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ECMWF 14-16 June 2006Slide 1 Access to ECMWF data for Research Manuel Fuentes Data and Services Section, ECMWF ECMWF Forecast Products User Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "ECMWF 14-16 June 2006Slide 1 Access to ECMWF data for Research Manuel Fuentes Data and Services Section, ECMWF ECMWF Forecast Products User Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECMWF 14-16 June 2006Slide 1 Access to ECMWF data for Research Manuel Fuentes Data and Services Section, ECMWF ECMWF Forecast Products User Meeting

2 ECMWF 14-16 June 2006Slide 2 Introduction ECMWF makes data available for Research & Education freely or at a handling charge only For Commercial use, data is also available through Data Services (Archived and Real-time), with additional cost (information charge) This presentation focuses on data available for Research & Education Data access methods Data sets Data formats

3 ECMWF 14-16 June 2006Slide 3 Data Access Services Archived or Real-time data: Meteorological Archival Retrieval System (MARS) Dissemination System Data Services Data from special projects: Public Data Server THREDDS/OpenDAP (experimental)

4 ECMWF 14-16 June 2006Slide 4 MARS: Contents Main repository of meteorological data: Operational runs Deterministic Forecast: Atmospheric and Wave models Ensemble Prediction System Monthly Forecast Seasonal Forecast Monthly Datasets Monthly means Climatology Data from other NWP Centres

5 ECMWF 14-16 June 2006Slide 5 MARS: Contents (cont.) Project Datasets ERA-15, ERA-40 PROVOST DEMETER Observations ECMWF Research experiments Member States experiments Using ECMWF models Using own models: COSMO/LEPS

6 ECMWF 14-16 June 2006Slide 6 MARS: Access Direct access to more than 2 PetaBytes of data using pseudo-meteorological language Access modes: Batch Interactive: Metview, WebMARS Remotely from Member States Discovery (Data Finder) and Browsing (Catalogue) Restrictions to access valid data Users: Member States for Research & Education Access granted by NMSs

7 ECMWF 14-16 June 2006Slide 7 Dissemination system Real-time products Subscription based Users edit requirement specification: which data (parameter, step, forecasting system, …) what post-processing (sub-area, grid, resolution, …) Product generation All products are generated in parallel on the supercomputer Data is pushed from ECMWF to users Operates under a fixed schedule Everyone gets same data at the same time

8 ECMWF 14-16 June 2006Slide 8 Data Services Provide Data and Software to external organisations under rules approved by Council Data Services Catalogues Catalogue of Archived data and products Catalogue of Real-time products Software catalogue

9 ECMWF 14-16 June 2006Slide 9 Data Services: Archive Catalogue Contents: MARS contents Access: On-line costing system ERA-15, ERA-40 Operational data Observations Marine, Aircraft, Vertical soundings Cost: Handling charge only for Research & Education Handling charge and Information charge for commercial use

10 ECMWF 14-16 June 2006Slide 10 Data Services: Archive Catalogue, delivery Tape DAT Exabyte DLT LTO2 CD DVD Internet transfer FTP Push Downloadable

11 ECMWF 14-16 June 2006Slide 11 Data Services: Real-Time Catalogue Contents: Selected parameters from Operational forecasting systems Web products (as a whole) Access: Dissemination system www Cost: Handling charge (Research & Education) Additional Information charge (Commercial)

12 ECMWF 14-16 June 2006Slide 12 Data Services: Software Catalogue Decoders: Free of charge GRIB (GRIBEX, grib_api) BUFR Interpolation software (EMOSLIB) Magics Metview Graphical User Interface Plotting Field manipulation Macro language

13 ECMWF 14-16 June 2006Slide 13 Public Data Server 1 Terabyte of data online, 2.5 ° resolution: DEMETER ERA-15 ERA-40 ENACT Data is downloadable in GRIB, NetCDF or in graphical form Field manipulation capabilities: sub-area extraction and change of resolution ERA-40 contents can be obtained on 2 LTO2 tapes at handling charge

14 ECMWF 14-16 June 2006Slide 14 Public Data Server (cont.) Service started in 2003 7000 users Average 700 GBytes/month (peaks of 1 TB/month) For Research and Education only

15 ECMWF 14-16 June 2006Slide 15 THREDDS/OpenDAP Data access method under investigation Contents: ENACT DEMETER ENSEMBLES Link to Climate Explorer at KNMI For Research and Education only

16 ECMWF 14-16 June 2006Slide 16 Data Formats vs. Data Access Service GRIBNetCDFGraphical MARS Data Services Dissemination Data Server THREDDS/DoDS

17 ECMWF 14-16 June 2006Slide 17 Future developments Thorpex Interactive Grand Global Ensemble, TIGGE Creation of a Database containing all available global ensemble in near real-time 3 Archive Centres (NCAR, CMA, ECMWF), 9 Data Providers (BoM, CMA, JMA, KMA, NCEP, CMC, CPTEC, UKMO, ECMWF) GRIB Edition 2 Initial exchange of data started (2 models) First users expected by end 2006 ENSEMBLES Some experiments already available in MARS Interim Re-Analysis

18 ECMWF 14-16 June 2006Slide 18 Summary Data Access Services MARS, Data Services, Dissemination Data Server, THREDDS/OpenDAP Data sets Operational Archive Archive Catalogue and Real-Time Catalogue Special projects: ERA, DEMETER, ENSEMBLES, TIGGE Data formats GRIB (Edition 1, 2) NetCDF Graphical

19 ECMWF 14-16 June 2006Slide 19 More information MARS: Data Services: Dissemination: Data Server: TIGGE: ENSEMBLES: Thank you !

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