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Controlled traffic farming and cropping productivity CTF – providing a future of productivity Dr Don Yule 1

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1 Controlled traffic farming and cropping productivity CTF – providing a future of productivity Dr Don Yule 1

2 CTF is a farming system that includes at least 1.Controlled traffic = permanent wheel tracks and matched implement widths 2.Minimum tillage, preferable none 3.Designed paddock layouts Scene Setting 2

3 Drivers of cropping 1.Cropping is mechanised 2.Crops grow in soils 3.Soils are in landscapes Scene Setting 3

4 Key Performance Indicators Efficiency Effectiveness Continuous improvement Access to new technologies Measure to manage AND Rain use efficiency CTF Responses 4

5 CTF Response 1. Cropping is mechanised Hard tracks for wheels, no compaction for crops 5

6 CTF Response 1. Cropping is mechanised Do wheels impact on crop yield? 6

7 Yield (t/Ha) P0.07 Av LSD (5%)1.16 0 tyre beside row3.6 a 1 tyre beside row 3.0 ab 2 tyre beside row2.4 b Single row Sorghum yields 7

8 FARMER’S CTF RESPONSE 8 Removes the low values, reduces variability

9 2. Crops grow in soils CTF Response Improve physical soil health Increase water use efficiency 9

10 2. Crops grow in soils CTF Response Improve chemical soil health Enormous knowledge base pH management critical Manures may be under-estimated Re-visit for our new really healthy soils 10

11 2. Crops grow in soils CTF Response Use more manures 11 Manure added 3 years ago No manure added

12 2. Crops grow in soils CTF Response Improve biological soil health 12

13 Biological soil health Responses to these realities 13

14 2. Crops grow in soils Improve overall soil health Increase crop frequency, farm like nature Increase Rain Use Efficiency 14 CTF 21t 8t TRAD

15 Farm planning for infrastructure, land use capability, trees and wildlife Paddock layout – CT direction, efficient operations, remove waterlogging and reduce erosion, topography information critical. 3. Soils are in landscapes CTF Responses 15

16 3. Soils are in landscapes CTF Layout using 1m pixel imagery and GPS topo 2004. Waterlogging, loss $56,0002006. After drainage, cost $3,000. 16

17 CTF Response to severe erosion event 1997 TRADITIONAL 100t/ha CTF 10t/ha 17 3. Soils are in landscapes

18 18 CTF Response to wind erosion No till Stubble retention

19 3. Soils are in landscapes CTF Response to waterlogging Raised beds Pre-beds 4.4 kg/ha/mm Post-beds 11.6 kg/ha/mm CTF produced 2.6 times more for the same rainfall 19

20 Controlled traffic farming and cropping productivity CTF has produced massive increases in grain productivity, and also in cane, cotton and vegetables. 20

21 4. CTF and Spatial Technologies the perfect match GNSS (GPS) “Know where you are farming” 2cm accuracy and repeatability Automation, e.g. Auto-steer Labour benefits CORS networks Spatial footprint 21

22 Base station Radio Rover/tractor GNSS antennae A B GNSS Guidance 22

23 CORS Network - GPSnet 23

24 CTF and GNSS define the on-farm spatial footprint 24

25 Remote Sensing 1m pixel – satellites or planes Multi-spectral – includes NIR $0.50/ha Measures crop and machinery performance Ground based sensing Topography Yield monitoring 25 4. CTF and Spatial Technologies the perfect match

26 Measure to Manage Tools produce digital, automated, high resolution data Relevant – measure paddock and farmer performance GIS ready, spatially accurate Forensic analysis – how much impact and what area, relate to other data to identify and manage causes of poor and good growth 4. CTF and Spatial Technologies the perfect match 26

27 Continuous Improvement Use tools to drive On-farm R&D for every grower’s farm and farming system. Easy to implement and measure. Highly relevant, applicable and adoptable. 4. CTF and Spatial Technologies the perfect match 27

28 Does CTF Provide a Future of PRODUCTIVITY? CTF and System Benefits Bowman (2008) studied 16 farmers and change on 4,250 ha, Darling Downs Soil erosion less by 195,000 tonnes/year (-90%) Diesel use from 338,000 to 130,000 L/yr (-60%) Nitrogen leaving farms from 119 to 9 t (-90%) Carbon dioxide loss from 1,199 to 373 t (-70%) Labour from 4,590 to 1,744 hours (-60%) Annual income $1,652,500 to $2,386,230 (+44%) Gross Margin $547,279 to $918,366 (+68%) 28

29 CTF – Providing a Future of PRODUCTIVITY CTF and CORS NETWORK Benefits The Allen Consulting Group (2008) calculated benefits due to precision GNSS (from CORS Networks) and CTF and inter- row sowing practices were $152 – 208 million in 2008, and estimated to be $1005 – 1357 million per year in 2030. CRC for Spatial Information 29

30 Controlled traffic farming and cropping productivity The conclusion of the 2005 National CTF Conference was “JUST DO IT” and I hope I have explained why. But ABS (2009) reported 88% of cropping farmers were doing no CTF. Why are so few “doing it”? 30

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