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1 - Governments Presidential democracy: vote for pres. and congress Parliamentary democracy: vote only for parliament Constitutional monarchy: king/queen,

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Presentation on theme: "1 - Governments Presidential democracy: vote for pres. and congress Parliamentary democracy: vote only for parliament Constitutional monarchy: king/queen,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 - Governments Presidential democracy: vote for pres. and congress Parliamentary democracy: vote only for parliament Constitutional monarchy: king/queen, limited rule Absolute monarchy: king queen, total power Dictatorship: total power, rule through fear Theocracy: religious leader is civic leader

2 2 - Economics Market: gov’t hands off, private ownership Mixed: gov’t and private ownership Command: gov’t control of economy

3 3 - Progressives Reformers Fix the problems of industrialism

4 4 - Four Goals Protecting Social Welfare Promoting Moral Improvement Creating Economic Reform Fostering Efficiency

5 5 - Conservation So there is land available for future generations

6 6 - Tariff Tax on imports Lower – increase competition and choice Raise – to protect American businesses

7 7 – Antitrust legislation Increase competition and choice

8 8 - Muckrakers Journalists writing about corruption of business – Ex: Upton Sinclair, The Jungle

9 9 – 19 th Amendment Women’s suffrage 1920 election

10 10 – 1920s Changing roles of women Rebelling against traditional values Prohibition – organized crime

11 11 – Great Migration Movement of African Americans from rural south to urban north Looking for jobs, less discrimination Effects: Harlem Renaissance – art/culture

12 12 - Nativism Prejudice against foreign born Red Scare – fear of Communism

13 13 - Depression Unemployment and business failures

14 14 - Hoover Hoover was “hands-off” the economy Did not use gov’t money for direct aid to poor

15 15 – New Deal FDR’s programs to fix depression LOTS of gov’t involvement in economy FDIC – insures $$ in banks S.S. – old age insurance and unemployment benefits

16 16 – Dust Bowl Overproduction of land and drought caused dust storms Middle America

17 17 – 1930s Domestic - $$ to fix the depression

18 18 – US and WWII Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

19 19 – Japanese-Americans Sent to internment camps

20 20 - Women Joined Army (WAAC) Worked in place of men in factories

21 21 – Big Three U.S. – FDR Great Britain – Churchill Soviet Union - Stalin

22 22 – GI Bill Helped soldiers transition back into civilian life Provided cheap home loans – move to suburbs

23 23 - Amendments 13: abolish slavery 14: citizenship 15: voting rights for black males

24 24 - Segregation Jim Crow – segregation laws Plessy v. Ferguson (separate but equal) Brown v. Board of Education

25 25 – Civil Rights Parks – bus boycott King – “I have a dream” speech Wallace – segregationist governor of Alabama Marshall – lawyer on Brown v. Board Malcolm X – take ACTION to get rights

26 26 – C.R. laws 1964: no discrimination in public places 1965: get rid of barriers to voting – no literacy tests

27 27 – Berlin Airlift Flew supplies into West Berlin b/c we didn’t want it to fall to Communism

28 28 – Space Race Btwn. Soviet Union and U.S. Sparked by Sputnik – Soviet satellite into space

29 29 - McCarthyism Being communists

30 30 – Marshall Plan Economic support from U.S. to help W. European countries rebuild after WWII

31 31 – 1950 - 1953 Korea

32 32 – 60s and 70s Vietnam

33 33 - Bay of Pigs Failed invasion of Cuba to overthrow Castro

34 34 – Cuban Missile Crisis JFK uses blockade to keep more missiles from reaching Cuba Soviets would remove missiles if we promise not to invade (and remove missiles from Turkey)

35 35 – Peace Corps Help developing nations in Asia, Africa, and Latin America (education, health care, etc)

36 36 – Ease tensions Hot line to Soviet Union Limited Test Ban Treaty

37 37 – Johnson’s Programs EOA: money for job training, small business loans, etc Great Society: increase standard of living

38 38 - Vietnam To stop spread of Communism France was our ally in WWII Gulf of Tonkin Incident

39 39 – Living Room War Watch battles on t.v. Saw something diff. than what the gov’t told us

40 40 – Fighting in Vietnam Many wealthy Americans got college deferment from the draft

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