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Presented by: Dustin Schroll. Outline Problem Basic idea Implementation plan.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by: Dustin Schroll. Outline Problem Basic idea Implementation plan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by: Dustin Schroll

2 Outline Problem Basic idea Implementation plan

3 Problem Library websites don’t feel like libraries anymore. Reading an e-book just isn’t the same as reading an actual paper book.

4 VVLib A online/offline applet for reading e-books. Instead of a simple document view, this will make reading on a computer aesthetically pleasing. “Turn pages” instead of dealing with a scrollbar.

5 Features Ability to past text into reader(primary function). Multiple virtual environments to read books in. Ability to find preloaded e-books through an old fashioned card-catalog.

6 Main Page Needs to be a library lobby with a card catalog visible to click on, and an open book on a desk with a text box in the middle of it for pasting in text. Perhaps a photo of a library interior, or a 3D rendering.

7 Reading Location Text will appear On pages like this. A version with only one page visible, with larger text will also be available.

8 Iteration 1 – (Wed, March 22)‏ Basic start page Ability to past in text Ability to choose a location Two page reading mode


10 Iteration 2 – (Wed, April 16)‏ Start page with library interior background with active areas. Dialog box for opening on-disk text/e-books. Sound (depending on reading environment). Realistic looking book with resizable text.


12 Iteration 3 - (Wed, May 7)‏ Card catalog feature. One and two page reading books. Ability to download the applet for offline use. Perhaps include the ability to add custom locations (have the user specify a photo and an optional sound file).


14 Reading environment ideas Beach Under a Tree Nice office Coffee Shop Desk Custom Photo maybe(ability for user to add a photo).

15 Design Documentation

16 Use Case

17 State Model 1

18 State Model 2

19 Object Model

20 Sequence Diagram 1

21 Sequence Diagram 2

22 Demo

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