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Benchmarking Initiative Hana Imai and Diane Hardy.

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1 Benchmarking Initiative Hana Imai and Diane Hardy

2 "Copyright Hana Imai 2009. This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author."

3 Objectives Share a the purpose and findings of a long term research project Share the methodology and process used to achieve our findings Share resources developed from the research

4 Introduction Benchmarking Initiative

5 Introduction Contributing to more direct pathways to education and employment for English language learners (ELL) Between 2005 and the present, teams of researchers from the ESL department have been researching the language demands of applied career programs at Bow Valley College in order to inform decision making.

6 Purpose Benchmarking Initiative

7 Project Purpose Use the framework of Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB) to determine the English language proficiencies required of ELL for entry into applied career programs at Bow Valley College (BVC) Assist the ESL/ENP/EAP/ELT program and program developers in general at BVC to design targeted language programs that facilitate transition to further education and employment

8 Project Purpose Ensure consistency between the use of benchmarks in the ESL program and the applied area programs at BVC can assist ELL in creating more direct pathways to career goals Identify the kinds of language tasks ELL will typically encounter in applied program classrooms Attract learners from other ESL programs in the city or province to applied career programs

9 Methodology Benchmarking Initiative

10 A Training Kit: Using the Canadian Language Benchmarks 2000 to Establish Entry Level Requirements for Applied Programs

11 Canadian Language Benchmarks Current Canadian national standard Describe, measure and recognize the second language proficiency of adult ELL Measure the learner’s ability to use the English language to accomplish a set of real life language tasks

12 CLB at BVC Like ESL providers across Canada, the Bow Valley College ESL Department uses CLB levels to describe the progress of its learners BVC is moving toward adopting the CLB as an additional means for prospective learners to describe their English language proficiency for entry to career programs This research is informing the college about CLB levels to assign to each career program and of the strengths and challenges faced by its diverse learner population.

13 Benchmarking Process 1.Start process-consultation with the dean and program coordinator 2.Set up initial meeting with program instructors 3.Gather data through classroom observation, learner focus groups and instructor meetings 4.Analyze data 5.Report findings through written reports, conference presentations, papers, and workshops

14 Benchmarking Process BVC The process for data gathering in our initiatives involved not only classes but also benchmarking assignments, tests and when possible practicum placements. Our process differs from the VCC process in several areas.

15 Points to Consider Why Time Resources Commitment Capacity Building

16 Findings Benchmarking Initiative

17 Preliminary Findings Although ELLs are generally succeeding in career programs at BVC, some may need more language support in transitioning to the workplace, particularly in developing oral communication skills. Not all career programs at Bow Valley College require the same English language proficiency and therefore, EAP should not be the only path for ELL to gain entry into these programs.

18 Preliminary Findings Help provide more direct pathways for ELLs into higher education and employment in Canada Provide a platform for discussion between stakeholders at the College

19 Summary Preliminary Findings BVC career programs appear to be falling into three categories of English language proficiency: Programs with Observed Benchmarks in the 6-7 Range Programs with Observed Benchmarks in the 7-8 Range Programs with Observed Benchmarks in the 8-9 Range Early Childhood EducationDental Business AssistantAccounting and Financial Management Health Care AideHospital Unit ClerkBusiness Administration Medical Office AssistantLicensed Practical Nurse Office AdministrationPharmacy Technician College Success Education Assistant

20 Outcomes A Resource Kit

21 A lunchtime PD opportunity for career instructors on supporting ELL A series of 8 weekly sessions with a certificate at the end Facilitated by instructors from the ESL and Languages Department Supporting Non-Native Speaking (NNS) Learners in College Career Programs:

22 A Resource Kit “Take the Quiz” “Thinking about Idiomatic Language” “Thinking about Learning Materials” “Thinking about Writing Assignments” “Thinking about Speaking and Listening” “Thinking about Diversity” – Part 1 “Thinking about Diversity” – Part 2 “Putting it all together in the Classroom” I liked that the modules were concise and easy to follow for participants. Co-facilitating was also a favorite for me-it was new to me! Everyone seemed genuinely happy to be there and were very participatory. I could use my professional and personal experiences in order to share with colleagues at the college.

23 Comments from Participants We will be more conscious of the materials we give to learners and maybe pre-test them more purposefully for NNS. I will apply the learning to better understand myself, being a non native speaker and use it when teaching workshops or counseling my clients. I will share the information with other coaches and department staff and then use it when coaching or teaching all learners – as many of the strategies are important to consider for all learners. I loved the handbook – what an excellent resource!!!

24 Process Document Along with benchmarking another career program at our college, our project this year was to document our process highlighting the differences that BVC has incorporated into our research.

25 Acknowledgements Researchers and Sources

26 Acknowledgements Researchers: -Clare Myers, Gail Kingwell, Shelley McConnell, Hana Imai, Grant Sorensen, Megan Taillon, Keltie Coad Sources: - A Training Kit: Using the Canadian Language Benchmarks 2000 to Establish Entry Level Requirements for Applied Programs, VCC, 2005. - Overview of CLB retrieved from Canadian Language Benchmarks website, March, 2006.

27 Thank You Questions or Comments?

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