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Virtual techdays INDIA │ 18-20 august 2010 Developing with SQL Server Spatial & Deep Dive into Spatial Indexing Pinal Dave │ Mentor, Solid Quality Mentors.

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Presentation on theme: "Virtual techdays INDIA │ 18-20 august 2010 Developing with SQL Server Spatial & Deep Dive into Spatial Indexing Pinal Dave │ Mentor, Solid Quality Mentors."— Presentation transcript:

1 virtual techdays INDIA │ 18-20 august 2010 Developing with SQL Server Spatial & Deep Dive into Spatial Indexing Pinal Dave │ Mentor, Solid Quality Mentors │

2  Yes  No  May Be  I Don’t know! virtual techdays INDIA │ 18-20 august 2010 Question to You! Is the Earth Flat?

3 virtual techdays INDIA │ 18-20 august 2010 The Earth is Flat…

4 virtual techdays INDIA │ 18-20 august 2010 The Earth is Flat…

5 virtual techdays INDIA │ 18-20 august 2010 The Earth is Flat…

6 virtual techdays INDIA │ 18-20 august 2010 …but the Earth is Sphere (almost)!

7  Introduction to Spatial Database  One line definition  Planer vs Geographic  Understanding Spatial Indexing  Planer vs Geographic  Index Internals  Query Hinting  Index Maintenance  Performance Troubleshooting virtual techdays INDIA │ 18-20 august 2010 Agenda Session Objectives And Key Takeaways

8  SQL Server MVP  Mentor – Solid Quality Mentors India  Founder –  Regional Mentor – Professional Association for SQL Server (PASS) Asia, Pacific & Middle East  User Group Lead – Ahmedabad SQL Server UG, Gandhinagar SQL Server UG  Author, Trainer, Speaker, Consultant  MCT, MCTS, MCP, MCDBA, MCAD ,  virtual techdays INDIA │ 18-20 august 2010 Agenda Session Objectives And Key Takeaways

9  spa·tial [spey-shuhl] –adjective 1.of or pertaining to space. 2.existing or occurring in space. 3.having extension in space.  Database that models space, objects in space, or a combination of both and provide capabilities to store and manipulate spatial data virtual techdays INDIA │ 18-20 august 2010 What is Spatial? One Line Definition

10  GEOMETRY data type  Infinite X and Y virtual techdays INDIA │ 18-20 august 2010 SQL Server 2008 Systems Story Planar Systems  GEOGRAPHY data type  Latitude -90 to +90  Longitude 0 to 360 Geographic Systems

11 virtual techdays INDIA │ 18-20 august 2010 DEMO: Various Datatypes DEMO: World Map

12  Requires bounding box  Only one grid virtual techdays INDIA │ 18-20 august 2010 SQL Server 2008 Indexing Story Planar Index  No bounding box  Two top-level projection grids Geographic Index

13  4 levels  Customizable grid granularity  Three Grid Densities Per Level - Low, Medium, High  Customizable max number of cells per object virtual techdays INDIA │ 18-20 august 2010 SQL Server 2008 Indexing Story Multi-Level Grid

14 virtual techdays INDIA │ 18-20 august 2010 MAIN SLIDE TITLE Sub Slide Title / (“cell 0”) /4/2/3/1

15 virtual techdays INDIA │ 18-20 august 2010 Tessellation Process

16 Create index example GEOMETRY: CREATE SPATIAL INDEX sixd ON spatial_table(geom_column) WITH ( BOUNDING_BOX = (0, 0, 500, 500), GRIDS = (LOW, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH), CELLS_PER_OBJECT = 20) Create index example GEOGRAPHY: CREATE SPATIAL INDEX sixd ON spatial_table(geogr_column) WITH ( GRIDS = (LOW, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH), CELLS_PER_OBJECT = 20) Use ALTER and DROP INDEX for maintenance. virtual techdays INDIA │ 18-20 august 2010 Index Creation and Maintenance

17 virtual techdays INDIA │ 18-20 august 2010 DEMO: Geometry Index DEMO: Index Analysis

18  FROM T WITH (INDEX ( ))  Spatial index is treated the same way a non-clustered index is  the order of the hint is reflected in the order of the indexes in the plan  multiple index hints are concatenated  no duplicates are allowed  The following restrictions exist:  The spatial index must be either first in the first index hint or last in the last index hint for a given table.  Only one spatial index can be specified in any index hint for a given table. virtual techdays INDIA │ 18-20 august 2010 Index Hints

19  Make sure you are running SQL Server 2008 SP1  Check query plan for use of index  Make sure it is a supported operation  Hint the index (and/or a different join type)  Do not use a spatial index when there is a highly selective non-spatial predicate virtual techdays INDIA │ 18-20 august 2010 Checklist for Performance

20 virtual techdays INDIA │ 18-20 august 2010 RESOURCES  Michael Rys   Pinal Dave 

21 virtual techdays THANKS │ 18-20 august 2010 │

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