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Transformation of the West 1450-1750 Summary of 3 Major Internal Changes Breakdown of Religious Unity Centralization of Power Intellectual Movements.

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Presentation on theme: "Transformation of the West 1450-1750 Summary of 3 Major Internal Changes Breakdown of Religious Unity Centralization of Power Intellectual Movements."— Presentation transcript:


2 Transformation of the West 1450-1750

3 Summary of 3 Major Internal Changes Breakdown of Religious Unity Centralization of Power Intellectual Movements Renaissance and Reformation Age of Absolutism Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment

4 What does it mean? Ushers Europe into the modern age Europe catches up and passes Asia/Islamic World Increase commercialization create a new social organization in Europe A distinct and growing Middle Class

5 Reformation Period 1400-1500s Reformation-Direct Challenges to the authority and doctrines of the Catholic Church

6 Why it happened when it did? 1. Great Schism Competition for converts and monies Adopt a more world view Split into Eastern and Western Churches

7 2. Corrupt Church Practices Why it happened when it did? Indulgences Simony Selling Holy Relics

8 3. Flowering of Renaissance Thought Why it happened when it did? Focus on Humanism Call for Religious Tolerance Demand for Religious Choice

9 4. Printing Press Why it happened when it did?

10 Early Reformers challenge the Church John Wycliffe John Hus Challenged Pope’s authority Bible was the word of God Hus was executed Wycliffe’s body burned Martyrs

11 6. Luther’s posting of 95 theses Why it happened when it did? Arguments against Catholic church ideas of authority and salvation German states contained a sympathetic audience

12 Immediate Effects 1.Political and social challenges to the Church German Princes Peasants Merchants Resented the political power of the church Protested the tithe Wanted the ban on usury lifted

13 2. Inspired creation of other Groups (Protestant Churches) Immediate Effects Challenged Catholic Church: Authority Doctrine Style of Worship

14 Highlight “direct differences between churches Christian Jesus is Son of God Bible is word of God God’s law is supreme

15 1. End of religious unity in Europe Long Term Effects Poland Holy Roman Empire ) FRANCE Spain England Byzantine Empire Russia Europe in 1400 Religious Map of Europe, 1560

16 2. Movements toward Democracy Long Term Effects -Inspired belief that individuals control their destiny -Protestant nations were less likely to rule with an absolute monarch

17 3. Religious Wars Long Term Effects

18 Religious Wars: 1500s-1600s Protestant v. Catholic Interest Resulted in more religious tolerance Underlying Political issue

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