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Mark L. Green, Ph.D. Grid Computational Scientist Monitoring and Information Services Architecture and Deployment University at Buffalo The State University.

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Presentation on theme: "Mark L. Green, Ph.D. Grid Computational Scientist Monitoring and Information Services Architecture and Deployment University at Buffalo The State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mark L. Green, Ph.D. Grid Computational Scientist Monitoring and Information Services Architecture and Deployment University at Buffalo The State University of New York

2 University at BuffaloThe State University of New York CCR Center for Computational Research Layout Monitoring and information Services - Core Infrastructure (MIS-CI)  MIS Compute Element and Storage Element  Discovery Service  Consumer Interface  Resource Repository  Information Gathering Current Grid3 Monitoring Services MIS-CI Deployment MIS-CI Proof of Concept Timeline

3 University at BuffaloThe State University of New York CCR Center for Computational Research MIS-CI MIS Compute Element and Storage Element Discovery Service  Lightweight information gathering  Self monitoring  Scalable  Expandable  Robust and Fault Tolerant  Timestamps  API

4 University at BuffaloThe State University of New York CCR Center for Computational Research MIS-CI MIS Compute Element and Storage Element Consumer Interface  Modular and customizable query infrastructure  Self monitoring  Scalable  Consumer profiles  Consumer throttling  API

5 University at BuffaloThe State University of New York CCR Center for Computational Research MIS-CI MIS Compute Element and Storage Element Resource Repository  Lightweight with minimal resource loading and requirements  Self monitoring  Expandable  Common schema with unique name space  Virtual organization based aggregation  Timestamps

6 University at BuffaloThe State University of New York CCR Center for Computational Research MIS-CI MIS Compute Element and Storage Element Information Gathering  Lightweight information gathering  Self monitoring  Expandable  Modular design  Cron based implementation

7 University at BuffaloThe State University of New York CCR Center for Computational Research Current Grid3 Monitoring Services Unfortunately these projects have significant overlap and often report an inconsistent representation of the core monitoring and information required by application managers and grid schedulers. The current monitoring systems include:  MonaLisa, GridCat, MDS, ACDC Job Monitoring, Ganglia Representatives from each project have agreed to participate in the Monitoring and Information Services Technical Group and contribute information gathering infrastructure, expertise, and compatibility infrastructure.

8 University at BuffaloThe State University of New York CCR Center for Computational Research MIS-CI Architecture SQL-Lite Database SQL-Lite Remote VO Historical Repository SQL-Lite Local Historical Repository SQL-Lite Database Backup User Resource Gatekeeper jobmanager-mis -profile (default) -jobs -gridftp -diskspace -accounting -policy -environment -software -VO -statistics -security Discovery Service MIS-CI Profiles Schema Eval Cron jobs Self- Monitor gridftp VO software environment diskspace accounting policy statistics security ? MIS-CI Consumer Throttling MIS-CI Resource Throttling Custom Remote Repository Grid Scheduler OSG Auditing/Accounting

9 University at BuffaloThe State University of New York CCR Center for Computational Research MIS-CI Deployment Proof of Concept MIS-CI Deployment Pacman Cache  Grid3Dev  Mama Cluster  Grid3  Acdc Cluster Document Management System  Module management  Version control MIS-CI API MIS-CI Online Documentation

10 University at BuffaloThe State University of New York CCR Center for Computational Research MIS-CI Deployment Timeline Proof of Concept MIS-CI Deployment ~ 12/2004 Pacman Cache  Grid3Dev ~ 1/2005  Mama Cluster  Grid3 ~ 2/2005  ACDC Cluster Document Management System ~ 12/2004  Module management  Version control MIS-CI API ~ 1/2005 MIS-CI Online Documentation ~ 1/2005 Proof of Concept Web Repository (ACDC) ~ 1/2005  Only use MIS-CI for Information Gathering  Load/Usage Statistics and Scalability reporting

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