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XML4IP Project- ST.96 Preparation

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1 XML4IP Project- ST.96 Preparation
UPOV Administrative and Legal Committee Geneva, October 17, 2011 Young-Woo Yun WIPO

2 Contents Background of ST.96 XML4IP Task Force Objectives of ST.96
Scope of ST.96 ST.96 Structure ST.96 for UPOV Further Consideration Work Plan 2 2

3 Background of ST.96 (1/2) Three existing WIPO XML Standards:
ST.36 - processing patent information using XML; ST.66 - processing trademark information using XML; ST.86 - processing industrial design information using XML. Need of a new Standard for harmonization: ST.96 The XML4IP project was created in 2007 to develop common vocabulary for the harmonization among patent, trademark and industrial design information in XML format. 3

4 Background of ST.96 (2/2) ST.96 Vocabulary Common Patent Design
Components Patent Trademark Common

5 XML4IP Task Force XML4IP Task Force was established to carry on the XML4IP project (i.e., to prepare ST.96) Currently 56 TF members from 22 IP offices Discussion via the Wiki e-Forum (restricted to TF members) Documents and proposals discussed and agreed by the Task Force are available on the WIPO’s website at: 5

6 Objetives of ST.96 Facilitation of data exchange among IP offices using XML Harmonization of data structures among patents, trademarks and industrial designs (three IP types) rules and guidelines for dealing with common data structures across three IP types as well as specific data structure to one IP type Maximization of data transformability from ST.36, ST.66 and ST.86 format to ST.96 format Facilitation of XML implementation within IP offices

7 Scope of ST.96 ST.96 recommends the XML (eXtensible Markup Language) resources used for filing, publication, processing, and exchange of all types of industrial property information, (i.e., patents, trademarks and industrial designs).

8 ST.96 Structure (1/2) XML4IP T.F. agreed on the ST.96 structure, ie., Main Body + Six Annexes: Annex I: XML Design Rules and Conventions (DRCs); Annex II: IP Data Dictionary; Annex III: IP XML Schemas; Annex IV: Schema Technical Specification; Annex V: Schema Implementation Rules and Guidelines; and Annex VI: Transformability Rules and Guidelines

9 ST.96 Structure (2/2) ST.96: Main Body Schema Dictionary
Tech. Specification Transformability ST.36/ST.66/ST.86 IPOs Implementation, e.g, design rules, schema Implementation Guideline DRCs

10 ST.96 for UPOV How can ST.96 be used for UPOV business?
UPOV to develop its XML design rules based on: ST.96 XML Design Rules and Conventions ST.96 Implementation Rules and Guidelines UPOV to develop its vocabulary by reusing/extending ST.96 XML vocabulary, i.e., Schema Components: Name, Postal Address, Signature, Applicant, …

11 Further Consideration
IP XML Vision How ST.96 to cope with existing WIPO Standards ST.36, ST.66 and ST.86 ST.96 Scope Whether ST.96 to be extended to deal with information of other IP types, e.g., copyrights, traditional knowledge

12 XML4IP Work Plan (tentative)
XML4IP T.F. to hold a meeting to prepare materials for the final proposal of ST.96 (Nov. or Dec. 2011) XML4IP T.F. to submit a final proposal of ST.96 for consideration and adoption by the Committee on WIPO Standards (CWS) (Dec or early 2012): The CWS to consider the final proposal for adoption of ST.96 at its 2nd session (first half of 2012) The work plan depends on the schedule of the 2nd session of the CWS.

13 Thanks for your attention

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