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Results Data Process Data Interventions Perception Data.

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3 Results Data Process Data Interventions Perception Data

4 4

5 Basics Create An Assessment of Need Identify Students Who Need Specific Interventions Apply Interventions to the Students Measure and Report the Effectiveness of the Interventions

6  How do we identify and help the most vulnerable students in our school?  How do we find and provide guidance to students who may benefit from taking Honors and AP Classes? How do we increase enrollment with these classes?  How do we increase referrals to our Student Support Staff like Drug and/or Alcohol Counselor, Homeless Coordinator, Social Worker, Nurse, and etc.?

7 Determine – Questions that a school team is asking? Create – An assessment structure to filter for the group of students. Create SIS ( Student Information System ) Data Mining Reports - To filter the school data to find these students. Identify – Those students who can provide answers to those specific questions.. Build – A process to monitor the effectiveness of the interventions and/or adjustments to their school program.

8 With a partner or your team, take a few minutes and discuss which questions your multi-disciplinary team would like to answer within your school population of students?

9 Determine- We asked ourselves… How could we systematically identify our most vulnerable students and monitor our progress after interventions? What indicators should we use to identify our most at risk students: Earned Credits GPA Grades Attendance Discipline

10 Tier 3 1-5% Tier 2 10-15% Remainder of Student Body

11 Create an assessment driven structure to filter and identify students in Tiers 2 & 3 Set SMART Goals Reduce Tiers 2 & 3 by 10% Incorporated into School Improvement Plan Data Mining Reports Work closely with SIS department for help Make adjustments for indicator parameters as school year goes on.

12 6 Wks12 wksSem. 16 wks.12 wks.Sem. 2 T3- Earned Credits 9 th - 0 10 th - 0-3 11 th - 0-8 12 th - 0-13 13 th 0-15 No Change 9 th - 0-1.5 10 th - 0-7.49 11 th - 0-12.49 12 th - 0-17.49 13 th – 0-17 No Change 9 th - 0-3 10 th - 0-8 11 th - 0-13 12 th - 0-17 13 th – 0-17 T3- Cum. GPA0.0-1.0 T3- Attendance10 or more15 or more20 or more 25 or more 30 or more 35 or more T3- Current Grades 4-6 F’s T3- Discipline 5 days suspended 10 days suspended 15 days suspended No Change T2- Earned Credits 9 th - 0 10 th - 3.5-5 11 th - 8.5-11 12 th - 13.5-15 No Change 9th- 1.51-2.5 10 th - 7.5- 8.99 11 th - 12.5- 13.99 12 th - 17.5- 18.99 No Change 9 th - 3.5-5 10 th - 8.5-11 11 th - 13.5-15 12 th - T2- Cum. GPA1.1-1.9 T2- Attendance5-910-1415-1920-2425-2930-34 T2- Current Grades 1-3 F’s T2- Discipline1-4 days Suspended 5-9 days Suspended 10-14 days Suspended No Change

13 Identify students who fit within set parameters for Tiers 2 & 3 We made our first list! Update list every 6 weeks Build a process to increase interventions and monitor effectiveness Flag Tiers 2 & 3 students in Skyward Introduced list to staff (Confidential) Adopt a student program Weekly survey to staff to measure frequency of interventions Use list at Care Team to keep track of interventions tried and effectiveness. Administer needs assessment to Tiers 2 & 3

14 What is your recipe going to include? Now that you know what your questions are, take a few moments with your partner and come up with what kind of information you will need to gather to answer your questions. Consider the following in your discussion: Indicators used to filter – attendance, grades, GPA, discipline, earned credits, or ??? Ranges (Thresholds) – Cut Off Points Between Groups of Students. Scope – Size of “Net” to Identify These Students

15 * Gain data on topics that may hinder a student’s health and well-being. * Community resources interviewed: * Social Services * Alternative education * Homelessness * Physical and mental health * Drug and alcohol

16 * Consists of 30 questions. Each are coded in order to provide appropriate referrals * Social Services * Safety, medical access and mental health * Alternative education * Enrollment and graduation * Homelessness * Addresses the broad definition of “homeless” * Physical and mental health * Access to personal hygiene, food and sleep * Drug and alcohol * Concern for self, others and assistance



19 Team up one last time to analyze and process the Tier 2 Population Data. Take a look at the charts and discuss the following questions: 1. What hunches and/or hypothesis do you have about this population of students? 2. What are some possible interventions that could be used to help support these students?

20 Research Articles: Stanford Social Innovation Review: “Collective Impact,” By John Kania & Mark Kramer, 2011 The Renton Public Schools: “Getting to High School Graduation: Identifying Early Warning Indicators to Prevent Dropout,” 2006. Building a Graduation Nation: “Progress and Challenge in Ending the High School Dropout Epidemic,” February 2013. Unfulfilled Promise: “The Dimensions and Characteristics of Philadelphia’s Dropout Crisis,” By Ruth Curran Neild and Robert Balfanz, 2000-2005. Dave Forrester Olympia High School (360) 596-7032

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