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COST 724 10th MCM, 21-25 May 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria 1 COST 724 Multiple Efforts Towards Education (Final Report) Yurdanur Tulunay METU, Dept. of Aerospace.

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Presentation on theme: "COST 724 10th MCM, 21-25 May 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria 1 COST 724 Multiple Efforts Towards Education (Final Report) Yurdanur Tulunay METU, Dept. of Aerospace."— Presentation transcript:

1 COST 724 10th MCM, 21-25 May 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria 1 COST 724 Multiple Efforts Towards Education (Final Report) Yurdanur Tulunay METU, Dept. of Aerospace Engineering 06531, Ankara

2 COST 724 10th MCM, 21-25 May 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria 2 Introduction Since 1980 a paradigm emerged in geosciences, EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCE (ESS)

3 COST 724 10th MCM, 21-25 May 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria 3 ESS views E + as a synergistic physical syst. of  interrelated phenomena, processes  cycles...

4 COST 724 10th MCM, 21-25 May 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria 4...which remain largely unexplored in traditional disciplinary ES course offerings

5 COST 724 10th MCM, 21-25 May 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria 5

6 6 Conceptually a pyramidal structure can illustrates relation of ESS and global change education to larger interests of society.

7 COST 724 10th MCM, 21-25 May 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria 7 NASA (1991) and USRA introduced college undergraduates to interdisciplinary challenges of an emerging ESS approach to understanding our planet (Johnson et al., 2000)

8 COST 724 10th MCM, 21-25 May 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria 8 ESSE challenges colleges and universities:  to develop and offer classroom courses which examine E + as a system,  to share their progress, course materials and learning modules. (Johnson et al., 2000)

9 COST 724 10th MCM, 21-25 May 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria 9 Computer, i/net and other comm. tools are central resources for ESSE. (Johnson et al., 2000)

10 COST 724 10th MCM, 21-25 May 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria 10 Space Weather research and development activities are not acknowlegded widely...

11 COST 724 10th MCM, 21-25 May 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria 11 the lack of AWARENESS of the effects of Space Weather on terrestrial or E + bound systems

12 COST 724 10th MCM, 21-25 May 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria 12  To optimize technical perform. of service operations,  To have reliable continuous services without causing health hazards and environmental EM pollution, SpW effects must be understood and appreciated

13 COST 724 10th MCM, 21-25 May 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria 13 need to set up EDUCATION and OUTREACH activities in Space Weather field. (Crosby et al., 2006 and references therein; Siscoe et al., 2000 and references therein)

14 COST 724 10th MCM, 21-25 May 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria 14 In Europe, this role has begun to be filled by the COST 724 Action (Lilensten et al., 2004)

15 COST 724 10th MCM, 21-25 May 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria 15 As ESS emerged a frmwork for addressing scientific dimensions of global change...

16 COST 724 10th MCM, 21-25 May 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria 16...COST 724 has initiated scien. collab. towards education btween scientists of  univ.s,  gov.tal  bodies in Europe, concerning SpW EDUCATION.

17 COST 724 10th MCM, 21-25 May 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria 17 University offers unique OPPORTUNITY to develop knowledge and understanding about SpW that can then be APPLIED as graduates enter main stream society.

18 COST 724 10th MCM, 21-25 May 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria 18 Summary and Conclusion expected that initiative taken by COST 724 would create a univ. based cooperative effort in SpW under ESS curriculum development firmly.

19 COST 724 10th MCM, 21-25 May 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria 19 Basic users of a SpW Ed. Prm. may be summarized as:  communications  satellite operations  power grids  manned spaceflight  navigation, etc.

20 COST 724 10th MCM, 21-25 May 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria 20 Scientific and technological developments are achieved as results of research, observations, models and education...

21 COST 724 10th MCM, 21-25 May 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria 21 Forecasting and warning services use technology developed and disseminates results to basic users mentioned above

22 COST 724 10th MCM, 21-25 May 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria 22 “comments” of users are returned back to education program via feedback mechanisms

23 COST 724 10th MCM, 21-25 May 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria 23 quality and efficiency of education system sustained at satisfactory levels

24 COST 724 10th MCM, 21-25 May 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria 24 Case Studies illustrate the beginning of such a task towards a coherent and concrete unifying SpW ed. for science and engineering curricula in Europe

25 COST 724 10th MCM, 21-25 May 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria 25 Case 1: The Books  “Space Weather, Research towards Applications in Europe Series” Lilensten, J. (Ed.), Astrophysics and Space Science Library”, Vol. 344, 2007, XII, 332 p., ISBN: 978-1-4020-5445-7  “Space Weather, Environment and Societies” Lilensten, Jean, Bornarel, Jean, 2006, XIII, 242 p., ISBN: 978-1-4020- 4331-4  “From the Sun - Auroras, Magnetic Storms, Solar Flares, Cosmic Rays” S.T. Suees and B.T. Tsurutani eds., American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, USA, ISBN 0-87590-292-8, 1998  “Space Weather - Physics and Effects” Eds. Volker Bothmer and Ioannis A. Daglis, Praxis Publishing Ltd, Chichester, UK, 2007, ISBN 3-540-23907-3” ...

26 COST 724 10th MCM, 21-25 May 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria 26 Case 2: Formal Education Dept. of Aerospace Eng., METU  “AE453 – Intr. to Atmospheric Physics I”,  “AE454 – Intr. to Atmospheric Physics II”,  “AE551 – Intr. to Space Sciences”,  “AE552 – Selected Topics on Space Sci.”,  “AE552 – Applied Orbital Mechanics”.

27 COST 724 10th MCM, 21-25 May 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria 27 Case 3: Summer Schools Under spirit of COST 724, a grad. course delivered in Turkey emphasizing “STP and Space Weather”. (Crosby et. al., 2006)

28 COST 724 10th MCM, 21-25 May 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria 28 Summarizing... Enthusiasm of students has shown that there is a need for the next generation of scientists and engineers to appreciate the applicability of SpW on techn. and life on planet E + that world relies upon in the 3 rd mill.

29 COST 724 10th MCM, 21-25 May 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria 29 References  Johnson D. R., M. Ruzek, M. Kalb, “Earth System Science and the Internet”, Computers & Geosciences, 26, 669- 676, 2000  NASA, 1988. “Earth System Science Advisory Committee Earth System Science: a closer view”. NASA, Washington, DC 208 pp.  Crosby N. B., M. J. Rycroft, Y. Tulunay, “Overview of a Graduate Course Delivered in Turkey, Emphasizing Solar Terrestrial Physics and Space Weather”, Surveys in Geophysics, Springer Netherlands, DOI: 10.1007/s10712- 005-6204-3, 27 /3, pp. 319-364, 2006  Siscoe, G., “The space-weather enterprise: past, present, and future”, J. Atm & Solar-Terrestrial Phys, 62, 1223- 1232, 2000.  Tulunay Y., E. Tulunay, “A Case Study of Curriculum Development Related to the Space Environment and Emerging Space Weather Markets”, Advances in Geosciences, 3, pp. 29-33, 2005

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