 Kaiser & Hollingsworth, HALO, 1 HALO Technical Recommendations for GMES Johannes W. Kaiser & Anthony Hollingsworth Thanks for providing material to D. Schiessl (WMO), M. Williams (EUMETSAT), G. Manzella (ENEA, IT), F. Levy (Astrium), and J.-M. Pechinot (Alcatel)!

2 Information Space WS, Frascati, 3 Apr 2007 Kaiser & Hollingsworth, HALO, 2 Overview of Presentation Introduction System Layout and Data Streams Existing Infrastructure Recommendations Summary

3 Information Space WS, Frascati, 3 Apr 2007 Kaiser & Hollingsworth, HALO, 3 Introduction

4 Information Space WS, Frascati, 3 Apr 2007 Kaiser & Hollingsworth, HALO, 4 HALO – GMES Specific Support Action (SSA) Harmonised coordination of Atmosphere, Land and Ocean integrated projects of the GMES backbone: FP6 Integrated Projects (IPs) GEMS, GEOLAND, MERSEA project lifetime: spring 2004 – spring 2007 follow-up GMES Fast-Track / Pilot Services in FP7 Marine Service (IP MERSEA) Global Atmospheric Service (IP GEMS) Global Land Monitoring (IP GEOLAND-Global follow-up) Land Monitoring (IP GEOLAND-Europe follow-up) Emergency Response (IP RISK-PREVIEW follow-up) Security HALO aims at formulating agreed recommendations to EU and IPs for the joint transition to operational status of the IPs global monitoring systems. Scientific analysis of links between the IPs Coordinated solutions for the infra-structure in operational mode Atmospheric Services Security Global Land Monitoring Emergency Response Marine Services Land Monitoring HALO

5 Information Space WS, Frascati, 3 Apr 2007 Kaiser & Hollingsworth, HALO, 5 HALO Logic of Technical Study Bring together the expertise: ECMWF (GEMS and coordination) Infoterra GmbH (GEOLAND) Ifremer (MERSEA) Alcatel(Industrial Expertise) Astrium(Industrial Expertise) Iterate between the partners: 1. IPs describe monitoring systems and data transfer requirements 2. Industrial partners analyse existing infrastructure and propose candidate solutions for the data transfer infrastructure 3. IPs evaluate candidate solutions

6 Information Space WS, Frascati, 3 Apr 2007 Kaiser & Hollingsworth, HALO, 6 System Layout and Data Streams

7 Information Space WS, Frascati, 3 Apr 2007 Kaiser & Hollingsworth, HALO, 7 GMES Satellite and in situ networks Marine Core Services Marine Core Services Marine Downstream Services Marine Downstream Services GMES Marine Operational Users GMES Service outputs (others) Core information (ocean state) User customized information (user products) GMES input information (raw data) Core Service and Downstream Service: Marine Monitoring

8 Information Space WS, Frascati, 3 Apr 2007 Kaiser & Hollingsworth, HALO, 8 Data Stream Characteristics Core Service Inputs observations and products of other services well predictable high volume time critical Core Service Products state of environment in physical terms well predictable high volume timely available Downstream Service Products driven by specific user application, e.g. political decision making rapid development of new products easy data discovery and access essential lower volume potentially time critical

9 Information Space WS, Frascati, 3 Apr 2007 Kaiser & Hollingsworth, HALO, 9 GMES Vision 2009: Core Services + Downstream Services

10 Information Space WS, Frascati, 3 Apr 2007 Kaiser & Hollingsworth, HALO, 10 Data Stream Characteristics, cont. large data volumes. The largest are: continuous streams of observations peaking model output streams diverse in-situ data providers e.g. for GEMS: CarboEurope, NOAA-CMDL, FLUXNET, ALE-GAGE-AGAGE, WDCGG data centre, WMO/GAW, WOUDC, DWD, SHADOZ, MOZAIC, DLR, IPSL, NILU, NDSC, EMEP, NILU, IMPROVE, AERONET, PHOTONS, WDCA, Brewer network, NUIG, ARM, SIRTA, NJKDSC, BSRN, SURFRAD, NASA, HELCOM, OSPAR, CREATE, DAEDALUS, GMES-GATO, Met-Monieur, AIRBASE, … common interface/portal for all products by core services? RecipientOriginData Rate [GB/day] GEOLAND-CSPvarious satellite agencies16 MERSEAvarious satellite agencies11 GEMSvarious satellite agencies7 GEMS Regional Modelling Centres GEMS-global @ ECMWF7

11 Information Space WS, Frascati, 3 Apr 2007 Kaiser & Hollingsworth, HALO, 11 Overview of Data Transfer Infrastructure

12 Information Space WS, Frascati, 3 Apr 2007 Kaiser & Hollingsworth, HALO, 12 Analysed Infrastructure Eumetcast / Geonetcast GTS / RMDCN WMO Information System (WIS) GEANT ARGOS Inmarsat Iridium FTP/ Opendap SEADATANET

13 Information Space WS, Frascati, 3 Apr 2007 Kaiser & Hollingsworth, HALO, 13 EUMETCast EUMETSATs Broadcast System for Environmental Data Generic, multi-mission dissemination system based on the standard DVB multicast technology Use of a set of broadcast satellite forward channels (no return channel) Allowing the usage of off-the shelf, commercial, inexpensive equipment for reception Scalable by usage of commercial telecommunication satellites and turn- around ground stations Secure delivery of files on a per User basis if necessary Components: Data providers Service management provider (EUMETSAT) Uplink service provider Turn around service provider(s) Satellites (Reference) Reception stations

14 Information Space WS, Frascati, 3 Apr 2007 Kaiser & Hollingsworth, HALO, 14 EUMETCast Components

15 Information Space WS, Frascati, 3 Apr 2007 Kaiser & Hollingsworth, HALO, 15 EUMETCast and Future GEONETCast Coverage

16 Information Space WS, Frascati, 3 Apr 2007 Kaiser & Hollingsworth, HALO, 16 part of WMOs World Weather Watch (WWW) Integrated network interconnecting National Meteorological Services (NMSs) worldwide, using point-to-point and multipoint circuits, terrestrial & satellite links Hierarchical structure at 3 levels: Main Telecom Network : 3 World Centres and 15 Regional Hubs 7 Regional Meteorological Telecom Networks 180+ national centres for data collection/concentration/distribution Designed for operational time-critical data exchange among the global community of National Met Centres (NMC) and a few other agencies; Operated and funded by the NMSs; based on WMO-agreed rules (codes, abbreviated bulletin headings, protocols, procedures) Main features: exceptional reliability, continuity, timeliness Global Telecommunication System (GTS)

17 Information Space WS, Frascati, 3 Apr 2007 Kaiser & Hollingsworth, HALO, 17 Internet 5 GAW World Data Centres GCOS Data Centres Global Run-off Data Centre stop IRI and other climate research institutes Universities Regional Climate Centres stop WWW GTS World Meteorological Centres Regional/Specialized Meteorological Centres National Meteorological Centres Meteorological and R&D Satellite Operator Centres International Organizations (IAEA, CTBTO, UNEP, FAO.. ) Commercial Service Providers World Radiation Centre Regional Instrument Centres WMO World Data Centres stop stop stop stop WWW GTS Global Telecommunication System (GTS) National, Regional, Specialized, and World Meteorological Centres Meteorological Satellite Operator Centres reliable timely continuous

18 Information Space WS, Frascati, 3 Apr 2007 Kaiser & Hollingsworth, HALO, 18 WMO Information System (WIS) brings new features and opportunities Interoperable information exchange standards, functions and services through Portal architecture allowing a variety of codes, protocols, and data representation forms Inter-disciplinary discovery, retrieval and exchange of information in real and non-real time through a single entry point in each country Open to all users for data discovery, to authorized users for data access (according to national data policies) Data are described in on-line catalogues using standardised metadata based on ISO 19139 Industry standards and off-the-shelf hardware and software systems to ensure cost-effectiveness and inter- operability New !

19 Information Space WS, Frascati, 3 Apr 2007 Kaiser & Hollingsworth, HALO, 19 GAW World Data Centres GCOS Data Centres Global Run-off Data Centre Global Precip. Climatology Centre IRI, Hadley Centre, and other climate research centres; Universities; Regional Climate Centres (CIIFEN, etc.) International Organizations (IAEA, CTBTO, UNEP, FAO.. ) Commercial Service Providers World Radiation Centre Regional Instrument Centres WMO World Data Centres WAFCs Real-time push On-demand pull internet DCPC NC/ DCPC NC NC/ DCPC NC GISC Satellite Two-Way Systems Satellite Dissemination (IGDDS, GEO- Netcast) NC DCPC GISC DCPC The Future: WMO Information System (WIS) International Projects (e.g. GMES, GEOSS)

20 Information Space WS, Frascati, 3 Apr 2007 Kaiser & Hollingsworth, HALO, 20 System Z Requirements Collection Data management DIssemination Discovery & retrieval Archive System Y Requirements Collection Data management DIssemination Discovery & retrieval Archive Role of GEO-NetCast in the WIS WIS (incl IGDDS) Requirements Collection Data management Dissemination Discovery & retrieval Archive System X Requirements Collection Data management Dissemination Discovery & retrieval Archive Common set of interoperability standards

21 Information Space WS, Frascati, 3 Apr 2007 Kaiser & Hollingsworth, HALO, 21 HALO Recommendations

22 Information Space WS, Frascati, 3 Apr 2007 Kaiser & Hollingsworth, HALO, 22 Industrial Proposal Collection: WIS / SIMDAT WIN SEADATANET Dissemination: WIS / SIMDAT FTP GEONETCast GEANT Access/Discovery: WIS / SIMDAT WIN SEADATANET EODAIL GMES Portal

23 Information Space WS, Frascati, 3 Apr 2007 Kaiser & Hollingsworth, HALO, 23 Suggested Architecture

24 Information Space WS, Frascati, 3 Apr 2007 Kaiser & Hollingsworth, HALO, 24 Overall Recommendations: GMES Information System GMES will have a diverse user community needing to use products of some or all of the Fast-Track Services and Pilot-Services. To meet its users requirements, GMES must have a modern Information System based on advanced Internet technologies. GMES has no plan for the creation of such a GMES Information System. There is no call for the development of a GMES Information System in the December 2006 FP7 call for proposals. The current call explicitly states that each Fast-track service and Pilot- Service is separately and independently responsible for its own data acquisition and its own product dissemination. The lack of such a system is a critical gap in GMES planning. Recommendation 1: As implied by the forthcoming INSPIRE directive (2004/0175 (COD), C-6 0445/2006, PE-CONS 3685/06), GMES leadership should address the provision of a GMES Information System based on Internet technology.

25 Information Space WS, Frascati, 3 Apr 2007 Kaiser & Hollingsworth, HALO, 25 Overall Recommendations: Infrastructure Candidate Solutions Several candidate technical mechanisms are available to achieve the required data exchanges between the Core Services of the Integrated Projects, without impeding the development of the scientific interactions between the Projects. The WMO Information System (WIS) offers several political and technical advantages. The functionality of the WIS meets the requirements of the Atmosphere and Ocean communities. Interoperability between the WMO and UNESCO / International Ocean Commission data systems has been demonstrated. (E2EDM project) The functionality of the WIS can meet the needs of the Atmosphere and Land Communities, provided the necessary work on interoperability is undertaken. Software development for the European GRID-implementation of the WIS has been funded by the DG/INFO SIMDAT project. The European implementation will be rolled out in 2008.

26 Information Space WS, Frascati, 3 Apr 2007 Kaiser & Hollingsworth, HALO, 26 Overall Recommendations: Potential Collaboration with WMO In the course of the HALO project, WMO extended an invitation to GMES to adapt the WIS system to GMES purposes and to share further development of the WIS for joint purposes. This offer of collaboration should be considered seriously because The WIS architecture and implementation has global reach for meteorology and oceanography. The WIS offers an efficient means for GMES to access WMOs essential meteorological data The WIS is fully consistent with, and offers all the functionality required by, the forthcoming INSPIRE Directive in terms of Metadata Interoperability of spatial datasets and services Network services Data Sharing The GEOSS system is assessing the suitability of the WIS for GEOSS purposes (Achache, WMO Bulletin 2006) Recommendation 2: The GMES leadership should monitor the 2008 roll-out of the WMO Information System in Europe, and assess the adaptability of the WIS for GMES purposes and interoperability with OGC and Earth Science Information Systems.

27 Information Space WS, Frascati, 3 Apr 2007 Kaiser & Hollingsworth, HALO, 27 Summary

28 Information Space WS, Frascati, 3 Apr 2007 Kaiser & Hollingsworth, HALO, 28 Summary Recommendation 1: As implied by the forthcoming INSPIRE directive (2004/0175 (COD), C-6 0445/2006, PE-CONS 3685/06) GMES leadership should address the provision of a GMES Information System based on Internet technology. The lack of such a system is a critical gap in GMES planning. Recommendation 2: The GMES leadership should monitor the 2008 roll-out of the WMO Information System in Europe, and assess the adaptability of the WIS for GMES purposes and interoperability with OGC and Earth Science Information Systems.

29 Information Space WS, Frascati, 3 Apr 2007 Kaiser & Hollingsworth, HALO, 29 More Information WMO Bulletin, Vol. 55(4), Oct 2006

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