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Liat Zaidenberg 514-296-4886 Lynn Harris-Nulman 514-345-2610

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1 Liat Zaidenberg 514-296-4886 Lynn Harris-Nulman 514-345-2610


3 Educational Environment Educational Environment is made up of components and processes that when working together create a meaningful system. (Salomon, 1996) Components –Student Learning behavior Social behavior –Physical layout of the classroom –Learning Activities Teaching strategies Teaching Resources Student’s task –Teacher Teaching method Communication method Processes –Social –Emotional –Logical –Organizational Teachers' Web Sites LinetPro

4 Conditions for Powerful Learning Brandt, 1998 How They Learn They can learn in their own way, have choices, and feel in control. They use what they already know as they construct new knowledge. They have opportunities for social interaction. They get helpful feedback. They acquire and use strategies. What They Learn What they learn is personally meaningful. What they learn is challenging and they accept the challenge. What they learn is appropriate for their developmental level. Where They Learn They experience a positive emotional climate. The environment supports the intended learning.

5 Benefits of the Online Environment Supports the Constructivist Learning Process Students direct their own learning Access to learning materials Communication Access to resources Online information is LIVE (can change and update)

6 Benefits of using Forums Encourages: –Meaningful interaction with the content materials –Collaborative learning –Participation from ALL (even shy students) –Profound discussion Promotes: –Higher-order thinking skills –Awareness of literacy skills Provides opportunities for students to: –Lead a discussion –Begin a discussion –Work with more complex texts Can return to the forum anytime, anywhere: –Documents the discussion for further study –Allows time for reflection before responding Provides opportunities for teachers to reflect on students’ work

7 Benefits of using Chat Provides opportunities for: –Social interaction –Review –Immediate response to questions –Discussions –Teachers to view students as individuals (not as a group) –Building knowledge Encourages interaction: –Between students –Among teacher and students

8 Tool for creating an Online Educational Environment

9 establishes Online Educational Environment Teachers' Web Sites LinetPro Newsletters Discussion Topics eMail Surveys CommunicationActivitiesResources links creates includes Teachers' Online Workspaces: Campus Students' Online Workspaces: Campus Research Webquests Scavenger hunts Dilemmas Websites Gallery of Student Work Class Notes Books Magazines Videos Music Poetry Newspapers Worksheet

10 Atarnet School Site Online Educational Environment LinetPro Online Workspace Campus

11 Traditional Classroom Traditional Classroom Complete Online Learning Environment Complete Online Learning Environment O n l i n e L e a r n i n g E n v i r o n m e n t C o n t i n u u m

12 Building YOUR Online Learning Environment 1.What is the site’s purpose? 2.Who is the target audience? Students Parents/families Other teachers/classes 3.What will the site include? Activities Resources Communication 4.How will you organize your site? 5.How will you know that your Online Learning Environment is a success? School's Web Site Atarnet Teachers' Web Sites LinetPro Online Workspaces Campus

13 Traditional Classroom Traditional Classroom Complete Online Learning Environment Complete Online Learning Environment Where are you? Where would you like to be?

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