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The World of Engineering Engineering 100 University of Washington.

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1 The World of Engineering Engineering 100 University of Washington

2 What you will learn…  What is engineering  Engineering programs offered at the UW  Careers in engineering  Admission requirements

3 Agenda  Brief History of Engineering  Engineering Programs  Career Paths Typical Atypical  Program Specifics

4 Polling slide: What is the origin of engineering? A.Adam and Eve B.1800’s C.1920’s D.None of these

5 Polling slide: What is the origin of engineering? Answer:  Engineering has led development since the beginning of time  Many of the ‘formal’ engineering groups (electrical, chemical, mechanical, civil) show organization in the 1800’s.

6 Engineering is…  The art of applying scientific and mathematical principles, experience, judgment, and common sense to make things that benefit people.

7 Some Famous Engineers...  Scott Adams  Jimmy Carter  Leonardo Da Vinci  Herbie Hancock  Alfred Hitchcock  Herbert Hoover  Boris Yeltsin  Montel Williams

8 Agenda  Brief History of Engineering  Engineering Programs  Career Paths Typical Atypical  Program Specifics

9 Polling Slide: Which of these is NOT offered at the UW? 1.Aeronautics/Astronautics Engineering 2.Forest and Ecological Engineering 3.Bioengineering/Biomedical Engineering 4.Nuclear Engineering 5.Ceramic Engineering 6.Civil & Environmental Engineering

10 The Rest of the Engineering Programs Electrical Engineering Industrial Engineering Chemical Engineering Materials Science & Engineering* Mechanical Engineering Computer Engineering Technical Communications *This includes metallurgical and ceramic engineering

11 What do AA engineers do?  Aeronautics & Astronautics engineers design, develop, test, and help produce commercial and military aircraft, missiles, spacecraft and satellites. We designed a bike too advanced to be used in the Olympics. Cool fact

12 What do Bioengineers do?  Bioengineers are concerned with the application of engineering sciences, methods, and techniques to problems in medicine and biology. Prosthetics Drug delivery Artificial tissue and organs

13 What do ChemE’s do?  Chemical engineers are concerned with transforming raw materials into useful products, such as gasoline, pulp and paper, pharmaceuticals, and energy. Environmental processes, such as waste disposal and recycling, are other areas of increasing interest.

14 What do CivE engineers do?  Civil and environmental engineers plan, design, construct, and manage facilities such as airports, buildings, bridges, dams, water and sewage systems, harbors, and highways. CivE placed 5th in the Nation in Concrete Canoe competition Cool fact

15 What do CompE’s do?  Computer engineers design and implement computer hardware and software systems in such diverse areas as communications, manufacturing, robotics, computer graphics, and databases.

16 What do EE’s do?  Electrical engineers design, produce, and operate devices and systems in power,communications, automatic controls, computer hardware, signal processing, optics, consumer electronics, wireless communications, digital video, integration of computers communications and sensors, robotics and intelligent control.

17 What do Forest Engineers do?  Forest engineers solve problems of resource production and protection of forested lands. The forest engineer designs timber harvest, road construction, watershed protection, and resource enhancement activities over a variety of space and time scales to meet these production and protection goals.

18 What do IE’s do?  Industrial engineers design effective ways to use people, materials, machines, and energy in manufacturing and other industries.

19 What do MSE engineers do?  Materials Science engineers develop new materials, process methods, equipment, and material uses. They create materials for electronics, furnaces, buildings, computers, and others. They also deal with forensics analysis. We designed the heat resistant tiles used on space shuttles. Cool fact

20 What do ME’s do?  Mechanical engineers address mechanical devices and systems. Topics include production and use of thermal energy, design and manufacture of cars, boats, and machine tools. ME’s create and RACE a small formula-style racing car. Cool fact

21 Agenda  Brief History of Engineering  Engineering Programs  Career Paths Typical Atypical  Program Specifics

22 Polling Slide: Which of these jobs can an engineer NOT do? 1.Artist 2.Astronaut 3.President 4.Writer 5.Web developer 6.None of the above

23 Some Typical Jobs  Consulting Create a unique device for a customer.  Research and Development Design computer chips and components.  Academia Be a professor! Do lots of fun research!  Manufacturing Manage part development and qualification.

24 Some Atypical Jobs  Sales and Marketing Teach customers about products  Law Patent law  Medicine Cloning  Education Teach math, science, or engineering at community college or high school.

25 Agenda  Brief History of Engineering  Engineering Programs  Career Paths Typical Atypical  Program Specifics

26 Admissions  All engineering programs are competitive.  Application process Personal Statement GPA requirement (avg. is above 3.0) Completion of pre-requisite coursework  Advising - 301 Loew Hall

27 Prerequisites  Math  Physics  Chemistry  Computer Engineering*  English Composition *Industrial and Forestry Engineering do not require CSE

28 Conclusions  Engineering is the application of science.  There are many diverse engineering programs at the UW.  You future career is not limited to “Geekville.”  You must be able to compete academically to be an engineering student at the UW.

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