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UAB Management & Core Refactoring Ivan Prieto Barreiro 10/04/2013.

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1 UAB Management & Core Refactoring Ivan Prieto Barreiro 10/04/2013

2 Summary 1.UAB Management 2.UAB Core Refactoring (v 1.5.0-beta-01) – UAB Model – Wizard Components 3.Adding copyright to source files

3 UAB Management UAB Core releases – Major modifications – New functionalities / Minor modifications – Bug fixes Requests for improvements/new functionalities/bugs from JIRA Regular status meetings for UAB developers – Two meetings per year (starting today) – Notifications about new improvements and functionalities Meetings after major releases of UAB Core – Requires modification in the UAB plug-ins to be up to date Notification after minor releases of UAB Core – New functionalities, bug fixing, minor improvements, … – Using EN-ICE blogs – Mail notification to UAB developers

4 Summary 1.UAB Management 2.UAB Core Refactoring (v 1.5.0-beta-01) – UAB Model – Wizard Components 3.Adding copyright to source files

5 UAB Core Refactoring

6 AGenerateAction class New class that extends the AbstractAction Constructors /** * Class constructor. * The icon for the action will be the default generate icon. * @param name Action's name. * @param tooltipText Tooltip text for the action. */ public AGenerateAction(String name, String tooltipText); /** * Class constructor. * @param name Action's name. * @param icon Action's icon. By default the generate icon is included. * @param tooltipText Tooltip text for the action. */ public AGenerateAction(String name, Icon icon, String tooltipText);

7 GenerationException class New class to throw generation exceptions Constructors /** * Class constructor. * @param message Exception message. */ public GenerationException(String message); /** * Class constructor. * @param message Exception message. * @param hint Hint on how to fix the error. */ public GenerationException(String message, String hint);

8 IPlugin interface modifications New interface definition Methods removed public void initialize(); public void plug(); public void start(); public void stop(); public void unplug(); public void shutdown(); start() method implemented in AGenerationPlugin

9 APlugin class Constructor modifications /** * Class constructor (abstract) */ protected APlugin() { // Singleton initialization mySelf = this; } No need to initialize the singleton instance in the plug-in implementation Implementation of the ILogWriterTemplate interface

10 AGenerationPlugin class Super class of all the generation plug-ins Major refactoring of generation plugins to this class Implements ICodeGenerationPlugin

11 AGenerationPlugin class Abstract methods /** * Generate method to be implemented by all the plug-ins. * @throws Exception */ protected abstract void generate() throws Exception; Constructors (No changes) /** * Class Constructor (abstract). * If the subclass invokes this constructor the plug-in will not be a logic plug-in. */ protected AGenerationPlugin(); /** * Class constructor (abstract). * @param isLogicPlugin Boolean value to specify if it is a logic plug-in or not. */ protected AGenerationPlugin(boolean isLogicPlugin);

12 AGenerationPlugin class Public method to start the plug-in execution /** * Start the plug-in execution. * Decide if launch the application with GUI or without it. */ public void start() { // GUI Execution if (CoreManager.getGUIManagement().isGUIRequired()) { // Initialise the General XML Editor initializeGeneralEditor(); runGUI(); } else { runNoGUI(); } Protected methods to start the plug-in execution /** * Initialize the XML General Editor */ protected void initializeGeneralEditor(); /** * Run the plug-in generation with graphical interface (FESA XML Editor). */ protected void runGUI(); /** * Run the plug-in generation without graphical interface. */ protected void runNoGUI();

13 AGenerationPlugin class Protected methods to initialize the XML General editor /** * Method executed when a new file is loaded in the General XML Editor. * @return An instance of IUserCallback. */ protected IUserCallback getFileLoadedUserAction(); /** * Get the General Editor instance. * @return */ protected IGeneralEditor getGeneralEditor(); /** * Add an instance of AGenerateAction in the menu with the specified name. * @param action The instance of AGenerateAction to add. * @param menuName The menu name */ protected void addMenuAction(AGenerateAction action, String menuName); /** * Set the toolbar in the XML General editor. */ protected void setEditorToolbar(); /** * Set the menu bar in the XML General editor. */ protected void setEditorMenubar();

14 AGenerationPlugin class Protected methods to validate and generate /** * Method used to get the instance of AGenerateAction used to validate the specification instances. * @return */ protected AGenerateAction getValidateAction(); /** * Used to validate the Excel instances configuration file. */ protected void validateInstances() throws Exception; /** * Method used to get the instance of AGenerateAction used to run the plug-in generation. * @return */ protected AGenerateAction getGenerateAction(); /** * Initialization of the generation. The plug-ins must call this method in the generate method. * @param checkCompatibility Flag to specify if the compatibility plug-in/resources must be checked * @throws GenerationException In the following cases: */ protected void generate(boolean checkCompatibility) throws Exception;

15 AGenerationPlugin class protected AGenerateAction getValidateAction () {... Thread m_validationThread = new Thread(new Runnable(){ public void run() { try { validateInstances(); // Method implemented in AGenerationPlugin class } catch (GenerationException e) { writeErrorInUABLog(e.getMessage()); String hint = e.getHint(); if (hint!=null) writeConfigInUABLog(hint); } catch (Exception e) { writeErrorWithStackTrace("The validation has failed: " + e.getMessage(), e); } finally { setGenerationPercentage(100); // Resets the UABLogger messages counter UABLogger.resetCounters(); } } }, getId()); m_validationThread.start(); }

16 AGenerationPlugin class /** * Used to validate the Excel instances configuration file. */ protected void validateInstances() throws Exception { try { initialize(true); VerificationProcessor verificationProcessor = VerificationProcessor.getInstance(); Boolean readyForGeneration = verificationProcessor.validateDeviceTypeInstances(config, this); if (readyForGeneration){ UABLogger.getLogger("UABLogger").log(Level.INFO, "Ready for generation", type.DATA); } else { UABLogger.getLogger("UABLogger").log(Level.SEVERE, "Not ready for generation. Check reported problems first.", type.DATA); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { clearInterruptGeneration(); }

17 AGenerationPlugin class protected AGenerateAction getGenerateAction() {... m_generationThread = new Thread(new Runnable(){ public void run() { try { // Clears the path of the templates processor to prevent loading files from other loaded applications TemplatesProcessor.getInstance().clearPath(); generate(); // The generate() method must be implemented in the sub-classes } catch (GenerationException e) { writeErrorInUABLog(e.getMessage()); String hint = e.getHint(); if (hint!=null) writeConfigInUABLog(hint); } catch (Exception e) { String errorMessage = "The generation has failed"; if (e.getMessage()!=null) errorMessage += e.getMessage(); writeErrorWithStackTrace(errorMessage, e); } finally { // Writes the plug-in exit status in the user report frame logExitStatus(); setGenerationPercentage(100); // Resets the UABLogger messages counter UABLogger.resetCounters(); } }, getId()); m_generationThread.start(); }

18 AGenerationPlugin class /** * Initialization of the generation. The plug-ins must call this method * in the generate method. * @param checkCompatibility Flag to specify if the compatibility between plug-in and resources must be checked * @throws GenerationException In the following cases: * * The UnicosApplication.xml file is not loaded * The path to the specs file doesn't exist or it's empty * The specs file couldn't be mapped to a java class * The plug-in is not compatible with the application resources * */ protected void generate(boolean checkCompatibility) throws Exception { // Check if the application XML config file exists... // Get the specs file location... // Create the Java representation of the specs file... // Initialize the log file for the generation... // Check the compatibility between plug-in and resources (if required)... // Check if the generation was interrupted by the user... // Call to the plug-in method to read the configuration parameters reconnectConfiguration(); // Process the semantic rules... // Check if the generation was interrupted by the user... }

19 AGenerationPlugin class Semantic rules processing /** * Used to process the semantic check rules and to validate the Excel instances configuration file. */ protected void processSemanticCheckRules() throws Exception; /** * Check if the semantic rules must be executed. * @return TRUE if the semantic rules must be executed, otherwise false. */ public boolean executeSemanticRules (); /** * Method used to know if the execution of the semantic rules is forced due * to a change in the specifications file. * @return TRUE if and only if the semantic rules execution is forced. */ public boolean areSemanticRulesForced ();

20 AGenerationPlugin class Access to application data /** * Get the representation of the specifications file. * @return The instance of the specifications file. * @throws Throws a GenerationException if the specs file instance is null. */ public IInstancesFacade getUnicosProject() throws GenerationException; /** * Get a device type from the specifications source. * @param typeName * @return * @throws GenerationException */ public IDeviceType getUnicosDeviceType(String typeName) throws GenerationException; /** * Get the application XML configuration file (UnicosApplication.xml). * @return The instance of the application configuration file (UnicosApplication.xml). * @throws Throws a GenerationException if the configuration file instance is null. */ public XMLConfigMapper getXMLConfig() throws GenerationException;

21 AGenerationPlugin class Access to UnicosApplication.xml data /** * Get the application name from the UnicosApplication. * @return */ public String getApplicationName(); /** * Get the application version from the ConfigInfo node of the UnicosApplication. * @return */ public String getApplicationVersion(); /** * Get the application UniqueID from the UNICOS Application Configuration * @return String containing the Application Version. */ public String getApplicationUniqueID(); /** * Get a config parameter from the UnicosApplication. * @param path The path to the config parameter. * @return */ public String getConfigParameter(String path);

22 AGenerationPlugin class Access to UnicosApplication.xml data /** * Get an application parameter from the UnicosApplication. * @param path The path to the application parameter. * @return */ public String getApplicationParameter(String path); /** * Get a plug-in parameter from the UnicosApplication. * @param path The path to the plug-in parameter. (e.g.: “GeneralData:MainClass”) No pluginId provided! * @return */ public String getPluginParameter(String path); /** * Get a plug-in parameter map from the UnicosApplication. * @param path The path to the plug-in parameter. (e.g.: “UNICOSTypesToProcess”) No pluginId provided! * @return */ public Map getPluginParameterMap(String path);

23 AGenerationPlugin class Interrupt plug-in generation /** * Method used to notify the plug-in that the generation has been interrupted by the user. */ public void interruptGeneration(); /** * Return TRUE if the generation has been interrupted by the user, otherwise FALSE. * @return */ public static boolean isGenerationInterrupted(); /** * Check if the generation was interrupted by the user, in affirmative case * throws a GenerationException. */ public void checkGenerationInterrupted() throws GenerationException; /** * Clear the flag that indicates that the generation has been interrupted * by the user and throw a GenerationException. * @throws GenerationException */ protected void clearInterruptGeneration() throws GenerationException;

24 AGenerationPlugin class Buffer processing /** * Used to create a string from a string vector. If the last character of each string in the vector is * different than '\n', appends the new line character at the end of the string. * @param theVectorIs the string vector with the generated code. * @param sbuffer A StringBuffer where to append the generated code. * @return The total number of lines found. */ protected int processBuffer(Vector theVector, StringBuilder sbuffer); /** * Used to create a string from a string vector. * @param theVectorIs the string vector with the generated code. * @param sbuffer A StringBuffer where to append the generated code. * @param appendLine Flag to specify if the new line character must be added at the end of each * String in the buffer (if it doesn't exist) * @return The total number of lines found. */ protected int processBuffer(Vector theVector, StringBuilder sbuffer, boolean appendLine);

25 AGenerationPlugin class Report methods (for UABLog) /** * Write the header of the generation report in the UAB log. */ protected void writeGenerationResultsHeader(); [05/04/2013 18:44:28][INFO][PROGRAM] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [05/04/2013 18:44:28][INFO][PROGRAM] Generation Report [05/04/2013 18:44:28][INFO][PROGRAM] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [05/04/2013 18:44:28][INFO][PROGRAM] Generation performed by iprietob is completed. [05/04/2013 18:44:28][INFO][PROGRAM] The log file has been generated in: C:\...\Bat904\UAB\Log\ /** * Write the number of instances generated in the UAB log. */ protected void writeGenerationResultsInstanceNumber(); [05/04/2013 18:44:28][INFO][PROGRAM] Processed devices: [05/04/2013 18:44:28][INFO][PROGRAM] DigitalInput objects: 18 [05/04/2013 18:44:28][INFO][PROGRAM] AnalogInput objects: 14 [05/04/2013 18:44:28][INFO][PROGRAM] DigitalParameter objects: 2 [05/04/2013 18:44:28][INFO][PROGRAM] WordParameter objects: 16 [05/04/2013 18:44:28][INFO][PROGRAM] AnalogParameter objects: 97

26 AGenerationPlugin class New methods /** * Get the current date using the format specified in the config. XML file * for the logging (Logging:DateFormat) * @return */ public String getDate(); /** * Method used to know if there were errors (SEVERE messages) during the execution. * @return */ protected boolean errorsFound(); /** * This function extracts the comments from the comment buffer if not empty and insert it * before the next access to any buffer. * @param theTargetBuffer */ protected void insertComment(Vector theTargetBuffer); /** * Write a comment in the comments buffer. * @param theText */ public void writeComment(String theText);

27 Plug-in modifications Remove the implementation of the methods: public void initialize(); public void plug(); public void unplug(); public void start(); public void stop(); public void shutdown(); public void initializeGeneralEditor(); public void processSemanticCheckRules(); public void runGUI(); public void runNoGUI(); public void insertComment(Vector theTargetBuffer); public void writeComment(String theText); Change the visibility of the following methods to protected: protected void generate(); protected void reconnectConfiguration(); Remove the assignment of the singleton instance (mySelf=this) Remove the implementation of GenerateAction – All parameters must be read in the reconnectConfiguration() method. – All generation logic must be implemented in the generate() method.

28 Summary 1.UAB Management 2.UAB Core Refactoring (v 1.5.0-beta-01) – UAB Model – Wizard Components 3.Adding copyright to source files

29 New hierarchy of classes New Classes * Relationships between classes are hidden

30 ActionMap classes No changes in WizardActionMap Define the typical wizard actions – Back action – Next action – Exit action An action defines: – Action text – Icon – Key – Description – Mnemonic GenerateActionMap defines a new action for generation Each Wizard must define its own action map with specific actions – Instance Generation – Logic Generation – …

31 Panel Descriptors New class and interface: – IGenerationPanelDescriptor – GenerationPanelDescriptor Methods should be overwritten by subclasses when necessary New Classes

32 AWizard class The Wizard class must inherit from AGenerationWizard instead of AWizard public abstract class AWizard extends APlugin implements IWizard { /** Static reference to the wizard instance **/ protected static AWizard wizardInstance = null; /** * Class constructor. */ public AWizard () { wizardInstance = this; } /** * Provides access to this code generation plug-in through the IManager Interface. * @return */ public static IWizard getWizardManager() { return (IWizard) wizardInstance; } };

33 AGenerationWizard class The Wizard plug-ins must inherit from AGenerationWizard instead of AWizard Abstract methods /** * Get the instance of the wizard controller. * @return */ protected abstract IGenerationController getWizardController(); /** * Get the identifier of the initial panel. * @return */ public abstract Object getInitialPanelIdentifier(); Implemented methods /** * Wizard initialization: compose UnicosApplication.xml, load java beans, render wizard panels… */ protected void initialize() throws Exception; /** * Start the wizard execution: initialization, set initial panel, process call parameters, * show wizard frame. */ public void start();

34 AGenerationWizard class Implemented methods /** * Process the VM parameters received. The actions implemented are: * - Create a new application * - Open an existing application * - Upgrade an existing application */ protected void processParameters(); /** * Trigger the creation of a new application. * @param applicationPath The path for the new application */ protected void createNewApplication(String applicationPath); /** * Trigger the opening of an application. * @param applicationPath The application path. */ protected void openApplication(String applicationPath); /** * Trigger the upgrade of an application. * @param applicationPath The application path. */ protected void upgradeApplication(String applicationPath); /** * Get the set of plug-ins available in the wizard. * @return */ public Set getPluginsSet();

35 Wizard modifications Modify the super class to AGenerationWizard Remove the variables: private boolean panelsLoaded; private Resource technicalConfigResource; private Resource wizardConfigResource; private Resource unicosApplicationResource; public final static String actionKey = "action"; public final static String appLocationKey = "config"; public final static String platformKey = "platform"; public final static String resourcesKey = "resourcesVersion"; public final static String newApplication = "NEW_APPLICATION"; public final static String openApplication = "OPEN_APPLICATION"; public final static String upgradeApplication = "UPGRADE_APPLICATION"; Modify the type of the fields private IWizardModel model; -->private IGenerationModel model; private IWizardController controller; --> private IGenerationController controller; Remove the implementation of the methods: public void initialize(); public void plug(); public void unplug(); public void stop(); public void shutdown(); public void initialize(); public void start(); private void processParameters(); public Resource getUnicosApplicationResource(); public void createNewApplication(), openApplication(), upgradeApplication(), showErrorDialog(). Remove the assignment of the singleton instance (wizardInstance=this)

36 Wizard implementation public class Wizard extends AGenerationWizard implements IWizard { public Wizard() { try { // Instantiate the Model-View-Controller classes model = new CpcModel(super.getPluginsSet()); controller = new CpcWizardController(); wizardGUI = new CpcGui(model, controller, 650, 730); wizardGUI.getFrame().setTitle("UAB CPC-Wizard v" + versionId); } catch (Exception e) {... } } public static IPlugin getPluginManager() { if (wizardInstance == null) { wizardInstance = new Wizard(); } return (IPlugin) wizardInstance; } public String getId() { return pluginId; } public String getDescription() { return pluginDescription; } public String getVersionId() { return versionId; } public IWizardGUI getWizardGUI() { return wizardGUI; } public IGenerationModel getWizardModel() { return model; } protected IGenerationController getWizardController() { return controller; } public Object getInitialPanelIdentifier() { return IntroductionPanelDescriptor.IDENTIFIER; } }

37 AModel class Handle panels Set property values: – BackButton (Text, Action, Icon, Enabled) – NextButton (Text, Action, Icon, Enabled) – CancelButton (Text, Action, Icon, Enabled) Property change listener for: – Current panel descriptor – BackButton (Text, Action, Icon, Enabled) – NextButton (Text, Action, Icon, Enabled) – CancelButton (Text, Action, Icon, Enabled)

38 GenerationModel class Model for application specific data: – Wizard mode (Create, open, upgrade) – Project name – Application (name, version, path) – Specs path – Resources version – Upgrade dialog – Navigation buttons (Text, Action, Icon, Enabled, Visible) Property change listener for: – Navigation buttons – Upgrade dialog

39 Specific Model implementation Generally not necessary to implement specific models (Use GenerationModel) But in some cases it can be necessary: e.g. CpcModel public class CpcModel extends GenerationModel { /** * Set the application type (Siemens, Schneider,...) * @param type */ public void setApplicationType (CpcApplicationType type); /** * Get the application type * @return */ public CpcApplicationType getApplicationType (); /** * Load the data in the panels (only the application type panels are loaded) */ @Override public void loadPanelData(); }

40 AWizardController class Abstract methods /** * Method called when the Next button has been pressed. */ protected abstract void nextButtonPressed() throws Exception; /** * Reset the buttons to support the original panel rules, * including whether the next or back buttons are enabled or * disabled, or if the panel is finishable. */ public abstract void resetButtonsToPanelRules(); Implementation of basic GUI actions (ActionListener)

41 GenerationController class Basic controller implementation /** * Implementation of typical actions: New app., open app., upgrade app, * call to generate(), set next panel. */ protected void nextButtonPressed(); /** * Execute a plug-in generation. Called from nextButtonPressed(). */ protected void generate(); /** * Method used to know if the semantic check rules must be executed. * Called from generate(..) method * @param pluginId The plug-in identifier. * @return TRUE if the semantic rules must be executed, otherwise FALSE. */ protected boolean executeSemanticRules (String pluginId); public void triggerNewApplication(String projectPath, String resources) throws Exception; public void triggerLoadApplication(String projectPath) throws Exception; public void triggerUpgradeApplication(String projectPath) throws Exception;

42 Specific Controller implementation public class CietWizardController extends GenerationController { public CietWizardController() throws Exception { super(); super.createApplicationMessage = "Creating a new CIET application"; // This is necessary to create the singleton instance of the CietActionMap CietActionMap.getInstance(); } @Override protected void nextButtonPressed() throws Exception { IGenerationModel model = getModel(); IPanelDescriptor descriptor = model.getCurrentPanelDescriptor(); if (descriptor.getPanelDescriptorIdentifier().equals(AppConfigDescriptor.IDENTIFIER)){ // Do specific actions for the current wizard. } super.nextButtonPressed(); } /** Method called after the creation of a new application and after an application upgrade. **/ @Override protected void cleanupApplication() { // Remove the PLC declarations XMLConfigMapper config = CoreManager.getITechnicalParameters().getXMLConfigMapper(); config.removeNodes("//applicationData/PLCDeclarations"); config.saveXML(); }

43 AWizardGUI class New constructors to provide a frame icon /** * Class constructor. * @param model The instance of the IWizardModel. * @param controller The instance of the IWizardController. * @param icon The wizard icon. */ public AWizardGUI (IWizardModel model, IWizardController controller, Icon icon); /** * Class constructor. * @param model The instance of the IWizardModel. * @param controller The instance of the IWizardController. * @param width The minimum and preferred width. * @param height The minimum and preferred height. * @param icon The wizard icon. */ public AWizardGUI (IWizardModel model, IWizardController controller, int width, int height, Icon icon);

44 GenerationGUI class Constructors to provide a frame icon /** * Class constructor. * @param model The instance of the IWizardModel. * @param controller The instance of the IWizardController. * @param image The wizard image. */ public GenerationGUI (IWizardModel model, IWizardController controller, ImageIcon image); /** * Class constructor. * @param model The instance of the IWizardModel. * @param controller The instance of the IWizardController. * @param width The minimum and preferred width. * @param height The minimum and preferred height. * @param image The wizard image. */ public GenerationGUI (IWizardModel model, IWizardController controller, int width, int height, ImageIcon image);

45 Specific GUI implementation public class CietGui extends GenerationGUI { public static String CIET_FEC_INSTANCES_GENERATOR_TEXT = "Fesa Generator"; public static String CIET_WINCCOA_CONFIG_GENERATOR_TEXT = "WinCC OA Generator"; /** Class constructor. */ public CietGui(IGenerationModel model, IGenerationController controller, int width, int height) { super(model, controller, width, height); } static { try { // Wizard icon initialization WIZARD_ICON = new ImageIcon( new ClassPathResource("/research/ch/cern/unicos/plugins/wizard/icons/ciet.png").getURL()); } catch (Exception mre) { System.out.println(mre); }

46 Summary 1.UAB Management 2.UAB Core Refactoring (v 1.5.0-beta-01) – UAB Model – Wizard Components 3.Adding copyright to source files

47 UAB-655 : Add Copyright information Add the copyright information on the top of the source files mvn license:format /** * UNICOS * * Copyright (C) CERN 2013 All rights reserved */ Verify if some files miss the license header mvn license:check Remove existing license header mvn license:remove

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