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What on Earth am I here for? 5 Benefits to knowing purpose 1) Life has meaning: w/o God no purpose: no purpose no meaning: no meaning no significance.

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2 What on Earth am I here for? 5 Benefits to knowing purpose 1) Life has meaning: w/o God no purpose: no purpose no meaning: no meaning no significance. That is a tragedy 2) Life is simple: Always ask, “ does this fulfill my purpose?”. Fruit = Peace. 3) Life is more focused. Career (less = more) 4) Life has motivation. 5) Life is for eternal life. What did you do?

3 What on Earth am I here for? It is a question that baffled millions. Is it to be: Happy? Successful? Famous? Or is it to have: Peace? Family? Fun? Where can I get an answer?

4 What on Earth am I here for? Need to understand something very important: Not about YOU. Col 1:16: For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him.

5 God’s Perspective God is shaping your character. God is interested in your character not comfort. 1) Life is a test: How you react in tribulations & temptations. He is testing your faith and obedience. 2) Life is a trust: We are stewards not owners

6 3) Life is an assignment  You were made to last forever (Ecc 3:11)  Life on earth is a rehearsal or pre-season  Described as: smoke, shadow, tent, pilgrim, stranger and foreigner (Ps 119:19)  Life on earth is but a fraction of eternal life  Don’t get too comfortable (e.g. hotel)  Consider death as a door to eternity  Again, must remember the BIG PICTURE

7 So, what is the BIG PICTURE? Rom 11:36 “For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever. Amen” GOAL = Show God’s glory (splendor, power and goodness) Creation does it, right? Worst sin is…..

8 How to give God glory? 5 ways Stay tuned to find out…

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