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 Algebra 1 Mr. Tobak Welcome!. Day 1 Agenda  1) Ensure your in the right classroom.  2) Arrange initial seating assignment.  3) Introduce myself and.

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Presentation on theme: " Algebra 1 Mr. Tobak Welcome!. Day 1 Agenda  1) Ensure your in the right classroom.  2) Arrange initial seating assignment.  3) Introduce myself and."— Presentation transcript:

1  Algebra 1 Mr. Tobak Welcome!

2 Day 1 Agenda  1) Ensure your in the right classroom.  2) Arrange initial seating assignment.  3) Introduce myself and learn about you.  4) Cover rules, consequences, rewards and procedures.  5) Begin Algebra content (time permitting).

3 Noah Daniel Tobak  Originally from AZ, also lived in NY/CT and Tanzania, Africa  Graduated with a Bachelor’s from the University of Arizona  Completing a Master’s from the University of Mississippi  Hobbies include traveling, playing and watching sports, listening to hip hop and r & b, viewing movies, reading, and having fun with friends  Favorite countries visited include Italy, Tanzania, Egypt and Japan  Favorite sports team is the New York Yankees  Favorite music artists are Marvin Gaye, Frank Sinatra, Tupac, Biggie, Nas and Wu-Tang Clan  Favorite book is the Bible and The Great Gatsby  Favorite food is Italian

4 What About You  1) Where are you from? Where have you lived?  2) What are you currently interested in doing after high school?  3) What are your hobbies?  4) What are some of your favorite things?  5) What are your goals for the upcoming semester? Year?  6) What inspires you?

5 Classroom Rules  1) Follow all directions the first time they are given.  2) Raise your hand before speaking or to ask to leave your seat.  3) Only say respectful things to teachers and fellow students.  4) Keep hands, feet, personal objects, and negative comments to yourself.  5) Be seated silently after entering the classroom with no food or electronic devices, unless otherwise specified.

6 Classroom Consequences  1 st : Teacher Warning  2 nd : Student Contract Signing  3 rd : Call Home, Possible Seating Change and Hall Conference  4 th : Office Referral  Severity Clause: For severe behavior issues and immediate referral and call home will be given.

7 Rewards and Recognition  Verbal Praise  Positive Call Home  Recognition on Wall of Excellence  Student of the Semester for each period will receive teacher gift of $20

8 Procedure: Entering the Classroom  Once inside the classroom before the bell, remain silent.  Find your seat immediately after entering the classroom.  In the case a sharpened pencil is needed, retrieve a new pencil, then return to your seat for the start of class.  Have all materials, including paper and pencil, ready and on your desk after being seated.  Immediately after the bell rings, begin working on the bell work.

9 Procedure: Inside the Classroom  For cell phones, once they are seen or heard they will be taken away and returned at the end of the period (continued abuse will result in phones being referred to the office).  For a bathroom emergency, raise your hand and ask to use the restroom (assuming that bathroom usage is not abused). Do not forget a hall pass.  For a tissue, raise your hand to ask for one.

10 Procedure: Leaving the Classroom  Have all personal belonging cleaned and picked up once the bell rings.  Students are dismissed by the teacher, not the bell.  Class dismissal will be done by row and students are not to leave their seat until their row is dismissed.

11 Procedure: Test Taking  Listen attentively to teacher instructions before beginning.  Write your name on the test, then carefully read all test instructions.  Read each question carefully before answering that question.  Take your time and attempt every question. Sometimes guesses are correct!  Raise your hand for important test concerns and bring your test to the teacher when finished.  No talking, always do your absolute best and expect nothing less.

12 Classroom Procedures Continued  Getting Everyone’s Attention : When as a whole the class is acting up, the teacher will raise two fingers (same as the peace sign) to redirect the class and ask for silence.  Make-up Work: With excused absences, please have missed work turned-in no more than two days upon return. Please openly discuss with me any concerns and we will work together when it comes to make-up work (I am flexible).

13 Classroom Procedures Continued  Classwork (Absent) Folder : All classwork content will be organized in a folder on the back table for continuous easy reference for all students and for student absence purposes.  Paper Headings: Always include your name and the date on all classwork, homework and tests. Most importantly, do not forget your name! Unmarked work can be considered as not turned in.

14 Bell Work for August 7  (4) * (-3) * 2  5 + (-8) + (-3)

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