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Discovering Similarity of Short Programs by Canonical Form Baohua Wu University of Pennsylvania.

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Presentation on theme: "Discovering Similarity of Short Programs by Canonical Form Baohua Wu University of Pennsylvania."— Presentation transcript:

1 Discovering Similarity of Short Programs by Canonical Form Baohua Wu University of Pennsylvania

2 Scenario With a known malicious program P1 about a security hole, and an unknown suspicious program P2, how to identify the similarity of P2 to P1? If there are known polymorphic malicious program P1, P2, … Pn, how to identify their common “fingerprints”?

3 Assumption Malicious programs are short in size, for example –Scripts < 500 lines –Assembly code < 10 kilobytes

4 Obfuscation Techniques Dead-Code Insertion –NOP, CLI, STI, etc –Complicated ones: inc/dec, push/pop Code Transposition –Add (unconditional) branches –Reorder independent instructions

5 Obfuscation Techniques Register Reassignment –Replace eax with ebx if ebx is unused in a live range –Prologue/epilogue code to swap registers Instruction Substitution –IA32 instruction set has many equivalent instructions

6 Obfuscation Techniques Data modification –Replace a boolean variable with two integers X  a < b Encryption –Polymorph Engine –Variable keys, algorithms, decriptors

7 Obfuscation Summary Changing instructions inside a basic block Changing control flows Dynamic code generation How to solve them?

8 Objective of Canonical Form of Programs Reducing polymorphism Identifying tokens for statistic analysis

9 Canonical Form of Programs Compact intermediate instructions –No or few alternative instructions Simplified programming model –Code segment – read only –Data segment – heap only (no stack, no registers) –No function calls except system calls –Conditional and loop instructions are kept

10 More about Canonical Form Encrypted code are processed in advance –Multiple phases of compilation –Or simply report it as suspicious No user-defined function calls –Recursive function elimination –Inline function expansion Code optimization by compiler techniques –no dead or useless code –No or few redundant common expressions

11 More about Canonical Form For assembly program, treat registers as variables –No limitation on number of registers –No unnecessary swapping instructions Rename variables in some Total Order (v1,v2…) –Definition position in the program is a total order But it may be changed in polymorphism –Main order by data dependency –Secondary order by variable type, length, name, def position Reorder interexchangeable instructions by alphabetic order

12 What else for polymorphism? Changes in algorithm –Not in my scope… Changes in control flow –Unconditional branch insertion –Combination of conditional branches –Exchanging internal and external loop –Useless branches

13 Unconditional branch insertion A; B; C; goto 3; 1: C; goto 4; 2: B; goto 1; 3: A; goto 2; 4:

14 Combination of conditional branches If a < b Then A; Else B; If c < d Then C; Else D; If a < b and c < d Then A; C; Else if a =d Then A; D; Else if a>=b and c<d Then B; C; Else B; D;

15 Exchanging internal and external loop Sum(matrix a) For (i=0;i<10;i++) For (j=0;j<10;j++) sum+= a[i][j]; Sum(matrix a) For (j=0;j<10;j++) For (i=0;i<10;i++) sum+= a[i][j];

16 Useless branches A; B; C;. End: D; A; If date<1900 Goto End; B; C;. End: D;

17 Linearizing Control Flow …So far, no semantics is lost. Now it is different! Remove backward branches –Replace them (such as a loop) with repetitive conditional statements –Number of repetitions is set to N (ex. 2) Remove forward branches by enumerating possible combinations of executed branches Further change each path into canonical form CPS -- Canonical Path Set –Critical Canonical Path in CPS is a sub-path of a actual execution path causing damage

18 Similarity of Canonical Programs P1 is a known malicious program P2 is an unknown program Similarity(P1, P2) =

19 PathSim: Similarity of Canonical Paths Recall in canonical paths –Linear execution –No control flow –No redundant common expression –No useless code –No dead code –No registers –Variables are renamed by some total order –Independent instructions are sorted in alphabetic order Similarity algorithms for text documents can be used

20 Identifying Critical Canonical Path (CCP) P1, P2, P3, … Pn are known malicious programs A CCP must have at least one similar path in all Canonical Path Sets CPS(P1), CPS(P2), … CPS(Pn) Statistic algorithms can be applied, ex. Gibbs Sampler

21 Summary Assumption: malicous programs are short Canonical form for comparison Limited number of canonical linear paths Similarity problem for text documents Statistic methods to identify common fingerprints

22 Acknowledgement Thank You All!

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