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Published byGerald McKinney Modified over 9 years ago
Atmospheric variability modes and trends in the UTLS from the RO record A. K. Steiner 1, B. Scherllin-Pirscher 1, F. Ladstädter 1, R. Biondi 1, L. Brunner 1, G. Kirchengast 1,2, and the ARSCliSys group 1 Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change (WEGC) and 2 IGAM/Inst. of Physics, University of Graz, Austria SPARC Temperature Trends Workshop, Victoria, BC, Canada, April 9-10, 2015
1 Courtesy: T. Rieckh Global Positioning System (GPS) radio signals at 2 frequencies 1575.42 MHz (~19 cm) 1227.60 MHz (~24 cm) Receiver on LEO satellite Occultation geometry Atmospheric refraction of signals Measurements of phase path based on precise atomic clocks Retrieval of key atmospheric/ climate parameters e.g., refractivity N, pressure p, geopotential height Z, temperature T, humidity q GPS–LEO satellite constellations GPS Radio Occultation
GPS RO Data Availability and Products 2 Bending angle Refractivity Pressure Geopotential height Temperature Humidity Tropopause parameters Geostrophic/gradient wind Number of Observations over Time (Fig. courtesy: R. Biondi/WEGC) (Fig. courtesy: U. Foelsche/WEGC)
Summary of RO Data Characteristics Global coverage All weather capability Best data quality in upper troposphere–lower stratosphere (UTLS) Vertical resolution ~0.3 km to ~1.5 km in the UTLS Horizontal resolution about 100 km to 300 km in the UTLS, synoptic scales, climate Long-term stability measurements based on accurate&precise clocks (SI-traceable to time) No need of inter-satellite calibration Error characterization of profiles and climatological fields Structural uncertainty estimates
4 RO Data Consistency Consistency of different satellites One processing center WEGC meeting GCOS climate monitoring targets in UTLS long-term stable within ~0.1 K/decade (not for horizontal target resolution <100km, and not yet globally ) Temperature different processing centers Structural uncertainty CHAMP [Ho et al. JGR 2009, 2012; Foelsche et al. TAO 2009, AMT 2011; Steiner et al. RS 2009, ACP 2013]
5 Cal/Val – Comparison with other Observations (1) Envisat MIPAS and GOMOS (here global 10/20km–30km) ESA project MMValRO Multi-Mission Validation against RO RO is a valuable reference record over Envisat period 2002–2012 MIPASv6.0 was ‘test-reprocessing’; the slight bias from Q4/2006 is from stronger bias < 17 km; official re-processing on-going to ~May 2015 MIPAS – v6.0 GOMOS – v6.01 [Schwaerz et al. OPAC-IROWG 2013; TR ESA-ESRIN 2013] http://
6 Cal/Val – Comparison with other Observations (2) Radiosonde Data Vaisala 90/92 vs RO [Ladstädter et al. AMT 2015]
RAOBs V90/92 and GRUAN vs RO for day and night Annual-mean temp differences (global, 10hPa–30hPa, day/night) [Ladstädter et al. AMT 2015] 7 Cal/Val – Comparison with other Observations (3)
8 Atmospheric Variability – Volcanoes (1) Thermal structure before and after volcanic eruptions Detection of volcanic cloud top height: Nabro volcano eruption before (1-11 June 2011) after (12-14 June 2011) [Biondi et al., A novel technique including GPS RO for detecting and monitoring volcanic clouds, GRL 2015, in revision]
9 Atmospheric Variability – Volcanoes (2) [Biondi et al., A novel technique including GPS RO for detecting and monitoring volcanic clouds, GRL 2015, in revision] Thermal structure after volcanic eruptions Temporal evolution of volcanic cloud top & thermal structure from RO Nabro, Eritrea (13.37°N, 41.70°E), 12 Jun 2011, mainly SO 2 cloud) Puyehue Chile (40.35°S, 72.07°W), 5 Jun 2011, mainly ash cloudand Ejafjöll Iceland (63.63°N, 19.60°W), March and April 2010, ash and SO 2 cloud ○ Caliop data
Monitoring Climate Variability with RO RO Temperature anomalies 05/2001-12/2013 in UTLS (SE subtracted) QBO signal above the tropical tropopause ENSO signal below the tropical tropopause 10
Principal Component Analysis – QBO Principal component analysis in LS (20km-30km): PC1, PC2 → QBO 11
Regression Results (1) Regression Results Tropical LS: altitude levels 25 km and 20 km 12
Regression Results (2) Regression Results Tropical UT: altitude levels 15 km and 10 km 13
QBO and ENSO Variability 14 QBO & ENSO Residual Variance Deseasonalized Temp. Anomalies Kelvin Waves [Scherllin-Pirscher et al. EGU 2015]
RO Temperature Trends in Tropical UTLS 15 Trend in Tropics Variance Trend not significant, residual variance large near TP, above 28 km
Ozone and Temperature Evolution 16 Ozone observations – vertically resolved: HARMOZ: Harmonized dataset of ozone profile occultation and limb sounders: GOMOS, MIPAS, OSIRIS, ACE-FTS [Sofieva et al. ESSD 2013] GOZCARDS: Global ozone and related trace gas records for the stratosphere Merged SAGE, HALOE, MLS, ACE-FTS [Froidevaux et al. AMT 2013] SBUV: Solar Backscatter UltraViolet instruments (nadir) [Bhartia et al. AMT 2013] ERA-Interim: ECMWF reanalysis-Interim Temperature data: RO and ERA-Interim [L. Brunner, MSc Thesis, WEGC Rep. 2014] HARMOZ ozone anomalies GOSZCARDS ozone anomalies
Ozone and Temperature Regression Results 17 Multiple Standard Linear Regression: QBO winds, ENSO SST indices [L. Brunner, MSc Thesis, WEGC Rep. 2014] HARMOZ QBO coeff. SBUV QBO coeff. RO QBO coeff. RO ENSO coeff.
Ozone and Temperature Trends 2002–2012 18 GOZCARDS Ozone SBUV Ozone ERA-Interim Ozone Agreement RO and ERA-Int, temperature trends not significant, large nat. variability O 3 increase in mid- and upper stratosphere at mid- and high latitudes O 3 decline in tropics near 30 km to 35 km, consistent with literature Anti-correlation of O 3 and temperature above ~30 km, points to indirect effects/feedbacks RO Temperature ERA-Interim Temperature HARMOZ Ozone [L. Brunner, MSc Thesis, WEGC Rep. 2014]
Conclusions GPS RO – a unique resource: high accuracy and vertical resolution, consistency, long-term stability reference standard in the troposphere/stratosphere - for validating and calibrating data from other observing systems - as absolute reference within assimilation system - for climate model evaluation for monitoring climate variability and climate change meeting GCOS climate monitoring targets in the UTLS GPS RO long-term stable within ~0.1 K/decade (not for horizontal target resolution <100 km, and not yet globally) 19
20 Outlook Reference records with integrated uncertainty estimation (SI-traceable) Structural uncertainty assessment (RO Trends Working Group) Improving the maturity of RO climate records (SCOPE-CM* project RO-CLIM) Contribution to the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS) Scientific applications in support of WCRP grand challenges Essential: continuous global observations “Ensure the continuity of the constellation of GNSS RO satellites.” (Action A21 [A20 IP-04], GCOS-138, 2010) *SCOPE-CM (Sustained and coordinated processing of Environmental Satellite data for Climate Monitoring) [GCOS-154, 2011]
22 Activities – AMT Special Issue – Results OPAC 2013
22 Activities – IROWG-4 Workshop Upcoming The IROWG was established as a permanent Working Group of the Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites (CGMS) at the 37th meeting in October 2009 (Jeju Island, South Korea). The IROWG is co-sponsored by CGMS and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). The IROWG serves as a forum for operational and research users of radio occultation data. UPCOMING next week: IROWG-4 Workshop April 16–22, 2015 Melbourne, Australia
23 Announcement OPAC-IROWG 2016 Workshop ( Joint OPAC-6 & IROWG-5 8–14 September 2016 2016 6
THANK YOU ! Thanks for funds to Note: WEGC publications available at
RAOBs V90/92 and GRUAN vs RO CHAMP, GRACE, COSMIC Annual-mean temp differences (global, altitude range 100hPa–30hPa) [Ladstädter et al. AMT 2015] 25 Cal/Val – Comparison with other Observations (3)
[Biondi et al. 2010, 2011, 2014] Thermal structure of strong convective systems – Cyclones Detection of cloud top height using RO bending angle and temperature Atmospheric Variability – Convective Clouds West Pacific Ocean South Pacific Ocean 26
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