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National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 2009 SHEEO/NCES Network Conference May 19-22, 2009 New Orleans LA.

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Presentation on theme: "National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 2009 SHEEO/NCES Network Conference May 19-22, 2009 New Orleans LA."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 2009 SHEEO/NCES Network Conference May 19-22, 2009 New Orleans LA

2 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 2008-09 Update HEOA Update  Net Price Calculator Requirements and Template 2009-10 Proposed Changes to IPEDS Review of Race/Ethnicity Reporting TRP Update Help Desk Update AIR Training Update NPEC and IPEDS R&D Update  NPEC Working Group on HEOA Disclosures  NPEC Working Group on IPEDS GRS Data Use Tools

3 SHEEO/NCES 2009National Center for Education Statistics

4 SHEEO/NCES 2009 HEOA was signed into law last August New mandatory items in IPEDS for 2008-09 that needed OMB clearance 3 TRPs for other HEOA requirements First optional year for new race/ethnicity and for the new, aligned finance forms Introduced the new advanced degree categories as optional

5 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 Luckily, we filled 2 vacant survey director positions And were fortunate to have 3 AIR postdoc fellows working on IPEDS issues 2007-08 Winter & Spring data were released to the public almost 2 months early Last fall we released a greatly improved Executive Peer Tool And last month, we launched the new IPEDS website AND new IPEDS Data Center

6 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 We introduced follow-up opt-out because of the many complaints about the follow- up emails from KHs  Sign ups: 12 in Fall, 2 in Winter, 1 in Spring

7 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 Reporting IPEDS is mandatory for all institutions with PPA with US Dept of ED for Title IV federal student financial aid Penalties for noncompliance include  Fine of up to $27,500 per violation  Institution’s eligibility to participate in Title IV programs can be suspended Institutions have only one opportunity for special post-collection help

8 FSA Noncompliance Actions: Institutions Fined, Warned

9 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 IC = 5 C = 7 E12 = 8 HR = 11 EF = 20+ GRS = 13+ SFA = 26+ F = 26+ SS09 = 15+ Total institutions = 39+

10 SHEEO/NCES 2009National Center for Education Statistics

11 SHEEO/NCES 2009 Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (PL 110-315) Was signed into law 8/14/08 Contains many provisions that have had and will have an impact on IPEDS reporting Contains mandates for making consumer information available through College Navigator website and institution’s website

12 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 Consumer items on College Navigator Net Price College Affordability Lists Net Price Calculator Multi-year Tuition Calculator State Higher Education Spending Charts

13 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 8/14/09  Consumer information items  Multi-year tuition calculator  State spending chart (?) 7/1/10  3 yrs of average net price  1 yr of average net price disaggregated by income 7/1/11  College Affordability Lists 7/1/13  3 yrs of average net price disaggregated by income

14 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 8/14/09  NCES makes Net Price Calculator template available to institutions 8/14/11  Institutions must post Net Price Calculator on their websites

15 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 Mission statement Admissions data Pricing data Completions/top areas of study Enrollment data by status, level, gender, R/E; transfer-in data Residency/migration data Retention rates Graduation rates

16 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 Alternative tuition plans offered Student-to-faculty ratio Student financial aid:  Total grant aid $ award to all undergrads  Total # of all students who received Pell grant Students with disabilities 100%, 150%, 200% graduation rates

17 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 Needed for calculation of institutional net price Needed for multi-year tuition calculator Details to follow

18 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 “to help current and prospective students, families, and other consumers estimate the individual net price of an institution of higher education for a student…”

19 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 Formula will be used for  College Navigator  College Affordability Lists  Net Price Calculator

20 Institution’s cost of attendance for FTFT students Total need- based grant aid awarded to FTFT students Total merit- based grant aid awarded to FTFT students Number of FTFT students receiving such aid Calculation of Net Price

21 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 Cost of attendance  average annual cost of tuition and fees, room and board, books, supplies, and transportation Total amount of need-based and merit- based grant aid  grants from federal, state, and institutional sources

22 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 NCES must post to College Navigator by 7/1/11 6 lists for each of 9 sectors 1.Highest tuition and fees (top 5%) 2.Highest percentage increases in tuition and fees (top 5%) 3.Highest average net prices (top 5%) 4.Highest percentage increases in average net price (top 5%) 5.Lowest tuition and fees (bottom 10%) 6.Lowest average net price (bottom 10%)

23 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 By 8/14/11, institutions must provide net price calculator on their websites Must use institutional data Must provide estimated net price customized to characteristics of individual students NCES is developing a template that institutions may use – will be available 8/14/09 Institutions may use calculator developed by NCES or one developed by institution, as long as it contains, at a minimum, the same data elements

24 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 Will focus on full-time undergraduate students

25 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 8 questions to establish:  Student’s dependency status  Cost of attendance  Approximated expected family contribution (EFC)

26 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 User Inputs for Department Template [Minimum Input Data Elements for Institutionally Developed Calculators] 1. Age (those 24 and older do not receive questions 2 and 3) 2. Marital status 3. Number of children DependentIndependent 4. Number in family 5. Number in college 6. Parent’s income6. Household income 7. Living status (as applicable at the institution; e.g., if campus does not have on-campus living options, it need not be included below): on-campus off-campus with family off-campus not with family 8. Residency status (as applicable at the institution; e.g., if campus does not charge in-district or in-state rates, it need not show this input)  Eligible for in-state tuition  Eligible for in-district tuition  Eligible for out-of-state tuition

27 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 User InputsPurpose 1. Age Used to estimate dependency status for use in EFC approximation* 2. Marital status 3. Number of children DependentIndependent 4. # in family Used for EFC approximation* 5. # in college 6. Parent’s income6. Household income 7. Living status Used to estimate cost of attendance 8. Residency status * Template documentation will include the decision structure for using these questions to determine dependency status and approximated EFC. Institutions that collect only these 8 input variables should use this methodology.

28 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 Calculator Outputs for Department Template [Minimum Output Data Elements for Institutionally Developed Calculators] 1.Estimated total price of attendance: a)Estimated tuition and fees b)Estimated Room and Board c)Estimated Books and Supplies d)Estimated Other Expenses (including personal expenses and transportation) 2. Total estimated grant aid (includes both merit and need based aid)* 3. Estimated net price (price of attendance minus grant aid)* * TRP suggested that estimated grant aid and estimated net price be provided as a range (rounded to thousands), and that NCES provide guidance on the appropriate size of the range.

29 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 Using inputted data, calculator will estimate the student’s dependency status, approximate EFC, and price of attendance It will then “look up” the average net price for a student meeting the same criteria in data tables “Look-up tables” will function in the background of the calculator, and will not be visible to calculator users Net price calculator will not use IPEDS data or data collected by NCES

30 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 Institutions will provide the data to populate the look up tables Each cell will contain the average price of attendance or grant aid for current students in the given row and column Institutions may only have EFC information on current students who filed FAFSA Other students for which EFC data are missing can be omitted or averaged in with the top EFC group (>$20,000)

31 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 Price of Attendance “Look Up” Table Price of attendance In-districtIn-stateOut-of-state On Off with parents Off on ownOn Off with parents Off on ownOn Off with parents Off on own Total ????X* ???? Tuition & required fees ????X1X1 ???? Room & board ????X2X2 ???? Books & supplies ????X3X3 ???? Other (transpor- tation, personal) ????X4X4 ????

32 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 Total Grant Aid “Look Up” Table EFC In-districtIn-stateOut-of-state On Off with parents Off on ownOn Off with parents Off on ownOn Off with parents Off on own $0????????? $1,000- 2,500????????? $2,501- 5,000????????? $5,001- 10,000????????? $10,001- 15,000????????? $15,001- 20,000???? Y ? ??? >$20,000?????????

33 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 Estimated Total Price of Attendance:X Estimated Tuition and feesX 1 Estimated Room and BoardX 2 Estimated Books and SuppliesX 3 Estimated Other Expenses X 4 (personal expenses, transportation, etc.) Estimated Total Grant Aid:Y Estimated Net Price: X — Y

34 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 Institution calculators may show additional detail, such as elements of grant aid, but not required Template will include room for context notes Institutions may want to display notes as well

35 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 Template documentation should provide information about how to deal with missing data, small cells Calculators should include prominent disclaimer that calculated net price is estimate only Calculators should prominently display school year for which net price is calculated

36 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 NCES must post to College Navigator by 8/14/09 Will allow users to calculate estimated tuition and fees for normal duration of a program at an institution Will use price of attendance data from IC Will determine estimated annual % change based on most recent 3 yrs of data Will take into account guaranteed tuition plans

37 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 NCES must post to College Navigator; no date listed, which means upon enactment of the law (8/14/08) For each state: (1) % change in spending per FTE student at all public institutions, for each of the 5 most recent preceding academic years; (2) % change in tuition and fees for such students for all public institutions, for each of the 5 most recent preceding academic years; and (3) % change in the total amount of need-based aid and merit-based aid provided by such State to FT students enrolled in public institutions for each of the 5 most recent preceding academic years

38 SHEEO/NCES 2009National Center for Education Statistics

39 Registration Registration opensAugust 5 UserIDs to KHsAugust 5 Survey materials postedAugust 5 Reminder notices sent to CEO (if KH not registered) August 26

40 Fall Collection Surveys Institutional Characteristics Completions 12-month Enrollment Collection openSeptember 2 Keyholder closeOctober 14 Coordinator closeOctober 28

41 Winter Collection Surveys Human Resources (required) Available: Fall Enrollment Finance Student Financial Aid Graduation Rates Graduation Rates 200 Collection openDecember 2 Keyholder closeJanuary 20 Coordinator closeFebruary 3

42 Winter through Spring Collection Surveys Fall Enrollment Finance Student Financial Aid Graduation Rates Graduation Rates 200 Collection openDecember 2 Keyholder closeApril 14 Coordinator closeApril 28

43 Follow-up schedule Email to KH (collection open) Open Letter to CEO (no registered KH)Close – 4wks Email to KH (no data)Close – 4wks Email to CEO (all data locked)Open + 3 wks Phone to CEO (no registered KH)Close – 3wks Phone to CEO/KH (no data)Close – 2wks Email to KH (no data, not locked)Close – 2wks Email to KH (no data, not locked)Close – 1wk

44 SHEEO/NCES 2009National Center for Education Statistics

45 SHEEO/NCES 2009 Submitted to OMB for approval Federal Register notice posted 2/24/09; first comment period ended 4/27/09 If approved, will be mandatory in 2009-10 Posted on IPEDS website, notice sent to keyholders and coordinators

46 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 Two types  To comply with requirements in the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA)  To simplify reporting and reduce reporting burden for nondegree-granting institutions Developed based on input from the IPEDS TRP and comments received from the community

47 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 Changes to Price of Attendance collection  Tuition and required fees reported separately  4 yrs of data reported instead of 3  For most recent year, report if amounts are guaranteed under a tuition guarantee plan

48 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 For aid years 2008-09, 2007-08, and 2006-07  Number of full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates receiving grant aid from federal, state, and institutional sources  Of those, what are living arrangements:  On-campus  Off-campus with family  Off-campus without family  Total grant aid received

49 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 In 2009-10 IPEDS, for aid year 2008-09  Number of students receiving Title IV grant aid and total grant aid received, by income category  $0 - 30,000  $30,001 - 48,000  $48,001 - 75,000  $75,001 - 110,000  $110,001+ In 2010-11 IPEDS  Aid years 2009-10 & 2008-09 In 2011-12 IPEDS  Aid yrs 2010-11, 2009-10, 2008-09

50 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 In 2009-10 IPEDS, for aid year 2008-09  Total number of full-time, first-time students receiving Title IV grant aid  Of these, what are living arrangements:  On-campus  Off-campus with family  Off-campus without family In 2010-11 IPEDS  Aid yrs 2009-10 & 2008-09 In 2011-12 IPEDS  Aid yrs 2010-11, 2009-10, 2008-09

51 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 Revise collection of student-to-faculty ratio  Collect only the ratio  Provide a worksheet to assist institutions with reporting  We received many comments about how to improve methodology used in 2008-09  Timing of collection and locking sequence of HR, EF presented challenges

52 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 Disability item moves to IC Grad rates items move to GR200, collected in Spring For 2-yr institutions, 100% grad rate:  Will be added to regular GRS starting in 2009-10 (NOT by R/E) – 2006 cohort  Will be collected on GR200 in 2009-10 – 2005 cohort

53 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 Not related to HEOA To simplify reporting and reduce reporting burden for nondegree-granting institutions Eliminate and consolidate items on IC, HR, EF, F

54 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 For academic reporters, eliminate student charges and room & board items from Pt D, leaving only student charges SQs and Price of Attendance Eliminate athletic association items

55 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 Consolidate 4 staff categories into 1:  Primarily instruction  Instruction/research/public service  Primarily research  Primarily public service Combine EAP and Fall Staff into 1 section  In odd years, require reporting of R/E  In even years, R/E optional

56 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 Eliminate 2 columns:  Col 2 – Transfers in  Col 5 – Non-degree/non-certificate seeking

57 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 Eliminate  Pt A – Balance Sheet Information  Pt B – Summary of Changes in Equity  In Pt D – Revenues and Investment Return  Line 7, Sales and services of auxiliary activities  In Pt E – Expenses by Function  Line 4, Auxiliary enterprises

58 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 Eliminate:  SQs on endowment assets, athletic expenses  Pt A – Statement of Financial Position  Pt B – Summary of Changes in Net Assets  In Pt D – Revenues & Investment Return  Line 12, Sales and services of auxiliary activities  Line 13, Hospital revenue  Line 14, Independent operations  In Pt E – Expenses by Functional and Natural Classification  Line 7, Auxiliary enterprises  Line 9, Hospital services  Line 10, Independent operations  Pt H – Value of Endowment Assets

59 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 Eliminate  SQs on reporting models, athletic expenses, endowment assets, component units  Pt A – Statement of Net Assets  In Pt B – Revenues and Other Additions  Line 5, Sales and services of auxiliary enterprises  Line 6, Sales and services of hospitals  Line 7, Independent operations  Line 20, Capital appropriations  Line 21, Capital grants & gifts  Line 22, Additions to permanent endowments

60 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 Eliminate  In Pt C – Expenses and Other Deductions  Line 11, Auxiliary enterprises  Line 12, Hospital services  Line 13, Independent operations  Line 16, Interest  Pt D – Summary of Changes in Net Assets  Pt F – Component Unit That Uses FASB Standards  Pt G – Component Unit That Uses GASB Standards  Pt H – Details of Endowment Assets

61 SHEEO/NCES 2009National Center for Education Statistics

62 SHEEO/NCES 2009 Much activity since Final Guidance on Maintaining, Collecting, and Reporting Racial and Ethnic Data to the U.S. Department of Education was published in Federal Register 10/19/07

63 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 HR, EFC, E12, GRS 2008-09, 2009-10 Optional 2010-11MandatoryOptional 2011-12Mandatory

64 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 AIR fellow, Peggye Cohen, and NCES staff teamed up for face-to-face training at AIR Forum, AIR regional affiliates, AACRAO IPEDS trainers have traveled far and wide Webinars produced and posted on AIR R/E website

65 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 IPEDS Webpage (from IPEDS Resources)  Links, documents, FAQs AIR Webpage  Links, webinars, FAQs, blog  Blog is monitored by 3 members of AIR race/ethnicity committee who answer questions submitted SHEEO Webpage  Links, background, FAQs, discussion board

66 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 NewOldMixed C17%80%3% E1217%80%3% EF22%75%3% HR*25%71%4% GRS**5%85%10% * R/E not required in 2008-09 ** Method assigned on migration, so all cases not accounted for yet

67 SHEEO/NCES 2009National Center for Education Statistics

68 SHEEO/NCES 2009 Added CIP codes for new and emerging programs Added examples to provide additional clarification of CIP titles and definitions Created a user friendly website for CIP Users  Website will include FAQs Created an easy and efficient way to update the CIP NOT a major reorganization  No new 2-digit series  No large-scale moving of codes from one series to another 68

69 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 June 2009 - Updated CIP published on NCES website Fall collection 2010 – Updated CIP available for use when reporting Completions for 2009-10

70 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 Overview of CIP Update and Demo of new CIP Tool  Thurs, 3:40 pm

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74 SHEEO/NCES 2009National Center for Education Statistics

75 SHEEO/NCES 2009 Oversaw development of 4 background papers for 3 TRPs: Net price data collection, net price calculator template, multi-year tuition calculator, and state spending chart Research and Dissertation Grants: “Student Flow” Provided input on new IPEDS-based data products Provided input on new IPEDS data center Two workings groups

76 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 Edit review  Comprehensive review of all data collection interactive and quality control edits Instructions review  Comprehensive review of all survey and on-screen instructions, and survey FAQs Glossary review  Comprehensive review of IPEDS glossary Survey Directors have results and are incorporating suggestions for 2009-10 data collection

77 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 How do NCES’s IPEDS Time Burden Estimates Vary by Type of Institution and How Have They Changed Since 2006? To What Extent do NCES’s Time Burden Estimates Reflect Institutions’ Estimates of the Time Spent to Gather, Prepare, and Report IPEDS Data? What Factors Affect Institutions’ Time Burden? What Steps Could NCES Take to Reduce Time Burden for Institutions That Complete IPEDS Surveys?

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81 SHEEO/NCES 2009

82 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009

83 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 Data Center  Today, 3:30 pm QuickStats (NPSAS)  Thurs, 11:20 am ExPT  Thurs, 1:30 pm CIP Tool  Thurs, 3:40 pm

84 National Center for Education StatisticsSHEEO/NCES 2009 Talk to Sabrina on How to Improve the HR Survey Talk to Andrew about How to Improve the GRS Survey Meet the new IPEDS Survey Directors: Jessica Shedd (Enrollment) and Craig Bowen (Finance) Meet the AIR/NCES Research Fellows (Crissie Grove and Allan Medwick)

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