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Faculty of Arts & Sport – Year 7 Independent Learning Challenge.

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Presentation on theme: "Faculty of Arts & Sport – Year 7 Independent Learning Challenge."— Presentation transcript:

1 Faculty of Arts & Sport – Year 7 Independent Learning Challenge

2 Welcome to the Faculty of Arts & Sports This PowerPoint will guide you through your Arts & Sport Independent Learning Challenge, these are known as ‘ILC’S’ An ILC is a homework project which you complete outside of School in your own time. You have 7 tasks to complete before you hand this ILC into your Art Teacher at break time on Monday 2 nd November 2015. This Faculty is made up of four departments. They are: Art & Design, Drama, Music and PE.

3 Week 1 Task: Complete this during the week 7 th – 11 th September 2015 You will need to find an old shoe box! Remember to check that no one at home needs this any more! You will then need to ask your Form Tutor to show you the Arts and Sports extra curricular timetable which is displayed in your form room. There is also a copy of this on the next slide. We would like you to join as many clubs as you can – if you go three times or more you will be given a special token. Keep these tokens safe as you will need them later on in this project. A prize will be given to the student who collects the most tokens, if there is a draw then these names will be put into a hat to select the winning student! Faculty of Arts & Sport Sample Token

4 Year 7 Arts and sports clubs MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Lunchtime 1.30 – 2.00pm Choir Club Room: MU1 Table Tennis Room: SS Drama Club Room: DS After-school 3.30 – 4.30pm Cricket Club Room: PE Pottery Club Room: C1 Art Club Room: C2 Drama Club Room: DS The timetable below contains information about our clubs. You are welcome to join any of them! Please see your subject teacher for a letter for any of the after school clubs, unfortunately you can not attend any without permission from home. You do not need a letter for any of the lunch time clubs! Start date: Week Beginning Monday 21st September 2015

5 Week 2 Task: Complete this during the week 14 th – 18 th September 2015 1. Cut some lengths of cardboard so that they are the same height as your shoebox. 2. Decide where you are going to place them inside your shoebox to form your 5 compartments. Cut slots into your cardboard strips as shown above so they fit together! 3. Place the joined card strips inside of your box, they should divide the inside up into 5 compartments. For this task, you will be dividing the inside of your shoebox up into 5 sections! Before you complete the three steps on this page, take a look at some finished examples on slide number 7! You could even add a door!

6 Week 3 & 4 Tasks: Complete these during the weeks 21 st September – 2 nd October 2015 For this task, you will be decorating the 5 compartments inside of your shoebox based on the themes below. The Art Room… Fill this section with art related pictures / objects etc. These could be images of your favourite artist or painting or images of your own work. You could even make a mini gallery with your art work framed on the walls The Music Room… Fill this section with Music related pictures / objects etc. These could be images of your favourite musician / band / singer or instrument/s. The Sports studio or playing field… Fill this section with Sport related pictures / objects etc. These could be images of your favourite sport or photographs / medals from your own competitions.. Will you create a gym or a football pitch or even a swimming pool? The Drama Studio / Theatre… Fill this section with art related pictures / objects etc. These could be images of your favourite film, actor, play, musical etc.. You could even create a mini theatre… See the next slide for room 5!

7 For this task, you will be decorating the 5 compartments inside of your shoebox based on the themes below. Room 5… You are to create a special space in this room to hold all of your tokens which you have collected by attending our extra curricular clubs over the past weeks. You could fill this room with a treasure chest or a piggybank covered in your tokens? You may want to put a safe door onto this room with your tokens inside or use an idea of your own! Week 3 & 4 Tasks: Complete these during the weeks 21 st September – 2 nd October 2015

8 Joseph Cornell 1903 - 1972 Joseph Cornell was an American Sculptor, who loved to collect souvenirs, theatrical memorabilia, old prints and photographs, music scores, and books from second-hand stores. He turned these collections into his art work, they were presented in assembled boxes which were fronted with a glass pane. Looking at his art work may give you some presentation ideas to use in your shoebox… For more information on Joseph, click on the link below: Untitled:(The Hotel Eden.) Created in: 1945. Size: 38.1cm x 30.5 cm x 8cm. Location: National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa.

9 Ideas & Examples You may wish to divide your box up into 5 rows like the box above, you could hang your different pictures and objects from the tubes stretching across the table football box. For your music room, you could create an animal themed orchestra, you could even make up new musical instruments form them to play! You could create a 3D collage in one room to show all of your interests for that area. In the art room, you could recreate a 3D scene from a painting from your favourite artist! For Drama, why not recreate a theatre space performing a scene from your favourite book, play or film!

10 Week 5 & 6 Tasks: Complete these during the weeks 5 th – 16 th October 2015 For this task, you will need to decorate the outside of your shoebox. This can be based on any of your interests, hobbies or it can reflect your personality… This student has collaged the outside of her box with pictures that show her interests! Shoebox lid Ideas… You could turn the inside of you lid into a maze game… Or you could turn the inside of you lid into a musical instrument!

11 Week 7 Task: Complete this during the week 19 th – 23 rd October 2015 Free week, use this week to catch up on any work which you are behind with. If you are on track then why not try one of the extension tasks on this page. Remember these tasks are not compulsory so you don’t have to do them! Extension task 1: Why not create a robot which is based on you! Print out the poster template on the right or draw your own. Complete each section then roll it up and place it somewhere in or on your shoebox!

12 Free week, use this week to catch up on any work which you are behind with. If you are on track then why not try one of the extension tasks on this page. Remember these tasks are not compulsory so you don’t have to do them! Extension task 2: You could create a person or an animal from old junk, this is a recycling creative challenge. There are some examples of this on the right – could you place your work in one of your shoebox rooms? Week 7 Task: Complete this during the week 19 th – 23 rd October 2015

13 Free week, use this week to catch up on any work which you are behind with. If you are on track then why not try one of the extension tasks on this page. Remember these tasks are not compulsory so you don’t have to do them! Extension task 3: Why not try to create a word sculpture. There is an example of this below. Use words which describe you! Catch up Week & Extension Tasks

14 Free week, use this week to catch up on any work which you are behind with. If you are on track then why not try one of the extension tasks on this page. Remember these tasks are not compulsory so you don’t have to do them! Extension task 4: You could create a mini me! There are some examples of this on the right – could you place your mini me work in one of your shoebox rooms? + = Glue a Ping Pong ball onto a toilet roll. Place a layer or paper mache over the top then paint your mini me. If you don’t have a ping pong ball then you could use a rolled up ball of tin foil! Catch up Week & Extension Tasks

15 Check List My Arts & Sport ILC Tasks: Week 1:Find out about all of the afterschool Arts and Sports Clubs from your Form Teacher, they will have a timetable of these displayed in their room! Join as many of these clubs as you can, if you attend three or more times you will get a token! Keep these safe; you will need them later on in your project. Week 2: Collect an old shoebox, using cardboard divide it into 5 compartments as shown on the PowerPoint. Remember to check with the people at home that it’s ok for to use this box first! Week 3 & 4Decorate each compartment based on the themes of Art, Drama, Music and Sport. The fifth compartment will be used to house your gold stickers and your poster! Fill each compartment with images, pictures, objects, drawings etc. which represent that theme – this is how the Artist Joseph Cornell produces his work. Examples of this can be found in the PowerPoint! Week 5 & 6:Decorate the outside of your shoebox, you can choose any theme for this task. Again examples of this can be found in the PowerPoint! Week 7:Free week – use this time to catch up with any of the tasks that you have not completed! If you are on track with your project, why not try to complete one of the extension tasks, which can be found in the PowerPoint? Week 8:Print off the label that can be found on the last but one page of the PowerPoint. If you don’t have a printer then you can draw this by hand! Tie your label onto the outside of your shoebox. Hand your completed work to your Art Teacher, at break time on Monday 2 nd of November 2015.

16 Labelling your work… Check you have completed all of the tasks on the check list shown on the next slide. Either print out the label on this page or draw your own. Fill in all of the details and attach your completed label somewhere on the outside of your shoebox. All about me ILC… Faculty of Arts & Sport Name:______________________________ Tutor Group: ___________________________ Art Group: ____________________________ Art Teacher: ____________________________ A random fact about me is: ________________ _______________________________________ 7A 7A1 7B 7B1 7C 7C1 7C2 (circle your class)

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