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Allocations Training Katelyn Dahlke V.P. of Finance Engineering Student Council September 5 th, 2012 7:00pm, Gallery Room, MU.

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Presentation on theme: "Allocations Training Katelyn Dahlke V.P. of Finance Engineering Student Council September 5 th, 2012 7:00pm, Gallery Room, MU."— Presentation transcript:

1 Allocations Training Katelyn Dahlke V.P. of Finance Engineering Student Council September 5 th, 2012 7:00pm, Gallery Room, MU

2 Constitution  Description The Financial Body shall be lead by the Vice President of Finance (Article IV, section A.3.) who shall preside over all funding methods.  Membership Treasurer of represented organizations Must meet eligibility guidelines established (Article III, section A.2.a.)  Attendance All organizations requesting funding must have attended ALL 4 general ESC meetings held last semester to receive 100% funding  Special Funding Requests Engineering Student Council reserves the right to fund any non- represented organization for a one-time only request Must meet established guidelines set for all represented organizations

3 Funding from COE  Funds COE has provided us with $25,000 this semester (possibly up to $30,000)  Budget Descriptive budgets All requested funding must be justified with a specific source

4 Fall 2012 Allocations  Regulations Money can only be spent on items in the approved request Specific requests with specific sources (internet links requested) oFor example, is not a specific source Money that is unused that is not reallocated will be deducted from the allocated amount oExample: If you have $270 leftover from Fall 2011, and ESC allocates you $1600, the amount that will be put into your account is $1,330

5 Priorities  A full, detailed list is in the budget template for your convenience  Priority 1  Career & Leadership Development  Collaboration Programs  Outreach Programs  Safety Equipment  Priority 2  Faculty & Student interaction  Diversity Programs  Community Service Programs  Organizational Improvement  Tools and Parts  Priority 3 (Not Funded)  Hotel/food costs while traveling  Cost of travel at events  Food for general meetings/club events  Give-aways  Contingency Funds  Fundraising Material/ Sponsorship Recognition  Overseas Travel

6 Requirements  Presentation Use PowerPoint template available on ESC website. E-mail presentation to Katelyn Dahlke at or bring on thumb drive  Guidelines Presentation will be no more than 10 minutes long No more than three presenters for each organization If presenter is late, time will be forfeited Provide explanation of what priority of allocation your organization is requesting Please bring a hard copy of your budget and your power point to your presentation

7 Presentation Template  Please use the following PowerPoint to create your club’s presentation.  Please follow the template given in the following slides.  You are free to change the background, add pictures, more slides, or other relevant information.  Budget MUST be emailed to me before you are allowed to present.  You may email me the PowerPoint or simply bring it to your presentation on a flash drive.  Email Katelyn Dahlke at

8 Engineering Student Council President: Austin Laugen, Treasurer: Katelyn Dahlke, (308)-293-3438 Include President’s name and e-mail address, Treasurer’s name, e-mail address, and phone number

9 Club Overview  Represent students and student organizations of the College of Engineering to the administration, faculty, and the public. Keep this slide very brief. We are more concerned with your budget information than your club overview.

10 Reallocation Request  What funds you did not use from last semester  What you plan to do with funds What is the activity Who does it involve When does it occur/last until Where does it happen How will you fund the additional amount Priority # & Request This is your allocated amount from Spring 2012 minus the receipt total from Spring 2012

11 Reallocation Request  Had $150.00 leftover  Plan on purchasing College of Engineering banners for club use $170 Fund the extra $20 from cookie sales Priority 2

12 Title of Project/Activity  What is the activity  Who does it involve  When does it occur/last until  Where does it happen  How will you fund the additional amount  Priority # & Request

13 ChemE Car Project  All semester – competition in April  1145 Sweeney  To help fund the ChemE Car project, and obtain safety personal protective equipment for students  Dow Chemical funds, AIChE money  All items are priority 1  Total amount requested: $59

14 Fundraising  $500 per year from Lockheed Martin  $100 for outreach projects from Dow Corning

15 Allocation Request  Insert Overview Table of Amounts This is the money you are requesting, not your entire budget. For example, if you have $1000 in your account and have $1500 in Priority1 budget, you only need to request $500 from ESC.

16 Allocation Request  Priority 1: $315  Priority 2: $125  Total: $440

17 End of PowerPoint Template

18 Requirements  Budget Form online under Allocations Please use the budget template from the website Email it to Katelyn Dahlke at before you present Be very specific on what money you are requesting and exactly what you need it for Include fundraising events your club has done recently and any corporate donations

19 Spring 2012 Receipts  Due before you present Can turn them into the ESC Mailbox in 110 Marston by 12:00 PM on Monday Sept. 17 th Bring them with you to your presentation Must fill out the coversheet, found online, under Allocations oThis will help you know whether or not you have money to reallocate

20 Reduction of Funding List  The following items can make your club subject to a $50 reduction of funding. No completed receipt cover sheet No hard copy of budget and/or presentation No electronic copy of budget and/or presentation Missing your scheduled presentation time

21 Important Information  Travel Policies  Reimbursements

22 Questions/Comments  Watch the deadlines  If anyone is interested in helping with the Allocation process, please e-mail me  Presentations will occur on Sept. 17 th and 18 th from 5:00 – 10:00 PM. A sign up sheet will be posted by 110 Marston by September 10 th to sign up for a time slot. Katelyn Dahlke E-mails regarding Allocations include in the subject box: “Fall 2012 Allocations”

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