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Rome Producer-Archive Interface Specification Plan of Objects to be Transferred Prototype for the design and Transfer follow-up.

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Presentation on theme: "Rome Producer-Archive Interface Specification Plan of Objects to be Transferred Prototype for the design and Transfer follow-up."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rome Producer-Archive Interface Specification Plan of Objects to be Transferred Prototype for the design and Transfer follow-up

2 PAIS tool – 12-13 June 2006 2 Contents ■Tool presentation ■CDPP use case presentation  Wind waves TNR L2 data ■POT design  Main functionalities for tree design  Wind Waves POT visualisation ■Transfer follow-up  Follow-up visualisation ■ Demo

3 PAIS tool – 12-13 June 2006 3 Tool presentation  Hypothesis: the Descriptor Models already exist for the project ■Two parts  Descriptors creation and POT visualisation (during the Formal Definition Phase)  Plan first design  Easy filling up of Descriptors,  Centralized information  POT creation and validation  POT visualization  With easy GUI  Transfer follow-up and visualisation (during the Transfer Phase)  Follow-up Descriptor state in POT and follow-up detail visualization  Using the same graphical visualisation and POT information  The current version of the prototype doesn’t take into account the SIP part (regrouping and sequencing constraints, …)

4 PAIS tool – 12-13 June 2006 4 Tool presentation: technical characteristics ■XSD schema for Descriptor Models ■XML files for Descriptors ■Open source (XAmple, JUNG, Apache) ■Requirements  JAVA (Applet & XML/XSLT Processing)  JAXB (Java for XML Binding)  JUNG (Graph management)  XAmple (XML Editor)  Servlet & JSP Container (Tomcat server)  HTTP Browser with Java Plug-in

5 PAIS tool – 12-13 June 2006 5 WIND WAVES Experiment WIND WAVES TNR L2 Data set WIND WAVES TNR L2 Data (1..N) Complementary Data Objects EAST Description (1) Waves documentation (1) Space Physics domain WIND mission WAVES experiment WIND WAVES TNR L2 data set Complementary Data Objects: EAST syntactic descriptor Mission description document CDPP use case presentation

6 PAIS tool – 12-13 June 2006 6 Plan of Transfer: description ■The POT Tree  a tree made of nodes and leaves  nodes  leaves  each node/leaf is associated with  an XSD descriptor (Descriptor Model)  an XML file (Descriptor)  used during the phases  Formal Definition  Transfer (and Validation)

7 PAIS tool – 12-13 June 2006 7 POT Icon states and representations Formal Definition PhaseTransfer PhaseBoth UnknownValidatedUnvalidatedWaitingProgressingTerminatedSelectedLinked NodeNode LeafLeaf

8 PAIS tool – 12-13 June 2006 8 WWW SERVER.XML MODELS.XSD DESCRIPTORS Archive POT.XML POT Design: General purpose Producer

9 PAIS tool – 12-13 June 2006 9 ■Elementary Plan design (descriptor_model_ID, descriptor_ID, title) using the list of Descriptor Models: creation of nodes and first graphical view without need to give further Object information ■Descriptors creation: node instantiation (possible to do it in several times with automatic base updates) and validation (XAmple form). The XML files thus created populate the ingest base (complete view on the nodes of the POT and the links between these nodes) ■Graphic representation of the POT which can be seen and understood by the Producer and the Archive POT design: main functionalities (1/2)

10 PAIS tool – 12-13 June 2006 10 POT design: main functionalities (2/2) ■Node actions  Add node  Delete node  Modify node  Node definition  Unique identifier (Id)  Label  Descriptor Model (.XSD file)

11 PAIS tool – 12-13 June 2006 11 POT Design : Node Actions (1/2) ■Add node  leaf becomes a node  default generated id, label and model descriptor  unique id accepted ■Delete node  remove the node and all children  ask confirmation when node, or children nodes is/are XAmple modified

12 PAIS tool – 12-13 June 2006 12 POT Design : Node Actions (2/2) ■Modify node  open Xample editor  use the Descriptor Model information  automatically fills the following data  descriptor_ID  descriptor_type  parent_collection  Allows to complete other data fields  Related_descriptor_ID –Used with "Show Linked Nodes"  …

13 PAIS tool – 12-13 June 2006 13 POT Design : Additional Features ■POT Update  Send POT modifications to the server  POT.xml file is updated ■Show linked node  nodes defined as linked in the XML file are highlighted

14 PAIS tool – 12-13 June 2006 14 ■Same graphical visualisation as the 'Definition Phase' ■Visualisation of the progress  Graphical conventions  Progressing (still in transfer)  Terminated (transfer completed)  Number of objects already transferred (and number of objects to be transferred, if known) Transfer follow-up

15 PAIS tool – 12-13 June 2006 15

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