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Fuego Future Mobile Computing Kimmo Raatikainen Helsinki Institute for Information Technology

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1 Fuego Future Mobile Computing Kimmo Raatikainen Helsinki Institute for Information Technology

2 Fuego Mission ”Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced,” Gregory Benford To address the research challenges arising in mobile computing systems and applications of tomorrow. Mobile computing will fulfill the vision of ubiquitous - invisible - computing providing access and services anytime, anywhere, and anyhow.

3 Key Challenges The key challenges are related to –context-awareness, –adaptability, –reconfigurability, –understanding user needs, and –personalization.

4 Current research topics Fuego Core –Middleware for Mobile Wireless Internet – Sarcous –Software Architectures for Configurable Ubiquitous Systems – PDIS –Personal Distributed Information Storage – CONTEXT –Context Recognition by User Situation Data Analysis

5 Fuego Core Kimmo Raatikainen Pekka Nikander Sasu Tarkoma

6 Fuego Core in Nutshell to specify the set of fundamental enabling middleware services for mobile applications on future mobile environments to implement two research prototypes and participate in relevant standardizing forums (W3C, IETF, OMG, OMA) Work areas: Adaptive Applications, Mobile Distributed Information Base, Reconfigurable Services, and Mobility, Multi-homing, and Cryptographic Host Identification Host Identity Protocol XML Protocol Distributed Events Synchronization Presence

7 Fuego Server (MTS) Message Transport Service (MTS) SERVICES MTP (XML Protocol) SOAP interop. layer Event Service Presence Service Long lived TCP Socket / HTTP /.. Mobile file system Client: Applications Apache Axis Server: Applications Other services Host Identity Protocol SOAP interop. layer MTP (XML Protocol) Fuego Software Architecture

8 Sarcous Tomi Männistö

9 Problem area Software product families / lines =managing the large variety of software products, e.g., due to high customer-specific customisation, diverse markets or hardware (especially in embedded systems) A software product family consists of an architecture and assets that are used for producing individuals of the family Individuals of a product family may be software or services

10 Research Questions What are the real needs in applying configurable SPF in the industry? How should the architectures and components of real SPF and their evolution be modeled? What is the conceptual basis for configuring web services implemented by means of software? What kind of intelligent support can be offered for dynamic configuration of software, e.g., of a mobile terminal? How can configuration knowledge be managed in a distributed environment?

11 Results thus far Survey on software product families –Five companies surveyed, analysed and results reported to companies Modelling –Conceptual foundation and synthesis of relevant existing modelling concepts –Configuration according to Koala language of Philips –Evolution Tools and prototyping –Research environment for investigating configurable software –Configuring a Linux Familiar distribution for Compaq iPAQs –Using WeCoTin for configuring Linux familiar –(Re)configuration with multiple Linux distribution versions

12 PDIS Ken Rimey

13 PDIS in Nutshell Synchronization-based peer-to-peer infrastructure for storage of structured XML data. PIM data. Metadata for digital media. Calendar data is test case. 1.1.2003-31.12.2004 Nokia, HP, Innofactor, Creanor Movial, Tekes Team at HIIT: Ken Rimey (responsible lead), Kenneth Oksanen, Torsten Rüger

14 PDIS (continued) Update-anywhere replication, eventual consistency. Beyond SyncML: –Synchronize any subset of a database efficiently. –Don’t fetch what has already arrived from any other device. –Merge changes in an application-independent way. Wireless use-cases for synchronization: –Everywhere all the time, low bandwidth, high latency (GPRS) –Work session at hot-spot (WLAN) –Brief session for sync or explicit transfer (Bluetooth)

15 Context Martti Mäntylä Hannu H. Toivonen Anu Kankainen

16 HIIT USER EXPERIENCE GROUP and INIT PROTOTYPING GROUP EXPLORING UBIQUITOUS COMPUTING PRODUCT CONCEPTS  User research (25 Users (5 groups))  1302 User narratives  346 Motivational level user needs  110 Product Concept Ideas  48 Product Concept Scenarios  6 (+1) prototypes  Field testing BETWEEN 6/2001 – 3/2003

17 CONTEXT 11/2002 – 12/2005 FUNDED BY THE ACADEMY OF FINLAND HIIT/ARU USER EXPERIENCE GROUP and HIIT/BRU RESEARCHERS RESEARCH QUESTIONS: 1.How is the user’s context related to the motive to communicate? 2.Can measurable context data be used to model the user’s willingness to communicate? 3.How to design user interaction with a proactive application? METHODS: User Research Pre-study uncovering the factors affecting mobile communication Data Collection Collection of qualitative and quantitative user data Mobile Tool Development of a mobile tool for context data collection Data Analysis Uncovering the context attributes affecting mobile communication Algorithm Development Interaction Design Prototype of Proactive Application User Testing

18 Fuego Vision

19 Personalization Ambient Awareness Adaptation Ubiquity Consistency Self-Actualisation Safety Belonging Control Privacy Human Capability Augmentation Values Capabilities Framework Architecture Internet Protocols Application Execution Framework UI Support Generic Service Elements App

20 Internet Reference Stack IP control and management: COPS, SNMP, RSVP, ICMP IP to link layer adaption IP middleware: SIP, SLP,... IP transport: TCP, UDP, DCCP, SCTP, RTP IP mechanisms: QoS, mobility, security IP networking: IP, DNS, DHCP, ZeroConf, multicast, multihoming IP messaging: SMTP, HTTP, BEEP,...

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