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Reach Non-Subscribers Effectively? NTMC Conference February 10, 2011 NSA Media “There’s Gold in Them Thar Zip CODES!”

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Presentation on theme: "Reach Non-Subscribers Effectively? NTMC Conference February 10, 2011 NSA Media “There’s Gold in Them Thar Zip CODES!”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reach Non-Subscribers Effectively? NTMC Conference February 10, 2011 NSA Media “There’s Gold in Them Thar Zip CODES!”

2 NSA Media The number of media options today is growing exponentially…

3 The preferred media for news is quickly moving to a digital/mobile platform… NSA Media 44% of Adults got their news Yesterday (Pew research) 2010 Only 31% here 

4 NSA Media

5 Creating challenges for advertisers… The current media landscape is perplexing. The number of choices is seemingly endless. And just like you, they are finding it a challenge to drive sales with digital… NSA Media

6 Digital migration reality… NSA Media Fact: Consumers have embraced digital sources for news/ entertainment content much faster than they have for advertising content. “Platforms on which people least like to see advertising are the ones they are adopting fastest: Mobile (63% dislike or strongly dislike); email (57%); and social (44%)” – AdAge/Ipsos Jan. 2011

7 NSA Media AdWeek Media/Harris poll Why…?? Ad versioningHabitUser experienceEngagementPrivacy concerns Most ignored ads Demographics

8 NSA Media  NOT something we often hear from consumers 

9 NSA Media Yet we know that consumers still engage with newspaper ads, especially preprints. Viewed as “Content” And they drive traffic to stores… And they drive traffic to stores… #3 most read section on Sunday (52%)

10 So how do we reach the gold…? NSA Media

11 Give consumers the ads they want, and make sure they want ‘em… NSA Media Declining circulation = Lost value Newspapers still have the logistics in place Relevance  Engagement  Response Opt-in is the “New Paid” Sunday Select – Wanamaker’s Nirvana… Finally!

12 But that’s clearly not enough… Digital media is embedded in modern society Media fragmentation is a reality Consumers are in control All channels can deliver a valuable audience The right mix is critical NSA Media

13 “Print + ” “Print + ” Digital Integration is key How can newspapers win? Benefits: Complementary strategy Connected messaging Effective targeting Day part management Massive, desirable audience NSA Media

14 Why is all this so important?? NSA Media Circulation Trends Non- Working Media Costs PerceptionsMetrics Digital Migration Factors Influencing Advertisers

15 Not to mention this… NSA Media

16 Things to be doing... Help us find the GOLD in each zip code Emphasize Quality over quantity Deliver Customers, not just an audience Emphasize Opt-in to boost engagement Develop Print-specific and Integrated programs, that improve ROAI Remember who pays the bills… your advertisers Give ‘em what they want NSA Media

17 Missing the boat is not an option. NSA Media

18 Thank You Dave Gusse President Alliance Media NSA Media

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