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SI team data access Scott Horner 28 September 2009.

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1 SI team data access Scott Horner 28 September 2009

2 SITR 28 Sep 20092 Introduction SOFIA needed to consolidate websites for effective configuration management NASA and Ames are still defining their IT security requirements, so we are operating in a shifting landscape

3 SITR 28 Sep 2009 3

4 4 Public websites NASA ( – all access public pages maintained by NASA for E/ USRA ( – all access public pages maintained by NASA for E/ 4

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6 6 Science Community Website DCS ( –Users submit an application for a password via a web form –Anyone can get access – the account process is just for compiling statistics on usage –Provides User support Proposal development Observing planning Data archive and retrieval 6

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8 8 SOFIA engineering websites The B747 ( website is being integrated into the Twiki and will eventually be eliminated Windchill ( is THE SOFIA project archive – for configuration managed and non-cm documents (replaces NX/Docushare) The Twiki site ( is a collaborative website maintained by USRA for collaboration with the SI teams

9 SITR 28 Sep 20099 2 Options 1)Have SI teams get access to Windchill SI teams have access to the most current information SI teams can browse documents of interest SI teams are fully integrated into the SOFIA team SI teams need to submit to an intrusive approval process 2)Copy SI team relevant documents to Twiki USRA maintains the website, so access may be easier USRA would need to task someone with maintaining the content on the Twiki Process for allowing documents to be posted on the Twiki is currently ill-defined and may prove arduous and time consuming Not all documents will be available NASA may levy IT requirements on subcontractors

10 SITR 28 Sep 200910 Windchill Sooner or later, there will be document you want that we won’t be allowed to e-mail or place on the Twiki At least one representative from each SI to go through this process As many as want to can apply Since the process for getting Windchill access and getting a hard-badge are nearly identical – we will process all SI team applicants to obtain a hard badge

11 SITR 28 Sep 200911 From the Science Community Perspective… 1)Windchill – the NASA SOFIA program configuration control repository; retains “official” document deliverables, ICDs, et al. (note that this replaces NX, Postdoc, and their predecessors) Requires full NASA account authorization process (including background check). One member from each SI Team should have access. May require two-factor authentication (RSA ID token issued by ARC). 2)SOFIA Program public website -- SOFIA page among NASA HQ missions pages -- links to Science Center and Dryden websites; mostly a Public Affairs facility (NASA news releases, media gallery); this is what you see if you browse for SOFIA on the NASA HQ website. (Links/points to Science Center website.) 3)Science Center Wiki -- main site for interconnection within and between SOFIA scientific staff and SI teams (accounts created by USRA staff). Some internal website materials will be moved here, e.g. updated list of SOFIA-related publications. 4)Science Center public website -- public outreach, plus information for researchers (e.g. guidance for proposal submission, information about Observatory capabilities, et al) 5)Data Cycle System & Archive – the access point for all DCS and Archive activities. Accounts are user-created and managed by Science Center staff.

12 SITR 28 Sep 2009 12 US Citizens Establish Identity with NASA -Register User with ‘IDMax’ -Provide Basic personal info (Name, SSN, DOB, Address, Green Card info, and provide documentation and fingerprints) Data access The Process for securing Badging and IT Access are dependent on several factors: -Citizenship (US, Permanent Resident (LPR), and Foreign National) -Location (Within 50 miles of a NASA Center/or not) -Length of relationship with NASA (long term, short term) -Type of access required (Physical Badge, IT Access, or both) The general paths, for Physical and IT access are: Permanent Residents Foreign Nationals Background Check by Office of Personnel Management - Security Plan Completed Provisioning - NASA provides badge -SOFIA provisions accounts IT Security Training (required) Establish Identity with NASA -Register User with ‘IDMax’ -Provide Basic personal info (Name, SSN, DOB, Address, and provide documentation and fingerprints) Background Check by Office of Personnel Management Provisioning - NASA provides badge -SOFIA provisions accounts IT Security Training (required) Establish Identity with NASA -Register User with ‘IDMax’ -Provide Basic personal info (Name, SSN, DOB, Address, Visa and passport info, and provide documentation and fingerprints) Background Check by Office of Personnel Management -Security Plan Completed Provisioning - NASA provides badge -SOFIA provisions accounts IT Security Training (required)

13 SITR 28 Sep 200913 SOFIA Data Access Overview Engineering Data and Process PI/PM should decide who and how many on your team will need access, and what kind –IT Access –Physical Access –Both Process –We will work with your team throughout each step to make sure it goes as quickly and smoothly as possible To arrange for access, contact –Bob Brummett – –650.604.6831

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