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Members Showcase Presentation Template To be put on the Company/Organisation background.

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Presentation on theme: "Members Showcase Presentation Template To be put on the Company/Organisation background."— Presentation transcript:

1 Members Showcase Presentation Template To be put on the Company/Organisation background

2 Introduction Company/Organisation Name Type of Organisation Activities – List / Summary Organisation chart including ownership structure Key Financials:  Sales/Turnover  EBITDA  Net Tangible Assets

3 Brief on Current Activities Principal locations of offices and manufactories Principal markets and/or territories Current scope of activities/products offered:  Brief scope of each activity  In house skills, knowledge, expertise related to each activity  Methods employed entering new markets, developing new services/products  Methods employed in developing existing markets, services/products  Extent and type of collaboration with 3 rd parties in new and existing markets  Current challenges in developing new markets/products and/or expanding existing in markets

4 Brief on existing skills/knowledge and potential for collaboration An outline of skill sets and USPs that the organisation offers Capabilities in areas such as R&D, innovation, technology, technical expertise and operations General areas of interest for the organisation for the next few years in terms of new markets and service areas, products they want to develop/market further In line with above areas, where the organisation sees opportunities to collaborate with others to assist in achieving these objectives

5 Case Study As a Case Study:  Give an example of a recent or potential project /business transaction/development which outlines how the organisation’s skills, knowledge and expertise have been or will be utilised.  Outline the actual or expected outcome in terms of achievements and the development of capability  Show or estimate the degree of actual or potential collaboration with other parties necessary to achieve or enhance the outcomes of the project/business transaction/development and outline what third party input or knowledge will be required Provide a recap of the areas of expertise the organisation can offer to and the likely benefit which can obtained from collaboration with other organisations in future projects

6 Conclusion Any Questions? Contact: [Name] [Company] [Land Line] [Mobile] [Email]

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