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Labour Institute of GSEE (INE/GSEE) Profile Non-Governmental Research Institute Non-Governmental Research Institute Aim: Contribution, through scientific.

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Presentation on theme: "Labour Institute of GSEE (INE/GSEE) Profile Non-Governmental Research Institute Non-Governmental Research Institute Aim: Contribution, through scientific."— Presentation transcript:

1 Labour Institute of GSEE (INE/GSEE) Profile Non-Governmental Research Institute Non-Governmental Research Institute Aim: Contribution, through scientific justification, to the social and political intervention of the Greek labour movement Aim: Contribution, through scientific justification, to the social and political intervention of the Greek labour movement Main Strategy: Scientific support of the Greek General Confederation of Workers, through researches and studies, on labour and employees issues Main Strategy: Scientific support of the Greek General Confederation of Workers, through researches and studies, on labour and employees issues Main Tasks: Main Tasks: -Research and study -Planning, realisation and development of national and European projects -Seminars and training programmes for trade unionists at national and European level

2 Labour Institute of GSEE (INE/GSEE) Profile The Institute is spread out all over the country The Institute is spread out all over the country Auto-financed Auto-financed

3 Greece: Macroeconomic developments Rate of decrease of Greek economy’s activity: Rate of decrease of Greek economy’s activity: -6.5% in 2011 (from -3.5% in 2010) Greek economy in recession: Greek economy in recession: Fourth consecutive year in 2011 Total employment: Total employment: Fell by 5.7% in 2011 Fell by 5.7% in 2011 International organizations predict for 2012: International organizations predict for 2012: Greece will still be in recession; GDP will fall by 2.5% (up to 4%) and the unemployment rate will reach 18.4% (up to 21%)

4 Greece: Commerce Sector 60,000 commercial enterprises closed down all over Greece since 2009 (Source ESEE) 60,000 commercial enterprises closed down all over Greece since 2009 (Source ESEE) 1 out of 5 businesses is apprehensive of having to close down during 2012, 9 out of 10 enterprises will not be profit-making any more, 7 out of 10 will pay salaries with at least a month’s delay and 6 out of 10 will slash wages (Source ESEE) 1 out of 5 businesses is apprehensive of having to close down during 2012, 9 out of 10 enterprises will not be profit-making any more, 7 out of 10 will pay salaries with at least a month’s delay and 6 out of 10 will slash wages (Source ESEE)

5 Greece: Commerce Sector More specifically (Source ESEE) : More specifically (Source ESEE) : 1. The percentage of enterprises that closed down rose from 15% in 2010 to 21% in (the beginnings of) 2011, reaching 25% in August 2011 2. More than 75% of general partnerships - limited partnerships and sole proprietorships saw their sales and profits fall 3. The sales of stock corporations and limited liability companies decreased by 10.2%, while the operating profitability fell by 84.8%

6 Greece: Commerce Sector 4. Out of 10 general partnerships - limited partnerships and sole proprietorships did not make any investments in fixed capital during the 2009-2010 period 5. Access to bank lending decreased in 2011, the rate of stagnant liabilities increased

7 Greece: Commerce Sector In 2011, employment in trade decreased by 28,260 persons: In 2011, employment in trade decreased by 28,260 persons: 1. decrease in women’s employment vis-à-vis that of men (64.5% for women as against 35.5% for men); 2. reduction of employment in enterprises that employ up to 10 workers; 3. 2 out of 3 persons who lost their job are young people up to 29 years of age. 4. part-time employment: 5.6% in 2011 5. fixed-term contracts : 7.3% in 2011

8 Greece: Commerce Sector Collective bargaining developments: Collective bargaining developments: The wider economic developments had a direct impact on sectoral collective bargaining Various disputes and finally a sectoral employment agreement was signed on 4.3.2011

9 Greece: Commerce Sector Social Dialogue Developments: Social Dialogue Developments: Positions of ESEE: 1. safeguarding of the basic wage as provided for by the NGCEA 2. preservation of the 13th and 14th salaries (for all pay scales) 3. zero wage increases until 2014 as well as the freezing of maturation and allowances provided for by the sectoral agreements

10 Greece: Commerce Sector Points of Interest: Points of Interest: 1. the impact of recession on the commercial sector 2. the closure of commercial enterprises and the formation of clusters 3. human resources development and industrial relations ( flexible forms of work )

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