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 Dry, opaque, uninteresting  Irrelevant, forbidding, dispensable  Ought not to be in the Bible  All those baby lambs!!! Not an easy book  Irreplaceable.

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Presentation on theme: " Dry, opaque, uninteresting  Irrelevant, forbidding, dispensable  Ought not to be in the Bible  All those baby lambs!!! Not an easy book  Irreplaceable."— Presentation transcript:

1  Dry, opaque, uninteresting  Irrelevant, forbidding, dispensable  Ought not to be in the Bible  All those baby lambs!!! Not an easy book  Irreplaceable  Best book in the Bible

2  Graphic violence  Descriptions of bodily functions that produce squeamishness  Unreserved discussions about sex  Familial Intrigue  Fire out of Heaven consuming people

3  Way into the Presence of the Holy One  Living in His presence  How to bring everything in life to Him  What it means to be actually holy  Daily Passionate Love for God  An Absolute, Complete and Abundant Salvation

4  Don’t want to work  Thinking takes effort  We don’t like regulations of any kind…really  I don’t want to go to hell but stay away from my everyday, “normal” life.  He really doesn’t care about all that stuff anyway.

5 Marcion of Sinope 85-160AD

6  OT is wrong, just a legalistic albatross  OT is a sub-Christian book  OT has an angry, vengeful God and the NT gives us the nice and sweet God so we will lop off the OT…unless I like the passage  OT is just an appendix - dispensable  OT is just too far back there to understand  OT doesn’t give me immediate pay-back

7  Didn’t Jesus replace all that OT stuff?  It was all fuzzy and NT corrected it  All I need is the NT – OT is unnecessary  OT is not the prequel to the NT  NT is not a revised, corrected edition of the OT

8  Matt 5:17 – up front, at the start, “I did not come to do away with the Law but to fulfill it!”  II Tim 3:16 “All Scriptures” – OT – are God-breathed  Hundreds of references/allusions to the OT  Look, this is what the OT was pointing to!

9  Jesus is what the OT is all about  We want to know everything about Him.  Only true source we have to understand what led up to His life.  Bad “law” Mt 5-7, Rom 6, Gal etc. ALWAYS means the judaistic interpretation of the OT.


11  NT builds upon all of the OT  Expects that we are already alert and prepared - “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.”  Faith and salvation don’t begin in Bethlehem  Jesus and all NT authors loved the OT  Jesus to the Pharisees – You don’t know your Bible. If you did you would see it is about me! Jn 5:39-40

12  Stuck in bondage and personal sin  Deliverer is prepared and arrives  Glorious, wonder-filled undeserved deliverance  Unbelievable provision  Only request – believe – act like I (really) AM  Ex 19 relationship of love sealed by covenant  Covenantal expressions (Ex 2o-24) follow the beginning of the relationship


14 Not “imported” but “pointed to” Jesus is what the OT is about NT = Fulfillment of the Christian Faith NT without OT is without a foundation Raises questions that need answers In itself OT is incomplete OT = Foundation of the Christian Faith Christian Book with two parts: The OT is NOT a Jewish Book

15 Genesis Exodus Leviticus Central Book Numbers Deuteronomy Beginnings Chosen Redemption Delivered Worship Set Apart Wanderings Directed Covenant Anew Made Ready Prepared Sovereign Redeemed Merciful Taught Holy Tested Just Retaught Loving Creator “Let there be” Redeemer ‘Let My people go’ Sanctifier Be Holy Sustainer Go in Rewarder Listen and Obey CanaanEgypt and Sinai Sinai WildernessMoab The Need for itAccomplishment of it The Fruit of it The Fall from itThe Restoration of it

16 Way out of BondageWay of Holiness Camped at SinaiLaws for Worship Led by His PresenceLiving in His Presence Redeemed LivesOffering Acceptable Lives VictorMediator DeliveredCleansed through sacrifice Pillar/Cloud/GloryAltar and Glory

17 1-16The Way of Approach 17-27 The Way of Holiness The Way to God The Walk with God Godward Manward

18 Becoming HolyRemaining Holy Way to GodWalk with God Curing UnholinessPreventing Unholiness PastFuture The Atoning GodThe Lord of a Holy Nation Offerings Priests Purity Atone People Priests Feasts Bless/Curse 1-7 8-10 11-15 16 17-20 21-22 23-25 26-27

19  Holy, Holiness, sanctify all forms 150 times 20% of OT usages most in 19-27  Rituals  Priesthood  “make atonement”  “Lord called unto Moses” 56 times

20 What does God want most of all? “Be holy as I am holy!” Exodus is over – now I want to get really intimate I want a people who love me and look like me!

21  After chapters of regulations  Ex 40:34-35  Leviticus starts here!  Time in relation to deliverance Ex 19-Num 10 = 10-11 months Leviticus at Sinai – about a month?

22  Leviticus = Greek for “of the Levites”  “And He called”  20 of 27 chapters start “Yahweh said to Moses”  Most direct words by God in any book Ex. from Sinai - Lev. from the tabernacle  Directions on intimacy with the Holy One  Specific instructions that pertain to Israel’s life, which point to the person and work of Jesus and us.

23 A. Gifts and Tributes 1. Tributary (First Fruits and Offerings) 2. Vows 3. Thanksgiving (grateful for favor) 4. Freewill Offerings (heart impulse) B. Communion and Covenant (fellowship) C. Expiation or Propitiation (forgiveness) Means of restoring relat. and averting wrath

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