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CS-691 SEMINAR Dr. Omar Abdullah Batarfi 67500.

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Presentation on theme: "CS-691 SEMINAR Dr. Omar Abdullah Batarfi 67500."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS-691 SEMINAR Dr. Omar Abdullah Batarfi 67500

2 Grading  Tasks 3 10 %  Research proposal (4 stages) 60 %  Identifying a topic  Title and Abstract  Literature review  Methods  Evaluation of a selected proposal 20 %  Participation 10 %

3 How to write a Research Proposal 3  What a research proposal means  How to frame the research problem  Title  Abstract  Introduction

4 How to write a Research Proposal 4  Literature review  Methods  Results  Discussion  Common mistakes in proposal writing  Research problems

5 What a Research Proposal Means 5  One’s research is only as a good as one’s proposal  A high quality proposal promises success for the project  A high quality proposal impresses your potential as a researcher  ِِ A research proposal is related to your work-plan

6 What a Research Proposal Means 6  It should contain all the key elements involved in the research process  It should include sufficient information for the readers to evaluate the proposed study  Regardless of your research area and the methodology you choose, all research proposals must address the following questions: I. What you plan to accomplish II. Why you want to do it III. How you are going to do it

7 7  The proposal should have sufficient information to convince your readers that you have an important research idea, you have a good grasp of the relevant literature and the major issues, your methodology is sound.  The quality of your research proposal depends not only on the quality of your proposed project, but also on the quality of your proposal writing. A good research project may run the risk of rejection  the proposal is poorly written.  Therefore, it pays if your writing is consistent, clear and convincing. What a Research Proposal Means

8 8  Before you write your research proposal, you have to choose your research topic.  It is important that you consider the following questions:  is the topic of interest to you and will it motivate you?  is it worthwhile?  is it feasible?  is it original?

9 CS Master Research Proposal

10 How to frame the research problem 10  It is how to write an interesting and informative opening paragraph  A lot depends on  your creativity,  your ability to think clearly,  the depth of your understanding of problem areas  Place your research question in the context of a current or older area that remains feasible

11 How to frame the research problem 11  Provide a brief and appropriate historical background  Provide the current context in which your proposed research question occupies the central stage  Identify “key player” and refer to the most relevant and representative publication  In short, try to paint your research question in broad brushes and at the same time bring out its significance.

12 Example1 Since sensor nodes have limited battery power, it is desirable to select a minimum set of working sensor nodes which should be involved in sensing and forwarding data to the sink. In this paper, we propose a topology scheme which selects a minimum set of working nodes in the sensor network field to avoid wasting excessive energy by turning off too many redundant nodes. Our scheme offers a solution for configuring network topology with a minimal number of working nodes. Simulations show that our scheme extends the lifetime of the dense sensor networks, and achieves the desired robust coverage as well as satisfactory connectivity to the sink in an energy efficient fashion

13 Example 2 We propose a technique for reducing the number of message duplicates during network-wide broadcasting in wired networks. The key feature of our proposal is that each node keeps the information on hop-limited shortest path trees whose roots are within a certain number of hops from each node. When receiving the message, each node generates its duplicates and forwards them to a subset of neighbors, which are on the hop-limited shortest path tree rooted at the message source. The information on hop-limited shortest path trees is stored in message forwarding table of each node. We show that the hop-limited shortest path tree can be constructed in a fully-distributed manner by simply using dummy message flooding or exchanging distance vectors with poisoned reverse. Our proposal can largely reduce the number of message duplicates compared with the flooding while it is more scalable than the global-shortest-path-tree-based delivery. We also note that it guarantees the full reachability in static conditions and the time to reach of the proposal is the same as that of the flooding or the global-shortest-path- tree-based delivery. Duplicate reduction effect of our proposal is theoretically evaluated and numerically examined by simulation experiments.

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