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Table of contents Before you read Vocabulary Reading texts Discussion time.

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2 Table of contents Before you read Vocabulary Reading texts Discussion time

3 Before you read In your opinion, which of these jobs are traditionally done by men ? And which are done by women ? And which are done by both ? Can you explain why ? Architect Soldier Nanny Plumber Accountant Housewife Dentist Politician Photographer Chef Lawyer Hair- dresser Mechanic Optician Nurse Dancer

4 Vocabulary Architect (n) /"A:kItekt/ a person who engages in the profession of architecture. Nanny (n) /nænI/ a person whose job is to take care of babies.

5 Vocabulary Dentist (n) /'dentIst/ a person who takes care of others’ teeth. Photographer (n) /"fJtQgJrfJ/ someone who takes photographs

6 Accountant (n) /ə"kaUntənt/ a person who helps people or companies inspecting their accounts. Optician (n) /Qp"tISn/ a maker or seller of optical glass and instruments.

7 Lawyer (n) /"lOyJr, "lOIJr/ a person whose profession is to represent clients in a court of law or to advise or act for clients in other legal matters. Mechanic (n) /mJ"k&nIk/ a person who repairs and maintains machinery, motors, etc.

8 Vocabulary Hairdresser ( n) /"hJedresJ(r)/ a person who makes hair. Chef (n) /Sef/ someone who cooks.

9 Vocabulary Politician (n) /pQlJ"tISn/ a person who is active in party politics Housewife (n) /"haUswaIf/ a married woman who manages her own household, esp. as her principal occupation.

10 Plumber (n) /"plVmJ/ a person who installs and repairs pipes and plumbing. Soldier (n) /"soUldZJ(r)/ a person who serves in an army. Nurse (n) /nJ:s/ a person formally educated and trained in the care of the sick or infirm.

11 Vocabulary Detective (n) /di"tektiv/ a person whose job is to examine crimes and catch criminals. Magician (n) /mJ"dZISn/ a person who can do magic tricks. Scientist (n) /"saIJntIst/ a person who studies one or more of the natural sciences.

12 Vocabulary Policeman (n) /pJ"li:smJn/ a male police officer. Singer (n) /"sINJ(r)/ a person who sings, or whose job is singing, especially in public. Football player (n) /"fUtbO:l pleIJ(r)/ a person who play football.

13 Vocabulary Waiter (n) /"weItJ(r)/ a person whose job is to serve customers at their tables in a restaurant Worker (n) /"wE:kJ(r)/ a person who works, especially one who does a particular kind of work. Zoologist (n) /zJU"QlJdZIst/ a scientist who studies zoology.

14 Vocabulary Apply (v) /J"plaI/ to make an application or request; ask –To apply for a job; to apply for a raise. Interview (n, v) /"Intəvju:/ –N : a formal meeting in which one or more persons question, consult, or evaluate another person –V :to have an interview with in order to question, consult, or evaluate

15 Vocabulary Career (n) /kə"rIJ(r)/ an occupation or profession, esp. one requiring special training, followed as one's lifework Tough (adj) /tVf/ not easily influenced, as a person; unyielding; stubborn Prejudice (n) /"predZudIs/ an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason

16 Jobs for the boys … and girls

17 Reading texts Fill in the table while you read the two passages in p.67 (NHW): Person Information Jenny BolandAlex Karlsson What did he/she study ? What is he/she doing now ? Who has he/she had the problems with ? Why ? Does he/she like the career they finally chose ? What advice from him/her to other people who want to do the same thing ?

18 Discussion time ! 1.Would you like to do what Jenny and Alex did?

19 Discussion time ! 2. Is it more difficult for women to do men’s jobs or men to do women’s jobs ? 3. Is this a problem in your country ? Why or why not ? Can you give an example ?

20 End of reading session Thank you for your attention !!!

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