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Introduction How does energy affect our lives? Think about how you use energy every day. The television,radio,automobiles, lamps, ovens, microwaves, video.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction How does energy affect our lives? Think about how you use energy every day. The television,radio,automobiles, lamps, ovens, microwaves, video."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction How does energy affect our lives? Think about how you use energy every day. The television,radio,automobiles, lamps, ovens, microwaves, video games are only a few of the many devices that we use that depend on energy. The human population is using energy at an alarming rate. Will there always be enough energy to sustain the human race? How can we conserve the energy that we have and find other sources of energy? Let's find out... How does energy affect our lives? Think about how you use energy every day. The television, radio, automobiles, lamps, ovens, microwaves, video games are only a few of the many devices that we use that depend on energy. The human population is using energy at an alarming rate. Will there always be enough energy to sustain the human race? How can we conserve the energy that we have and find other sources of energy? Let's find out... Introduction – Year 7 Alternative energy Webquest ResearcherResearcher 1 Researcher 2 Environmentalist Public relations IntroductionTaskProcess Written by D. Richardson 2006

2 The year is 2030. The government is in a panic, realizing that their overuse of energy has finally resulted in disaster! Top-notch scientists are predicting that our supply of fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) will run out within the next 2 years. The Global Environment Agency has appointed several committees of the World’s best and brightest (this means you!) to investigate alternative energy sources, such as wind, water, solar, and nuclear. Each team will consist of two researchers, one environmentalist, and one public relations consultant. The goal of each committee is to present a plan to the public informing them of the current problem and a plausible alternative. This will include both the positive and negative aspects of this energy source, keeping in mind the needs of both the human race and the environment. You should present your plan as a presentation in Power point which can be presented to the top environmental representatives around the world. The point of this is to help citizens of the World make a wise decision about how energy is used and obtained. The Task ResearcherResearcher 1 Researcher 2 Environmentalist Public relations IntroductionTaskProcess

3 1. You will be completing this webquest in groups previously formed in class. Use the resources listed to fulfill your role, which will also be assigned to you in class. Be sure to take notes on the information that you find to share with your group. 2. Get together with your group members and review their information. Make sure that all of the important points have been addressed and that your findings make sense. Each team member should show the rest of the team that they have covered each heading. Tick off the research headings as you go. 3. Sit down with your team and create a rough plan for the organisation of your Power Point presentation. Decide whose information will go on which slides. Decide how much space you will have for each person’s work. Show your plan to your lovely teacher. Once you get the stamp of approval, you can proceed to constructing the Power Point. 4. Each person must make their own power point slides for their character. Make sure you communicate with the rest of the team as your Power Point slides progress. Once each person has finished their Power Point slides each team member must combine their Power Point slides to make the complete presentation. 5.Once your presentation has been completed you must present your Power Point to the rest of the class. Each team member must present the slides they completed. The process ResearcherResearcher 1 Researcher 2 Environmentalist Public relations IntroductionTaskProcess

4 Your job is to dig for information that will give a better understanding of our current energy crisis. You should use the resources available to find out exactly how we found ourselves in this situation. 1. *Discuss what fossil fuels are and where they come from. 2. *Why are they running out? 3. *How do people use fossil fuel? 4. *What things can we do to conserve (save) the fossil fuel we have left? Government Policy Regarding Energy Energy Matters General Energy Info Energy Links Books to use. Alternative Sources of Energy, by Warren Brown, Chelsea House Publishers, 1994. Energy Alternatives, by Barbara Keeler, Lucient Books, 1990. Energy Resources: Toward a Renewable Future, by D.J. Herda, F. Watts Publisher, 1991. Experimenting with Energy, by Alan Ward, Chelsea House Publishers, 1994. Facts on Future Energy Possibilities, by Hugh Johnstone, F. Watts Publisher, 1990. Facts on Water, Wind, and Solar Power, by Guy Arnold, F. Watts Publisher, 1990. Fueling the Future, by Janet Pack, Childrens Press, 1992. Rads, Ergs, & Cheeseburgers: The Kid's Guide to Energy & the Environment, by Bill Yanda, J. Muir Publications, 1991. Renewable Energy: A Concise Guide to Green Alternatives, by Jennifer Carless, Walker and Co., 1993. Researcher 1 Researcher 2EnvironmentalistPublic relations IntroductionTaskProcess

5 Your job is to use the resources available to investigate a possible alternative energy source. Your group will be assigned a source to focus on. Be sure to address the following questions in your findings: 1. *How does this energy source work? Use illustrations, examples, and diagrams to help the audience understand. 2. *Write about how your energy source has been used before. How has it changed since then? Energy Links Government Policy Regarding Energy Alternative Energy Source Information General Energy Information Most Helpful Link Alternative Sources of Energy, by Warren Brown, Chelsea House Publishers, 1994. Energy Alternatives, by Barbara Keeler, Lucient Books, 1990. Energy Resources: Toward a Renewable Future, by D.J. Herda, F. Watts Publisher, 1991. Experimenting with Energy, by Alan Ward, Chelsea House Publishers, 1994. Facts on Future Energy Possibilities, by Hugh Johnstone, F. Watts Publisher, 1990. Facts on Water, Wind, and Solar Power, by Guy Arnold, F. Watts Publisher, 1990. Fueling the Future, by Janet Pack, Childrens Press, 1992. Rads, Ergs, & Cheeseburgers: The Kid's Guide to Energy & the Environment, by Bill Yanda, J. Muir Publications, 1991. Renewable Energy: A Concise Guide to Green Alternatives, by Jennifer Carless, Walker and Co., 1993. Books to use: Researcher 2ResearcherResearcher 1 Environmentalist Public relations IntroductionTaskProcess

6 Your job is to use the resources given to investigate several advantages and disadvantages to the environment that using this type of energy source poses. Make sure that your arguments are supported by facts. 1. *How is your energy source good for the environment? 2. *How is it bad for the environment? Energy Links Energy Conservation General Energy Information Alternative Sources of Energy, by Warren Brown, Chelsea House Publishers, 1994. Energy Alternatives, by Barbara Keeler, Lucient Books, 1990. Energy Resources: Toward a Renewable Future, by D.J. Herda, F. Watts Publisher, 1991. Experimenting with Energy, by Alan Ward, Chelsea House Publishers, 1994. Facts on Future Energy Possibilities, by Hugh Johnstone, F. Watts Publisher, 1990. Facts on Water, Wind, and Solar Power, by Guy Arnold, F. Watts Publisher, 1990. Fueling the Future, by Janet Pack, Childrens Press, 1992. Rads, Ergs, & Cheeseburgers: The Kid's Guide to Energy & the Environment, by Bill Yanda, J. Muir Publications, 1991. Renewable Energy: A Concise Guide to Green Alternatives, by Jennifer Carless, Walker and Co., 1993. Books to use: Environmentalist ResearcherResearcher 1Researcher 2Public relations IntroductionTaskProcess

7 Your job is to use the listed resources as well as those found in the SMC to determine the impact of this energy source on everyday life. 1. *How does this energy source help PEOPLE? 2. *How does it hurt PEOPLE? Consider cost, safety, and other issues. Energy Links General Information Energy Conservation Alternative Sources of Energy, by Warren Brown, Chelsea House Publishers, 1994. Energy Alternatives, by Barbara Keeler, Lucient Books, 1990. Energy Resources: Toward a Renewable Future, by D.J. Herda, F. Watts Publisher, 1991. Experimenting with Energy, by Alan Ward, Chelsea House Publishers, 1994. Facts on Future Energy Possibilities, by Hugh Johnstone, F. Watts Publisher, 1990. Facts on Water, Wind, and Solar Power, by Guy Arnold, F. Watts Publisher, 1990. Fueling the Future, by Janet Pack, Childrens Press, 1992. Rads, Ergs, & Cheeseburgers: The Kid's Guide to Energy & the Environment, by Bill Yanda, J. Muir Publications, 1991. Renewable Energy: A Concise Guide to Green Alternatives, by Jennifer Carless, Walker and Co., 1993. Books to use: Public relations ResearcherResearcher 1Researcher 2Environmentalist IntroductionTaskProcess

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