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HB1: The Language Legislative Update Presentation by BASA March 2009.

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1 HB1: The Language Legislative Update Presentation by BASA March 2009

2 Miscellaneous Funding Issues Establishes the Ohio Research-Based Funding Model Advisory Council to submit recommendations every two years for revisions to the components of the adequacy amount calculation Prescribes formula amounts of $5,841 for FY 2010 and $5,952 for FY 2011 for calculating required General Fund setasides and payments under Post-Secondary Enrollment Options

3 Joint Vocational School Districts Requires the Partnership for Continued Learning (PCL) to establish a joint vocational school district funding committee to: –Study the extent to which JVSD programming and funding meet state, regional, and local business industry needs –Recommend revisions to JVSD funding and programming

4 Educational Service Centers Each ESC to have a performance audit during the next biennium –Funding for the audits to be deducted from state subsidy for ESCs (4.75%) Establishes ESC Study Committee to: –Study how ESC system supports school districts –Make recommendations on new regional service delivery system, ESC governance structure, and ESC accountability

5 Academic Standards State board required to adopt operating standards for school districts School district operating standards override any collective bargaining agreement entered into after the effective date of this provision –Date of expiration of your contract –Implications for the state board of education

6 Academic Standards State board to revise core subject academic standards in K-12 by 6/30/10 and update core subject model curricula by 12/31/10 State board to revise standards and model curricula for K-12 in fine arts and foreign language and to revise and expand computer literacy standards and model curricula from grades 3 to 12 to K-12

7 Academic Standards State board to adopt standards/curricula for K-12 in new areas of wellness literacy, financial literacy, & entrepreneurship State board to periodically update physical education standards Health education standards will no longer require public hearings and approval by concurrent resolution of both chambers of the General Assembly

8 Achievement Assessments Renames state achievement tests as “achievement assessments” Combines grade-level reading and writing into one English language arts achievement assessment Transfers authority for designating assessment dates from SBE to Superintendent of Public Instruction and eliminates ban on achievement testing before April 24 and on OGT to 10 th graders before March 15

9 Achievement Assessments Current 3 tests each in grades 4 and 7; 5 on OGT 5 ranges of scores advanced accelerated proficient basic limited Proposed 2 assessments each in grades 4 & 7; 4 on OGT Eliminates accelerated and basic Creates issues for retention and 3 rd grade guarantee Eliminates required 2-week testing period for elementary assessments

10 Achievement Assessments Current District may use failure to attain score in basic range as a factor in retention 3 rd grade reading guarantee: must (almost) retain student in limited range of 3 rd grade English language arts Proposed Failure to attain score in proficient range may be reason for retention 3 rd grade reading guarantee will mean more students eligible for retention; will be all students below the proficient level

11 Ohio Graduation Test Prohibits release of OGT as public record OGT to be replaced by ACT Plus –To be developed by SBE, state superintendent, and chancellor –Four components: Nationally standardized test in English language arts, math, and science End-of-course exams in English language arts, math, science, and social studies Community service learning project Individual or group senior project

12 District Report Cards SBE to establish new performance indicators by 12/31/09 and every 6 years Requirement of minimum of 17 performance indicators eliminated Requirement for measures of high school graduate preparedness for higher education and/or workforce would be eliminated

13 Career and College Planning Each school district, community school, and STEM school to add “life and career- ready skills” to curriculum in grades 7 or 8 Each school district, community school, and STEM school to develop a career and college plan for students by the end of grade 8

14 Kindergarten All-day, daily kindergarten offered to all students beginning in 2010-2011 year But – districts may not require students in kindergarten to attend more than half day Exception: state superintendent may grant waiver (space, alternative service delivery) Authority of districts to charge tuition for all-day kindergarten repealed

15 The School Year Phases in over 10 years (4 days in each biennium); 200 “learning days” by 2018 –Apparently applies to nonpublic schools School districts allowed to amend contingency plan for excess calamity days Collective bargaining agreements entered into, renewed, or amended on or after effective date must comply with minimum number of days specified in bill

16 Educator Licensure Effective January 1, 2011 – 4 licenses –Resident educator (4 years) No Praxas II –Professional educator (5 years) –Senior professional educator (5 years) –Lead professional educator (5 years) Renames alternative educator license (2 years for grades 7-12) to alternative resident educator license (4 years for 4-12)

17 Educator Licensure Eliminates one-year conditional teaching permits (grades 7-12 and intervention specialist) National Board Certification Teacher line item removed from budget Renames “master teacher” as “lead teacher” and eliminates requirement that ESB define a “master teacher”

18 Teacher Tenure Teacher licensed after 1/1/11 must meet the following for continuing contract: –Hold a professional, senior professional, or lead professional license –Held license for at least 9 years –Completed 30 semester hours (or 6 if M.A.)

19 Teacher Tenure New eligibility for tenure for teachers licensed on or after 1/1/11 overrides any collective bargaining agreement entered into on or after the effective date For teachers licensed before 1/1/11, coursework required for tenure must have been completed since initial receipt of license other than a substitute teaching license

20 Contract Termination Eliminates “gross inefficiency or immorality” and “willful and persistent violations of reasonable regulations of the board of education” but retains “good and just cause” as grounds for termination Changes in grounds for termination prevail over any conflicting provisions of a collective bargaining agreement entered into after effective date of these changes

21 Other Provisions Transfers School Employees Health Care Board to Department of Education Prohibits corporal punishment in all public and chartered nonpublic schools Effective 7/1/11, only RNs and LPNs employed by district can administer prescription medicines Districts must notify students and parents of parental notification procedures

22 Other Provisions Adds school safety and violence prevention to required staff training in child abuse, violence, substance abuse, and the promotion of positive youth development and extends the requirement to middle and high school personnel Disqualifies Ed Choice scholarship students if enrolled in a nonpublic school for part of the school year in which an application is submitted

23 Other Provisions All nonpublic schools enrolling Ed Choice students must administer state assessments to all enrolled students Removes “financial reasons” from list of statutory grounds for which district can make reductions in force Repeals statutory procedure for non-Civil Service districts to terminate some or all transportation staff and engage an independent contractor

24 GRF Revenues – Actual $ Received Comparing 02/09 with 02/08 $ in thousands CategoryActual 09 per 02/28Actual 08 per 02/28Difference Non-Auto Sales $ 4,322,899 $ 4,553,502 $ (230,603) Auto Sales & Use $ 563,054 $ 605,270 $ (42,216) Subtotal - Sales $ 4,885,953 $ 5,158,772 $ (272,819) Personal Income $ 5,047,819 $ 5,498,373 $ (450,554) ( Corporate Franchise $ 223,895 $ 278,744 $ (54,849) Public Utility $ 121,422 $ 93,278 $ 28,144 KWH Tax $ 92,018 $ 194,267 $ (102,249) Foreign/Domestic Insurance $ 164,788 $ 194,922 $ (30,134) Other Business $ 372 $ 393 $ (21) Soft Drink/Sin Tax $ 623,939 $ 638,157 $ (14,218) Estate $ 30,837 $ 31,025 $ (188) Total Tax Receipts $ 11,191,043 $ 12,087,931 $ (896,888)

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