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Colorado’s APCD: Policy, Reform and Reporting NAHDO Conference October 25, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Colorado’s APCD: Policy, Reform and Reporting NAHDO Conference October 25, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colorado’s APCD: Policy, Reform and Reporting NAHDO Conference October 25, 2012

2 Backbone Organization for Collective Impact Improve the Health Care Payment System –Develop a “Framework” – analyze alternative payment models, set a path and make the case Improve the Health Care Delivery System –Palliative Care, Care Transitions/Readmissions and System Integration initiatives Increase Data Transparency and Accountability –Triple-Aim Metrics and Dashboard –All Payer Claims Database (APCD) Engage Business to change Market Dynamics Key CIVHC Initiatives

3 Colorado APCD Timeline Recommendation of Blue Ribbon (208) Commission for Health Care Reform – 2008 CIVHC becomes an independent non-profit – 2010 CIVHC named APCD Administrator by the Executive Director of HCPF – 2011 Grant funding to establish the APCD – 2011 Contract with Treo Solutions – December 2011 Test data submissions begin – March 2012 Historical data submissions begin – June 2012 Colorado APCD goes “Live” on November 1, 2012 3

4 Initial Public Facing Reports (Tier 1) Interactive or Dynamic Reports –Provide Map and Tabular views of variation in: Total Cost of Care and Utilization Rates Inpatient Utilization by Service Line Provider Access Comparison Clinically-linked Readmissions Static or Snapshot Reports –Total and High-Cost Imaging, Knee MRI, Knee Arthroscopy and Routine/Uncomplicated Delivery –Variation in average paid amounts and utilization rates by blinded payer and facility

5 Priorities based on Stakeholder Outreach Chronic Disease – variation in incidence/prevalence, costs to treat and standards of care Prescription drug utilization and spending Variation in utilization rates and allowed/paid amounts by named Payer and Provider Group Incorporate quality and clinical outcome measures Compare the impacts of alternative payment and delivery system models Provide data to support public health initiatives

6 APCD Enhancements – Coming Soon Risk and Severity Adjusted data will be available beginning in 2013 Public reporting in Fall 2013 will identify provider groups and plans; developing processes for pre- release review Align analytics with additional data sources including disease registries and vital statistics Data Release: Colorado APCD data will be available through a data release process aligned with CIVHC’s Triple-Aim mandate 6

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