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Проблемы создания систем фундаментального и прикладного координатно-временного обеспечения (КВО) страны (на примере Украины) Проблемы создания систем фундаментального.

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Presentation on theme: "Проблемы создания систем фундаментального и прикладного координатно-временного обеспечения (КВО) страны (на примере Украины) Проблемы создания систем фундаментального."— Presentation transcript:

1 Проблемы создания систем фундаментального и прикладного координатно-временного обеспечения (КВО) страны (на примере Украины) Проблемы создания систем фундаментального и прикладного координатно-временного обеспечения (КВО) страны (на примере Украины) Я.С. Яцкив ГАО НАН Украины, г. Киев, Украина

2 Задачи системы КВО: участие в международной кооперации по созданию, поддержанию и аттестации двух основных систем координат (ICRS и ITRS) и их реализаций (ICRF и ITRF); определение в заданный момент времени параметров преобразования одной основной системы координат в другую, т.е. определение параметров вращения земли (ПВЗ); расширение и распространение реализаций основных систем координат на различные частотные диапазоны излучений, различные области пространства и т.п.; воспроизводство единиц времени, формирование и сохранение национальных шкал времени (АТ(к) и UТС(к)), участие в формировании международной атомной шкалы времени (TAI); разработка методов и средств практического использования КВО – информации для широкого круга потребителей.

3 Эволюция официальных реализаций НСК НазваниеОпорные объекты (оо) Количество общее/основные Средняя Эпоха Статус FK5звёзды4652/15351945ФСК по 1997г. ICRFвнегалакт. объекты 608/212-ICRF по 2010г. HCRFзвёзды1000001991НСК оптика ICRF2внегалакт. объекты 3119/295-ICRF2 с 2010г.

4 Оптические реализации НСК НазваниеЧисло объектов в млн. Диапазон склонений и звёздных величин Точность положения (в mas) c.д. (в mas/yr) Tycho-22.5 -90 ̊ <δ<+90 ̊ B<13.5; V+ 602.5 UCAC-3100.8 -90 ̊ <δ< +90 ̊ R<16 15-1001-10 PPMXL910 -90 ̊ <δ<+90 ̊ V<20; R+; I+ 80-3007-15(N) 15-30(S) SPM-4103.3 -90 ̊ <δ<+90 ̊ V<17.5 30-1502-10 USNO-B1.01042.6 -90 ̊ <δ<+90 ̊ B<22; R+; I+ 200unknown XPM300 -90 ̊ <δ<+90 ̊ 10<B<22 1005(N) 10(S)

5 Content 1. Introduction 2. Current state of space geodesy networks in Ukraine 2.1. SLR network 2.1. SLR network 2.2. GNSS network 2.2. GNSS network 2.3. VLBI station 2.3. VLBI station 3. Space geodesy data analysis centers in Ukraine 4. New challenges for international space geodesy services and perspective of Ukraine in this field of science 5. Conclusion

6 Three pillars of Geodesy ShapeShape Gravity fieldGravity field RotationRotation Earth’s time-variable data on The shape of planet Earth Introduction

7 Space geodetic techniques (VLBI, SLR, GNSS, SATGRAV etc.) are capable of measuring and monitoring the changes of the Earth’s shape, gravity field and rotation with high accuracy and spatial-temporal resolution.

8 SLR network of Ukraine KATSIVELI

9 SLR network of Ukraine NameDomesStarted in Remarks on discontinuation Kiev 1824 12356S0011996 Katsiveli 1893 12337S0061984 Simeiz 1873 12337S0031998 Lviv 1831 12368S0011998

10 SLR network statistics Katsively

11 SLR network statistics Katsively

12 SLR network statistics Katsively


14 Ukrainian Permanent GNSS Network (2012)

15 VLBI station of Ukraine

16 Name of station: Simeiz (Crimea) VLВI station IERS DOME NUMBER : 123375008 EQUIPMENT: Radiotelescope RT-22 Mark-5A and Mark-5B+ Mark-5A and Mark-5B+ recording systems recording systems H-maser for time and frequency H-maser for time and frequency. The radiotelescope RT-22 has a steering parabolic mirror with diameter 22 m and focal length 9525 mm. The surface has a root mean square accuracy 0.25 mm and effective area 210 m 2 which does not depend on elevation angle at frequencies 2.3 and 8.4 GHz. The antenna has an azimuth- elevation mounting with axis offset -1.8±0.2 mm. Working range in azimuth is [-210, 210 º ] (zero is to the south) and in elevation [-1 °, 85 º ]. Maximum slewing rate is 1 º.5/sec. The control system of the telescope provides accuracy of pointing at the level of 10”.

17 Simeiz VLBI station activity Year Number of sessions 2008 8 2009 19 2010 16 2011 17 2012 16

18 SLR data analysis center Own software: KyivGeodynamics++ (now works in testing mode) Component oriented architecture Lightweight component replacement Easy methodology of model replacement Multi-satellite Platform independent (Windows, Linux, Mac) User friendly GUI interface Good documented Ready for distributed environment (CUDA) Ready for DORIS processing

19 KyivGeodynamics++

20 GNSS Data Analysis Centre The GNSS observation data acquired at the Ukrainian stations and EPN stations are regularly processed at the Main Astronomical Observatory with the Bernese GPS Software package. The processing data from the GNSS satellite observations recorded at the network stations allows a wide range of scientific and applied problems to be solved: investigation of the troposphere and ionosphere parameters, high-precision geodesy, cadastre works, time transmission and synchronization, real-time navigation, monitoring of local Earth surface deformations, etc.

21 Network processed in MAO Local Analyses Centre

22 Data analysis of VLВI observation Operational activity 1) Download a file with new VLBI observations; 2) Update a priori data (positions of new stations, sources, EOP on new epochs); 3) Perform preliminary analysis of the new observations: - determine clock breaks (if exists); - check for ambiguity resolving, correct it if necessary; - mark out outliers and bad observations; - check integrity of the obtained solution. 4) Make data analysis of the new VLBI session. At this stage the following parameters are estimated: - Earth Rotation Parameters (EOP): pole motion, changes in the Earth rotation velosity and nutation angles; - Tropospheric parameters: wet zenith delay and its gradients.

23 Example of operational data analysis for 2011

24 Positions of 320 radio sources

25 MAO catalog of RS

26 Coordinates and velocities of VLBI stations

27 d(UT1-UTC)

28 Polar motion, X (mas)

29 Polar motion, Y (mas)

30 NEW CHALLENGES FOR INTERNATIONAL SPACE GEODESY SERVICES Improving the precision of space geodesy observations Identifying the systematic errors affecting space geodetic data for excluding inter- technique discrepancies in ITRF and ERP realization

31 For consistent observations and determinations of the Earth's time-variable shape, rotation and gravity it is necessary to under take the following actions Modernizing and integrating the existing ground- and space-based geodetic infrastructure Homogenizing the processing of geodetic data Eliminating the inter-technique discrepancies for ITRF and ERP realizations

32 Careful combination of SLR, VLBI, GNSS and DORIS data, a long with precise local survey ties, could result in eliminating the large inter-technique discrepancies Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) provides the means for integrating ground– and space–based geodetic observations. The GGOS's data will improve our understanding of the Earth's planet The IERS Conventions provides the mean for homogenizing the processing of geodetic data

33 IS UKRAINE ABLE TO MEET NEW CHALLENGES FOR INTERNATIONAL SPACE GEODESY SERVICES? It is a very complicated questions for us At present we plan to upgrade the infrastructure of the “Simeiz-Katsiveli” geodynamics area (Black Sea area to west of Yalta city)

34 Conclusions Next generation systems of the Earth rotation measurements currently being developed and implemented promise to deliver the EPR with very high accuracy Question : “Is any ability for Ukraine to take part in this next generation system development and is implementation ?” Answer : Yes and No “Yes” in case of development of some observing systems (for example SLR) and implementation of these systems on Special geodynamical test area. “No” when we consider new generation of VLBI, satellite gravimetry etc

35 Спасибо за внимание

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