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Welcome and introductions. What is the QCF? Recognises achievement, through the award of credit for units and qualifications. The implementation of the.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome and introductions. What is the QCF? Recognises achievement, through the award of credit for units and qualifications. The implementation of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome and introductions

2 What is the QCF?

3 Recognises achievement, through the award of credit for units and qualifications. The implementation of the QCF is already well underway in some sectors. Greater commonality through shared units and a standard unit template. New standardised titles will make it easier to understand and compare. It provides more flexible routes to full qualifications, achievable in smaller steps. A new centralised database, due in late 2010, will help to track credit and provide learners with an online record of their achievements. Qualification purposes will replace ‘types’ for categorising qualifications. Still some uncertainty on funding and development timelines in some sectors.

4 Moving from the NVQ to the QCF National Qualifications Framework (NQF) Vocational qualifications (VRQs and NVQs) accredited by QCA onto the NQF. PAST ‘Mixed Economy’ QCF introduced with a transitional period for new registrations until the end of 2010 whilst qualifications are developed and accredited on the QCF. PRESENT Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) Accredited vocational qualifications now on the QCF. NQF closed for new registrations. *Expected JAN 2011*

5 More flexibility under the QCF Provider Awarding organisation (AO) x credit unit z credit unit y credit unit Credit accumulation - Greater choice and flexibility can support the provider in delivering more tailored courses to meet needs of wider group of learners and employers. Qualification w+x+y+z credits y credit unit

6 Credit transfer and progression Providers AOs Level 3 credit Level 3 Qualification Credit transfer - Progression supported by credit being used across levels, sizes (Award, Certificate and Diploma) and sometimes sector areas. Reduces in repetition of learning. Level 3 credit Level 2 credit Level 3 credit Level 2 credit

7 The building blocks Some units will appear in more than one qualification Credit can be transferred between qualifications Rules of combination outline what credit and which units can be used. Many units shared across awarding organisations (AO) Learners can gain credit towards a qualification from more than one AO Many shared units developed in collaboration. The credit value is a measure of average time learning time one credit = 10 hours of notional learning Many units will still include guided learning hours (GLH) no requirement to evidence notional hours still GLH. Units and credit in the QCF Standard unit template Title Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Level Credit value GLH (if applicable)

8 What makes up a qualification? 1 Rules of combination set out the combination of credit that must be achieved 3 States credit required from mandatory and optional units 2 Designed by AOs with *SSCs/SSBs and only go on QCF when approved by the relevant SSC/SSB 6 Opportunities for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) 4 Credit can come from more than one level 5 Exemptions and equivalents can also be identified * Sector Skills Council (SSC) / Standard Setting Bodies (SSB)

9 QCF qualifications 1 credit = 10 hours of learning. The learning time is notional and is taken as the estimated number of hours it takes the average learner to complete all the learning outcomes of that unit.

10 Used to describe subject area New titles and terminology Award Certificate Diploma Entry to level 8 Additional terminology used to describe use eg prove occupational competence or CPD 3.Content2.SizePurpose?1.Difficulty We already have over 500 qualifications on the QCF with titles including: City & Guilds Level 3 (NVQ) Diploma in Hairdressing City & Guilds Level 3 Certificate in Retail Skills City & Guilds Level 1 Diploma in Retail Skills City & Guilds Level 3 Award in Preparing to Teach in the Life Long Learning Sector City & Guilds Entry 3 Certificate in Personal Progression through Employment

11 Learner records and Unique Learner Numbers 1 Each new QCF learner is set to have a centralised online learner record by the end of 2010. 2 ULNs are the identifier required to facilitate learner and funding records moving forward. 3 Many funding streams returns already have ULNs as a learner requirement. 4 We have already successfully collected and authenticated nearly 200,000 ULNs from centres. A major element of the centralised IT system for the QCF is the introduction of online learner records. This system will also manage the accumulation and transfer of credit (CAT) across awarding organisations and providers. For more information and guidance check out

12 What it really means for you Now Mixed economy of delivery under new and old regulations Lots of redeveloped qualifications delivered in short period New titles and terminology Increased funding volatility Very short turnaround times Need to develop employer and learner understanding In the long run Further funding volatility and uncertainty over funding by credit/units More demand-led system Managing flexible delivery to meet more individual needs Individual unit take-up

13 Impacts – things you need to consider Senior Management Do your have a clear strategy and action plans in place to deal with the changes? Marketing and Sales What impact will timelines, new titles and terminology have on your prospectuses for 2010/2011? Staff Development / CPD Do you need a CPD programme to support staff through the changes? Delivery Staff Keeping on top of qualification redevelopment plans and the impact this might have on delivery and assessment? Curriculum planners When will your provision be redeveloped? Are you preparing for more flexible delivery? MIS / Exams Office Are you registered with MIAP as a Learner Registration Body, collecting ULNs for learners? Employer engagement Are you reviewing your offering to employers and including in communications? IAG/Careers support Are staff ready to knowledgably advise learners on new QCF qualifications?

14 Five tops tips for successful implementation Here are just a few things you might want to set in motion if you haven’t already: Develop an organisation-wide QCF strategy, identify the staff you will require to assess the full impacts and develop the required action plans to maximise the opportunities it presents. 1 Make all staff aware of the changes and deliver the training needed to bring them up to speed. 2 Monitor and communicate SSC/SSB plans and those of funding agencies and awarding organisations to relevant staff. 3 Seriously consider how the tight time frames will impact on your course offer and how you will then sell and market this offer, especially with so much uncertainty on specific QCF qualification details like titles. 4 Speak to City & Guilds…we are here to help! 5

15 How will I know when qualifications in my area will be on the QCF? We expect many of our qualifications to be developed and accredited on the QCF to be ready for delivery from Autumn 2010. Our regular monthly e-mailings will advise of developments in each individual industry/subject area You can register for these tailored and free updates at Redevelopment timetables will be updated regularly Speak to your regional office contact

16 Timelines for full implementation NQF QCF We are investing heavily in improving and simplifying our processes, online catalogue, quality assurance model and pricing to improve the QCF experience for our centres. 2008 2009 2010 2012 2006- 2008: Tests and trials Spring 2009: City & Guilds first to get QCF recognition from the regulator Ofqual Aug 2010: Many qualifications now on the QCF and funded over NQF versions Nov 2008: Ministerial sign-off for implementation Sep 2009: Learner records Jan 2011: NQF set to close for new registrations on NQF 2011

17 All the information and support you need in one place Please complete our short QCF survey before you leave. Your feedback is really important to us and it will form a key part of our work in supporting you moving forward. We are here to help - so if there is anything else you need after the seminar, please let us know. Web Email Thank you and goodbye

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