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30th anniversary of starting EPI

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1 30th anniversary of starting EPI
Introduction of Hib Vaccine Dr Mohammad Mehdi Gouya Center for Communicable Disease Control

2 Milestone/achievement of EPI in Iran Year
Establishment of Expanded Program of Immunization Vaccination coverage (DTP3)>95% Hepatitis B vaccine introduction Validation of maternal and neonatal tetanus elimination Certification of ‘polio free’ status Mass campaign for measles and Rubella elimination MMR vaccine introduction Hib vaccine introduction (Pentavalent) Measles and Congenital Rubella Syndrome elimination ? IPV vaccine introduction

3 EPI Schedule, Iran 2013 vaccine 6 Year 18 Month 12 Month 6 Month
At Birth vaccine **** BCG OPV DTwP Hep B MMR This schedule covers just 9 antigens while in some other countries it is more than 20

4 Haemophilus influenzae
Aerobic gram-negative bacteria Polysaccharide capsule Six different serotypes (a-f) of polysaccharide capsule 95% of invasive disease caused by type b

5 Haemophilus influenzae type b Pathogenesis
Organism colonizes nasopharynx In some persons organism invades bloodstream and cause infection at distant site Antecedent upper respiratory tract infection may be a contributing factor

6 Haemophilus influenzae type b
Clinical Features* *prevaccination era

7 Hib death* rate (per 100000 children under age 5, 2000)
<10 10- <25 * HIV+ deaths excluded 25-<100 100-<200 * HIV+ deaths excluded >200 Date of slide: 03 August 2009

8 World Health Organization
23 April, 2017 Hib Pneumonia and Meningitis Global burden for children < 5 years old, based on 2000 data 8.13 (7.3 – 13.2) million cases of serious illness More than 370,000 ( – ) deaths/year The leading endemic cause of bacterial meningitis, where Hib vaccine not routinely used Important cause of bacterial pneumonia Up to 20% of life-threatening pneumonia Resistance to first line antibiotics increasing worldwide Acute respiratory infections (2 million deaths each year) are the leading infectious cause of death in children 1mo to 5 years of age. S. pneumo causes approximately 825,000 of those deaths, Hib accounts for almost 375K. Diarrheal diseases are the second leading cause of death with 1.7M deaths – 500K are estimated to be due to rotavirus. Other leading causes of death include Malaria (853), Measles (395) HIV aids (321) Meningitis case fatality rates in developing countries >20%. For pneumonia, Hib case fatality rates can be 5-15%. 15- 35% of survivors of meningitis suffer permanent neurologic damage World Health Organization estimates




12 New EPI Schedule, Iran 2015 vaccine Penta 6 Year 18 Month 12 Month
At Birth vaccine **** BCG OPV Penta DTP Hep B MMR

13 Thank you

14 Decision-Making Summary

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