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 I was born in Eugene, Oregon on June 17 th, 1990. Living in Oregon was a lot different than here in Utah. One difference was the climate. I had never.

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2  I was born in Eugene, Oregon on June 17 th, 1990. Living in Oregon was a lot different than here in Utah. One difference was the climate. I had never seen snow before I moved here. Eugene is also a lot smaller than Salt Lake City. In Eugene, it seemed as though my parents knew everyone. These two changes were the hardest for me to get used to.


4  Right now I am a full-time student at SLCC and work part-time at a local hair salon. I am attending my final semester at SLCC and am very excited. I am now choosing between weather to go to the University of Utah, or the University of Oregon. I want to go into physical therapy and work in rehab centers.

5  My mom was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis when I was 12-years-old. I have watched her struggle with the pain and numbness for almost half of my life. Because of this, I have always wanted to help people when they are in similar situations. At first I decided I would become a Pharmacist. I went through the Pharmacy Technician program and became certified. I then found out I did not like working in a pharmacy with all of the sour and ornery patients. After giving up that career, I set my sights on physical therapy. I knew that I would be able to help people feel better and get on with their day- to-day lives. My mom has always been the inspiration for everything I have done.

6  When my mom found out she had M.S., we decided right then and there that we were going to do all we could to help out. Every year, my mom and I walk in the M.S. Walk when it comes to Utah. Each year we raise more money to help find a cure. Last year we raised over $1,000. It always inspires me to see how many people walk each year who have M.S. Doing this annually and volunteering for different events being held, my mom gains hope and feels at ease with her condition.

7  Now that I have become old enough to start a life of my own, I am faced with the dilemma of weather or not to move back to Oregon. I always told myself that I was going to go back after I got my Associates and attend the University of Oregon. Now, however, there are certain things holding me back. The biggest thing keeping me here is my boyfriend of over a year. He has lived here all his life and does not want to leave. Because of this predicament, I cannot know where I will be in life, even after this semester at SLCC.

8  Coming from such a small town, I grew up with a feeling of neighborly love. Everyone knew everyone, so it was easy to get along. My family brought this with them to Utah. I always try to get involved in things going on in my area and help out in community projects and charity events.

9  Family is the most important thing in the world to me. I always look out for them and try to put their needs before my own. Life has taught me that time is short, and love is precious. You need to cherish those close to you and express how you feel every day. The End…

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