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Andrace DeYampert Bethany Lane Samkeliso Mawocha ProTECT III Investigator Meeting November 12-14, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Andrace DeYampert Bethany Lane Samkeliso Mawocha ProTECT III Investigator Meeting November 12-14, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Andrace DeYampert Bethany Lane Samkeliso Mawocha ProTECT III Investigator Meeting November 12-14, 2012

2 1. To ensure that the study is being done according to the protocol, Manual of Operations, and is in keeping with applicable local, state and federal requirements 2. To verify the data is accurate for analysis 3. To identify issues or problems that may be occurring at the site.

3 Source documents include: 1. Electronic medical records 2. Paper medical records 3. Study worksheets (if used) 4. Direct data entry

4 1. Readable/legible 2. Identifiable who documented 4. Contemporaneous 5. Original 6. Accurate What should you do with conflicting source documents?

5  Verification of CRF data against source documents  Review and discussion of screening and enrollment  Review of informed consent documents  Regulatory review  Visit to pharmacy for study kit supply, storage and drug accountability review  Data clarification requests  Meeting with the Hub Principal Investigator and/or Primary Study Coordinator to review findings, give and receive feedback

6  What is a DCR?  Timelines for responding to DCRs  Tips for completing DCRs  Preventing DCRs

7 1. Pre-hospital and ED documentation  Determining time of injury  Documentation of highest, best, most reliable, and complete iGCS  Explaining discrepancies between iGCS sources  iGCS and documentation of sedatives in the field  Documentation of pregnancy test

8 2. Documentation of attempts to locate LAR  Document attempts every 15 minutes 3. Informed Consent Forms  Complete informed consent document including BioProTECT sample option  Consenting non-English speakers (or patients who can’t read) and short form consents  Witnesses to consent  Opt out registry when person is John Doe

9  Study drug infusion documentation  Explaining discrepancy between MAR and worksheets  Site of infusion documentation and dedicated line  Documentation of PI/CO-I assessment of adverse events  Documentation of PI/CO-I assessment of lab results

10  Point-of-Care glucose values  Highest, best, most reliable GCSs  The most abnormal value during an hour is recorded as a transgression  Using IRB approved Participation with Study Drug Form  Documentation of CPP (ICP-MAP)



13  AEs are recorded for the first 7 days after enrollment (4 days of study drug infusion + 3 days post infusion.  After 7 days, only new SAEs and Potentially Associated Adverse Events are recorded and followed through end of study.  Non-serious AEs must be submitted within 5 days from time of discovery by the study team.  SAEs and PAAEs must be submitted within 24 hours from time of discovery by the study team.

14  Any untoward events or complications that were not previously identified at baseline;  Or that occur with greater frequency or severity than previously reported;  Occur during or after the protocol intervention;  Are reported whether or not they are considered (possibly/probably/definitely) related to the protocol intervention.

15  Abnormal laboratory findings that are considered by the PI/Co-I to be clinically significant, or that require a procedure or change in medication are included as adverse events.  Example: potassium = 3.0 on day 5. Potassium chloride packet administered.  Enter AE CRF.  Provide severity, date of onset, outcome, date of resolution (if available), relationship to study drug, and actions taken.

16  Transgressions do NOT have to be entered as adverse events in WebDCU TM.  Example: hemoglobin = 7.8 g/dl on day 3  Enter “Yes” on Daily Checklist for hemoglobin transgression.  Complete hemoglobin transgression CRF.

17  Add a new AE CRF if there is an increase in the severity (i.e. mild to severe).  The date of resolution of the first AE will be the start date of the repeated AE.  The name/title of the AE should be the same for the first and repeated AE.

18 Based on known potential risks of progesterone administration, the following could be associated with study drug infusion:  Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism  Myocardial infarction or Acute ischemic stroke  Allergic reactions (to Intralipid)  Marked liver function abnormalities (ALT/AST exceeding 5000 U/L or bilirubin > 10mg/dl)  Serious infections such as pneumonia, sepsis, meningitis. DVT, PE, MI, AIS, anaphylaxis, and marked LFT abnormalities require immediate suspension of the study drug infusion. When in doubt, CALL THE HOTLINE!

19 Any adverse events that results in the following:  Death due to any cause;  A life-threatening adverse experience (i.e., the subject was at immediate risk of death from the event as it occurred);  In-patient hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization. (Hospitalizations scheduled before enrollment for an elective procedure or treatment of a pre-existing condition that has not worsened during participation in the study is not considered a serious adverse event);

20 Cont’d  A persistent or significant disability/incapacity (i.e., a substantial disruption of one’s ability to conduct normal life functions);  A congenital anomaly/birth defect;  An important medical event that may not result in death, be life-threatening, or require hospitalization, but may jeopardize the subject and may require medical or surgical intervention to prevent one of the outcomes listed in this definition.

21  Example: Severe pneumonia on Day 11.  Enter AE CRF.  Provide severity, date of onset, outcome, date of resolution (if available), relationship to study drug, and actions taken.  Descriptive narrative should include: mechanism of injury and initial GCS, summary of patient’s status leading up to the AE, summary of CT scan results, start and stop times and dates of study drug infusion, interventions and outcome of actions taken.

22 Required elements on the SAE CRF:  Title, date and time of onset;  Seriousness and severity;  Relatedness to the investigational drug;  Relatedness to traumatic brain injury;  Action taken as a result of the SAE, the outcome and date of resolution (if applicable or known), and a narrative of the event.  Assessment of PI/CO-I of the relatedness to the investigational drug.

23  The ProTECT™ III Project Manager (PM) will review the PAAE/SAE for completeness of information in WebDCU TM. Any SAE categorized as “probably/definitely related” to the study drug will prompt cessation of the infusion and a medical safety review. When in doubt, CALL THE HOTLINE!

24  Monitors review source documents (nursing notes, lab report, CT reports, chest x-rays, Medication Administration Record) for verification of dates, diagnostic procedures, medications given, and other action taken in relation to the SAE/PAAE.  If a SAE/PAAE is marked ongoing, we will request a follow-up to resolve the SAE/PAAE.

25 Monthly follow-up documentation:  Use of a telephone log is recommended as a best practice for months 1-5  Include details of the interview and participants (i.e. date, time, conversation) in a progress note  Monthly follow up visit window per protocol  Review medical record to confirm that there has been no hospitalization

26 Project Monitor (CCC): Andrace DeYampert Phone: 734-232-1345 email: ProTECT Project Manager (Emory): Bethany Lane Phone: 678-429-1012 Email: Project Monitor (CCC): Sam Mawocha Phone: 734-232-1336 email:

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