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Boaz and Ruth – Dating? Ruth 3. Boaz and Ruth – Dating? Ruth 3 Ever been set up for a date? Set one up? Naomi ‘matchmaking’? Arranged marriages common.

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Presentation on theme: "Boaz and Ruth – Dating? Ruth 3. Boaz and Ruth – Dating? Ruth 3 Ever been set up for a date? Set one up? Naomi ‘matchmaking’? Arranged marriages common."— Presentation transcript:

1 Boaz and Ruth – Dating? Ruth 3

2 Boaz and Ruth – Dating? Ruth 3 Ever been set up for a date? Set one up? Naomi ‘matchmaking’? Arranged marriages common in their culture. Ruth may have worn ‘widow clothes’, how long? Instructions sound like getting ready for a date: Take a bath, put on perfume, get dressed up... ‘dressed up’ word is for outer garment. Language is suggestive – but these are both Godly people avoiding temptation. Ruth did everything Naomi said obediently.

3 Boaz and Ruth – Dating? Ruth 3 Probably no drunkenness, Boaz a content man. Deep sleep, didn’t notice uncovering his legs. Why did Naomi tell her to do that? Heb. says ‘at midnight he shivered/trembled (not from fear)’, it woke him up later. He turned and ‘was surprised’ to find her there. Suddenly Ruth asked him to marry her! ‘Spread the corner’ word also means ‘spread your wings over me’ common marriage idiom. It was even part of marriage ceremony then!

4 Boaz and Ruth – Dating? Ruth 3 Ruth knew and agreed to this – for Naomi! Reason ‘because he’s kinsman-redeemer. She’s so bold! Servant marry boss? Foreign marry native? Woman demand of a man? Poor marry rich? A poor plan humanly speaking – but it worked! Naomi’s AND Ruth’s faith very strong! Story says We should have faith like that! Boaz blesses her! Saw Providence of God, saw hesed kindness/steadfast love in her!

5 Boaz and Ruth – Dating? Ruth 3 BUT there’s a problem. They both had integrity, did right, he’s A kinsman-redeemer, but someone closer in line. Boaz will handle it on the ‘up and up’= right. Generously gave good faith gift to Naomi. The grain was filling emptiness in Naomi/Ruth. How did it go? Ruth told everything and Naomi knew he would do right from his oath/character God won’t rest till he provides abundantly to us Scene closes we wonder if the plan will work…

6 Boaz and Ruth – Dating? Ruth 3 Setting is of harvest, God providing. Hurting needy Naomi & Ruth need redeeming. We are broken and needing a redeemer. We too should put everything into meeting our Redeemer! We must do right and offer ourselves to Him This isn’t just romantic story, it’s about our Salvation in Jesus Christ! Praise Him! He loves us and provides abundantly !

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