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2 Indicorps Fellowship Program What are YOU willing to do for CHANGE? The Indicorps Fellowship is an intense personal journey that will challenge everything you know about change. The search for solutions will transform you as you immerse yourself in the community, test your skills in a native language, explore the depths of your identity, and push your limits to affect positive, social change. Are you willing to do whatever it takes?

3 LIVING A FEARLESS LIFE Sowmya Somnath: January 2008 Indicorps Fellow

4 CHANGE YOU CAN MAKE HAPPEN Introduction Service for the Soul Fellowship Orientation Workshops Team-Based Projects Fellows Application Indicorps Philosophy

5 INTRODUCTION Total-immersion leadership program Explore your role as a catalyst for change. Fellowship projects promote personal growth & collective action My Story (Insert picture from your project site) Notes – please remove once you have written your story to tell aloud (2 min) –I was a Fellow in XXX –I was based in YYY doing ZZZ –My sources of inspiration; my challenges –An anecdote about a person, place or situation of relevance to the audience –I walked away with –Today, the Indicorps Fellowship means to me…

6 Make every challenge in the world a personal one Dedicate your body, mind, and soul to long-term change Relinquish your comfort zones and "be the change" SERVICE FOR THE SOUL

7 JOIN a community of individuals who will constantly push their limits for collective impact EXECUTE and implement projects created in partnership with community-based partners MOTIVATE team members to collaborate and strengthen impact CHALLENGE your understanding of leadership and “being a changemaker” ACCESS an unparalleled personal and project support through committed Indicorps alumni and staff THE FELLOWSHIP

8 The month-long program includes: –strong experiential environment –overview of current issues in India –practical training –extensive team-building exercises –service-oriented activities –interactive discussions and thought-provoking readings –intensive language, cultural training –interaction with guest speakers, project partners, and experts –project-specific background info ORIENTATION (4 weeks) Start the journey towards effective leadership and becoming agents of change

9 An opportunity for Fellows to: –deepen understanding of development in India –reflect on personal and collective growth –reassess team strategy and collaboration –share progress with Fellowship class –leverage group insight to overcome project challenges WORKSHOPS (bi-monthly) Part of continuing curriculum to support Fellows to further understand India and their own personal growth

10 August 2009 Fellowship structured around a team-based model; Team-based approach will allow fellows to support each other’s growth Fellows accountable to not only their partner organization and Indicorps, but also to peers Projects are researched, visited, and jointly administered by Indicorps and partner organization Indicorps provides support structure for fellows and plays active role in the management of projects TEAM-BASED PROJECTS

11 PROJECTS AUGUST 2009 - 2010 Increase English-Based Employment, Karnataka Innovative Curricula for Educators, Madhya Pradesh Inspire Lessons Through Sport, Gujarat Life Skills Counseling, Gujarat Nurture Rural Social Entrepreneurs, Gujarat Promote Recycling at Source, Tamil Nadu Public Health Business Management, Maharashtra Public Health for Migrants, Gujarat Rally Support for Public Health, Uttar Pradesh Simplify Science, Gujarat Sports for Holistic Development, Gujarat Sustainable Infrastructure Solutions, Karnataka Technology Solutions for Migrants, Gujarat Theatre for Social Change, Madhya Pradesh Urban Infrastructure Design, Gujarat Utilize Recycling for Empowerment, Gujarat Community Driven Public Services, Gujarat Community Radio for SHGs, Uttar Pradesh Community-Led City Modernization, Tamil Nadu Cooperatives and Collective Action, Maharashtra Cultivate Activity Based Teaching, Gujarat Develop Ambassadors for Youth Leadership, Karnataka Devise Public Health Messaging, Maharashtra Discover Science Through Nature, Madhya Pradesh Empower College Freshman, Karnataka Encourage Preventative Health Care, Maharashtra Energy Self Sufficiency, Madhya Pradesh Galvanize a Sports Culture, Gujarat Grassroots Business Process Evolution, Uttar Pradesh Grassroots Development Laboratory, Rajasthan Improve Work-Welfare Management, Maharashtra

12 August 2009 will be our 10 th Fellowship Class! Over 99 individuals have completed the Indicorps Fellowship Program Past Fellows have hailed from the US, Canada, UK, Australia and South Africa Fellows range in age from 21 to 35 years old Fellows represent many faiths including Islam, Sikhism, Christianity, Radhasoami, Zoroastrianism, Jainism and Hinduism FELLOWS

13 Applicants must be of Indian origin, or Indian citizens, and have at minimum a university degree or five years work experience Applicants apply to specific projects of interest Applicants should consider language requirements when applying Application process includes essays, recommendations and interviews APPLICATION – March 15 Deadline

14 By engaging talented young Indians from around the world to tackle India's most pressing challenges, we can nurture a new brand of socially conscious leaders with the character, knowledge, commitment, and vision to transform India and the world. INDICORPS PHILOSOPHY


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