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CHEMISTRY: ATOMS, ELEMENTS, AND COMPOUNDS Definition of Matter Physical & Chemical Properties.

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Presentation on theme: "CHEMISTRY: ATOMS, ELEMENTS, AND COMPOUNDS Definition of Matter Physical & Chemical Properties."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHEMISTRY: ATOMS, ELEMENTS, AND COMPOUNDS Definition of Matter Physical & Chemical Properties

2 Matter Matter has mass and occupies volume Mass is the amount of matter  Measured in g, kg, etc… Volume is the amount of space matter occupies  Measured in L, m 3, etc…

3 Physical Properties Any characteristic of a substance that can be observed without changing its identity Colour, density, taste, shape, mass, volume Qualitative (quality, letters)  Characteristics detected using the senses; cannot be measured  Colour, taste, smell, size Quantitative (quantity, number)  Characteristics which you measure using a tool  Mass = 15.0 g; Volume = 3.0 mL; Density = 5.0 g/mL

4 State of Matter : a physical property Physical state:

5 Physical Properties Physical Properties (Qualitative) PropertyDescription ColourBlack, white, red, reddish-brown TextureFeel of a substance (Fine, coarse, smooth, gritty, waxy, fluffy) OdourOdourless, spicy, sharp, burnt, nauseating LustreAbility to reflect light; Shiny (chrome), dull (flat paint) Clarity Transmission of light Transparent (Clear), translucent (cloudy), opaque (no light through) TasteSweet (sugar), salty (salt), bitter (coffee), sour (vinegar) StateSolid, liquid, gas BrittlenessAbility of an object to break/shatter (glass, china, chalk) DuctilityAbility to be stretched out in a wire (copper) FlexibilityAbility to bend without breaking (rubber, plastics, some metals) Form Crystalline (regular shape, cube-shaped grain of salt); Amorphous (Irregular form, starch) Malleability Ability of a substance to be hammered into a sheet

6 Physical Properties PROPERTYDESCRIPTION DensityMass:volume ratio (g/cm 3 ) Hardness Resistance to being scratched(1-10); Powder(1), glass (5),diamond (10) Melting PointTemperature at which a solid melts Boiling PointTemperature at which a liquid begins to boil SolubilityAbility of a substance to dissolve in a solvent (water) ViscosityMeasure of how easily a liquid flows (thick = more viscous) Electrical ConductivityAbility of a substance to conduct electricity Heat ConductivityAbility of a substance to conduct heat Physical Properties (Quantitative )

7 Chemical Properties describe how a substance reacts with other substances to produce new substances  eg. combustibility or flammability  eg. a substance may be corrosive or it may react violently with an acid

8 Homework Read pg. 16 - 19  Answer # 1 – 3, 5 on pg. 19

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