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Developing young people as effective leaders and agents of change in the primary setting Rhian Lilley – Partnership Development Manager.

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2 Developing young people as effective leaders and agents of change in the primary setting Rhian Lilley – Partnership Development Manager

3 Some of our incredible Young Ambassadors

4 What roles do the pupils in your school(s) currently undertake?

5 Young Ambassadors School Sport Councils Young leaders – KS2 Mini leaders – KS1 Daily Physical Activity leaders Playground Pals Change4Life champions Equipment monitors PE leaders (equipment set up) Gifted and Talented leaders

6 Eddie Erewash!

7 Leaders in Action

8 What impact do they currently have?

9 Who supports these young people within school? If they did have the right support could this improve their impact?

10 Outstanding PE ‘Skillfully designed to meet the needs and interests of all pupils’ ‘supports pupils to develop a keen interest in PE and make informed choices about engaging fully in extra curricular sport’ ‘links with other subjects’ ‘PE makes an excellent contribution to pupils’ spirtual, moral, social and cultural development’

11 “ The ambassador focus on values had such a great impact on behaviour and attitude to learning that we have since embedded them into our school vision and continued to develop the role of the ambassadors so that they are key to making decisions about PE and sport in our school. Mrs S Houseman Head Teacher

12 Rhian Lilley Erewash School Sport Partnership @Erewash_SSP

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